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Renu Pandey
Dr. Renu Pandey is Principal Scientist at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. The focus of her team is on mineral nutrition of crop plants, exploring the physiological and molecular mechanisms, and identifying superior ‘donors’ and ‘traits’ for nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency in crops such as rice, wheat, maize, soybean, mungbean, and sesame. The functional characterization of uncharacterized genes identified from leaf proteome which were differentially expressed during foliar absorption of iron, and from root proteome in response to phosphorus starvation in soybean is underway. The interaction between nutrients and other abiotic stresses like drought, high temperature, and CO2 are also under investigation. In the area of genomics of plant nutrition, Dr. Pandey's team are conducting genome-wide and candidate gene association studies for phosphorus and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat and rice. Her lab is fully equipped to carry out physiological, biochemical, and molecular studies with the facility for field phenotyping using handheld instruments, and hydroponics system.