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Daniel C Moreira
My research interests lie in the area of redox processes in biology and medicine. My main line of work investigates the role and underlying mechanisms of redox metabolism (i.e., reactive species and endogenous antioxidants) in animals during the depression of metabolic rate induced by environmental stresses, including projects that examine the modulation of antioxidant systems in animals exposed to oxygen deprivation and during other situations of metabolic depression. More recently and concurrently, I am also involved in the prospection of bioactive natural compounds (e.g., peptides from amphibians, plant extracts and phytochemicals) for health applications, with emphasis on antioxidant molecules.
Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish Science Biochemistry Biological Oceanography Biotechnology Cell Biology Climate Change Biology Ecotoxicology Freshwater Biology Marine Biology Molecular Biology Natural Products Toxicology Zoology