A new ancient lineage of frog endemic to the Western Ghats of Peninsular India
Researchers describe a new species, Astrobatrachus kurichiyana sp. nov. The discovery of this species adds to the list of deeply divergent and monotypic or depauperate lineages with narrow geographic ranges in the southern massifs of the Western Ghats
Markus H. Antwerpen, Enrico Georgi, Alexandra Nikolic, Gudrun Zoeller, Peter Wohlsein, Wolfgang Baumgärtner, Christophe Peyrefitte, Remi Charrel, Hermann Meyer
A new ancient lineage of frog endemic to the Western Ghats of Peninsular India
Researchers describe a new species, Astrobatrachus kurichiyana sp. nov. The discovery of this species adds to the list of deeply divergent and monotypic or depauperate lineages with narrow geographic ranges in the southern massifs of the Western Ghats
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