A split-and-transfer flow based entropic centrality

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We thank the authors of Dastkhan & Gharneh (2016) for sharing their data with us.

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The Notion of Split-and-transfer Entropic Centrality

The transfer entropic centrality

The split-and-transfer entropic centrality

Example 1

Consider the running example, with u = v1. The set of neighbors of u is Nu={u,v2,v3,v4}. We assign the following probabilities: q({u}) = q1, q({v2}) = q2, q({v3}) = q3, q({v4}) = q4, q({uv2}) = q5, q({uv3}) = q6, q({uv4}) = q7, q({v2v3}) = q8, q({v2v4}) = q9, q({v3v4}) = q10, q({uv2v3}) = q11, q({uv2v4}) = q12, q({uv3v4}) = q13, q({v2v3v4}) = q14, q({uv2v3v4}) = q15, with 15i=1qi=1. We write down explicitly the terms involved in the sum (2) for two nodes, v2 and v3: fu,v2=q2fu+q5ω{u,v2}(u,v2)+q8ω{v2,v3}(u,v2)+q9ω{v2,v4}(u,v2)+q11ω{u,v2,v3}(u,v2) +q12ω{u,v2,v4}(u,v2)+q14ω{v2,v3,v4}(u,v2)+q15ω{u,v2,v3,v4}(u,v2). fu,v3=q3fu+q6ω{u,v3}(u,v3)+q8ω{v2,v3}(u,v3)+q10ω{v3,v4}(u,v3) +q11ω{u,v2,v3}(u,v3)+q13ω{u,v3,v4}(u,v3)+q14ω{v2,v3,v4}(u,v3)+q15ω{u,v2,v3,v4}(u,v3).

Then fu,u+fu,v2+fu,v3+fu,v4=fu15i=1qi=fu. By setting q8=13 and ω{v2,v3}(u,v2)=fu23, we find fu,v2=fu29. Also, adding up q10=23 and ω{v2,v3}(u,v3)=fu13, ω{v3,v4}(u,v3)=fu14, we find fu,v3=fu19+fu16=fu518. Similarly fu,v4=fu12 and indeed fu29+fu518+fu12=fu.

We repeat the computations for fv3,v5 and fv4,v5. For that, we need to know what is fv3 and fv4, but in this case, since both v3 and v4 only have one incoming edge, we have that fv3 = fv1,v3 and fv4 = fv1,v4: fv3,v5=12fv3=fu12518,fv4,v5=12fv4=fu1212,fv5=fv3,v5+fv4,v5=fu718.

It is true that by setting fu = 1, we have fu,v2=29=pu,v2 as computed in Fig. 3, but this is true because pv2,v2 = 1. If we consider v3 instead, we find fu,v3=518=2pu,v3, this is because we have computed what reaches v3, but since v3 has an outgoing edge, we need to distinguish what stays from what continues. Notice that by setting fu = 1 and fv3 = fv4 = 1, we get fu,v2=29,fu,v3=518,fu,v4=12,fv3,v5=12,fv4,v5=12. We then assign to edge (vivj) the probability fvi,vj (with fu = 1) as reported on Fig. 3A.

Proposition 1

The split-and-transfer entropic centrality CH,p(u) of a vertex u is given by CH,p(u)=vVquvlog2(quv) where quv=xEu,vq(x)ωx(u,v) is computed from(2) with fu = 1 and the usual convention that 0⋅log20 = 0 is assumed. The index p in CH,p emphasizes the dependency on the choice of the probability distribution p. Then we have CH,unif when p is uniform as a particular case.

Definition 1

The scaled split-and-transfer entropic centrality is accordingly given by F(fu)CH,p(u) where F is a scaling function.

Example 2

Continuing with the same example, we use the edge probabilities as obtained in Example 1 to compute the transfer entropic centrality from Definition 1. The scaled entropic centralities of u = v1 and v3 are simply fuCH,p(v1) ≈ fu1.9076 and fv3CH,p(v3)=fv3(12log2(2)+12log2(2))=fv3. Without the scaling factor, CH,p is a measure of spread, and it makes sense that CH,p(v1) > CH,p(v3). However if v1 is actually distributing some items in overall small amounts, while v3 is not only getting this item from v1 but also producing it and furthermore sending it only to v5 but in large amounts, then the scaling factor could be used to refine the analysis and account for this extra information. From the moment fv3 ≥ 1.9076fv1, v3 will be deemed more important than v1 as per the scaled entropic centrality measure.

Case Studies

Shareholding in Tehran Stock Market

A bitcoin subgraph


Supplemental Information

Code and accompanying data set

Source codes for split and transfer flow based entropic centrality. SplitTransferEntropy.py : the code for the generalized entropic centrality computation. WeightedGraph.py: the code for reading raw graph and produce derived network. 4knodesubsetcomplete.csv: raw data for (subset) Bitcoin network. 616101439_T_T100_MARKET_ALL_CARRIER.csv: raw data for shareholding network. L_AIRPORT_ID.csv: raw data for Maine airport network.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.220/supp-1

Additional Information and Declarations

Competing Interests

Anwitaman Datta is an Academic Editor for PeerJ.

Author Contributions

Frédérique Oggier conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, prepared figures and/or tables, performed the computation work, authored or reviewed drafts of the paper, approved the final draft.

Silivanxay Phetsouvanh performed the experiments, prepared figures and/or tables, performed the computation work, approved the final draft.

Anwitaman Datta conceived and designed the experiments, analyzed the data, prepared figures and/or tables, performed the computation work, authored or reviewed drafts of the paper, approved the final draft.

Data Availability

The following information was supplied regarding data availability:

The Tehran stock exchange dataset came from Dastkhan H, Gharneh NS. 2016. Determination of systematically important companies with cross-shareholding network analysis: a case study from an emerging market. International Journal of Financial Studies 4(3):13 DOI 10.3390/ijfs4030013 and the authors can be contacted at nshams@aut.ac.ir for the dataset.

The Bitcoin dataset from the Bitcoin transactions log is available at Oggier, Frederique Elise; Phetsouvanh, Silivanxay; Datta, Anwitaman, 2018, “A 4571 node directed weighted Bitcoin address subgraph”, 10.21979/N9/IEPBXV, DR-NTU (Data), V1.

The Maine airport network dataset is available at Oggier, Frederique Elise; Phetsouvanh, Silivanxay; Datta, Anwitaman, 2018, “Maine airport network in January 2018”, Available at 10.21979/N9/WM0K5W, DR-NTU (Data), V1.


The work of Phetsouvanh Silivanxay was supported by a NTU Singapore scholarship for doing his PhD. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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