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Competing Interests

The author has no competing interests.

Author Contributions

Jack A Heinemann conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the paper, approved the final draft.

Patent Disclosures

The following patent dependencies were disclosed by the authors:

Crawford, M.J., Li, X., Kapoor, M., and Williams, D.J. 2014. Methods and compositions for plant pest control. US 2014/0215656A1,

Deikman, J., Schwartz, S.H., Zheng, W., Gabriels, S.H.E.J., Hresko, M.C., Li, X., Tao, N., Williams, D.J., and Xiong, H. 2017. Methods and compositions for delaying senescence and improving disease tolerance and yield in plants. US 9,840,715 Bl,

Fillatti, J., Froman, B., Garvey, G.S., and Hemmes, J.C. 2012. Method for improving shelf life by regulating expression of polyphenol oxidase. WO2014047623A1,

Huang, S., Iandolino, A.B., and Peel, G.J. 2018. Methods and compositions for introducing nucleic acids into plants. US 2018/0163219 Al,

Lam, E. 2012. Edible transgenic plants as oral delivery vehicles for RNA-based therapeutics. WO 2012135820 A2,

Van, B.E., Kubler, L., Raemaekers, R., Bogaert, T., and Plaetinck, G. 2011. Methods for controlling pests using RNAi. EP2347759A2,

Data Deposition

The following information was supplied regarding data availability:

There is no raw data. It is a literature review.


The author received no funding for this work.

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