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Laura Guidetti
Medical Doctor; Medical Specialization in AeroSpace Medicine, Medical Specialization in Sport Medicine; Master in Sport Sciences, PhD in Movement Sciences.
Associate Professor of “Methods and Didactics of Sport Activities” (2004 - ) at Department of Movement, Human, and Health Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico” Rome.
Teaching at under graduate, graduate and PhD level.
Coordinator of the Doctoral Course in “Physical Activity and Health”.
Invited teacher by different Universities in Portugal (Vila Real, Porto, Rio Maior) and Brazil (Montes Claros, Parana-Curitiba, Lavras).
Research areas: metabolic responses to exercise, effects of supplementations and drugs on sport and exercise.
Author of more than eighty original articles on international journals; reviewer of more than ten international journals on medicine and sport research.
Editorial Board Member of PeerJ, Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal Biology of Exercise, Theories & Application, the International Edition (TAIE), BioMed Research International.
Fellow member of the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM).