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Section Highlights View all Plant Biology articles

Ecological engineering in low land rice for brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) management
"Very nice study demonstrating the effectiveness of ecological engineering on pest management."
Julin Maloof, Section Editor
Effect of ethyl methanesulfonate mediated mutation for enhancing morpho-physio-biochemical and yield contributing traits of fragrant rice
"The study of typical mutagenic agents in plants is needed to comprehend the mechanism for generating plants with desired mutations in an ever warming planet, since regulations still prohibit the use of genome engineering technologies."
Bernardo Franco, Handling Editor
Identification of Dioscorea opposite Thunb. CDPK gene family reveals that DoCDPK20 is related to heat resistance
"This study provides valuable insights into the role of CDPK genes in yam's response to temperature stress, and it highlights their potential use in genetic engineering and molecular breeding. Further research is needed to confirm the findings and explore the potential of these CDPK genes in other stress conditions affecting yam growth and yield."
Ravinder Kumar, Handling Editor
Mycorrhizal inoculation enhanced tillering in field grown wheat, nutritional enrichment and soil properties
"The study provides valuable insights into the use of organic alternatives to commercial fertilizers for enhancing crop yield and improving soil fertility and highlights the need for further research in this area to promote sustainable agricultural practices."
Ravinder Kumar, Handling Editor
Maintenance of xylem hydraulic function during winter in the woody bamboo Phyllostachys propinqua McClure
"Hydraulic studies of monocotyledons are rare, especially regarding winter embolism. This study of the mechanisms underlying the woody bamboo <i>Phyllostachys propinqua</i> McClure maintenance of hydraulic function during winter is thus offering insight into this neglected research field."
Yann Salmon, Handling Editor
Cross species/genera transferability of simple sequence repeat markers, genetic diversity and population structure analysis in gladiolus (Gladiolus × grandiflorus L.) genotypes
"The findings are expected to enhance the use of molecular and genomic resources in gladiolus improvement."
Anshuman Singh, Handling Editor
Temporal variation of the relationships between rice yield and climate variables since 1925
"The work investigates the critical climatic parameters for rice production, using data from 1925-2019. The findings support in adopting cultivation conditions, and for crop breeding."
Robert Winkler, Section Editor
Genetic structure of Trifolium pratense populations in a cityscape
"Novel information on the genetic structure of Trifolium pratense populations in a cityscape. Will contribute to our knowledge in genetic changes associated with this organism in a different environment."
Efe Sezgin, Handling Editor
Identification and characterization of novel sesquiterpene synthases TPS9 and TPS12 from Aquilaria sinensis
"The authors studied the function of terpene synthases from agarwood with the help of a heterologous expression system (E coli bacteria)."
Robert Winkler, Handling Editor
Seed bio-priming with beneficial Trichoderma harzianum alleviates cold stress in maize
"Seed bio-priming with beneficial microbes offers a promising strategy for enhancing plant resilience to abiotic stresses. This article provides insights into the Trochoderma-assisted improvement of cold stress tolerance in maize cultivars. This research will help to develop microbes-based seed priming techniques in different crops."
Ganesh Nikalje, Handling Editor

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