Pleistocene phylogeography and cryptic diversity of a tiger beetle, Calomera littoralis, in North-Eastern Mediterranean and Pontic regions inferred from mitochondrial COI gene sequences

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Note that a Preprint of this article also exists, first published April 30, 2016.


The Eastern Mediterranean, including the Pontic area, is recognised as one of the major biodiversity and endemism hot spots on a global scale, as well as a major glacial refugium in Europe (e.g., Myers et al., 2000; Kotlík, Bogutskaya & Ekmekçi, 2004; Blondel et al., 2010). Among others, it is a consequence of complex geological history of the region that was an archipelago and united with rest of the European continent only in Neogene (Pfiffner, 2014). On the other hand, a shallow epicontinental sea, Paratethys, occupied vast areas of the continent and regressed gradually leaving relics, such as Black, Azov and Caspian Sea (Nahavandi et al., 2013). Local isostatic and eustatic changes of sea level were among superior phenomena shaping local landscapes. For example, there were at least twelve saline water intrusions from the Mediterranean Sea, and eight intrusions from the Caspian Lake to the Black Sea during the last 0.67 million years (Ma) i.e., in Pleistocene (Badertscher et al., 2011). Inevitably, they played an important role in modelling diversity and distribution patterns for numerous organisms, particularly those inhabiting coastal ecosystems both in the Mediterranean and in the Pontic area. However, the evidence comes mostly from aquatic, predominantly marine or brackish water, taxa (e.g., Audzijonyte, Daneliya & Vainola, 2006; Neilson & Stepien, 2011). There is a deficiency of studies focusing upon coastal species inhabiting terrestrial habitats in this region (Akin et al., 2010).

Tiger beetles, Cicindelidae Latreille, 1806, seem to be ideal model organisms to test such assumptions. The family, with more than 2,600 species, has a worldwide distribution with exception of polar regions and some oceanic islands (Pearson & Cassola, 2005). Most species, both in larval and adult stage, prefer various types of sandy areas and are habitat specialists; often inhabiting coastal areas (Pearson & Vogler, 2001). Several studies dealt with phylogeography of tiger beetles in various regions of the world (e.g., Vogler et al., 1993; Cardoso & Vogler, 2005; Woodcock et al., 2007), yet so far only few focused on the role of sea level oscillations in their evolutionary history (Vogler & DeSalle, 1993; Sota et al., 2011) or compared the diversity patterns on both, the molecular and morphological, levels (Cardoso, Serrano & Vogler, 2009; Tsuji et al., 2016).

The tiger beetle, Calomera littoralis (Fabricius, 1787), is widely distributed in Palaearctic, from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco in the west to the Middle Asia and Russian Far East in the east (Putchkov & Matalin, 2003; Serrano, 2013; Jaskuła, 2011; Jaskuła, 2015). Generally, it is recognised as euryoecious (Jaskuła, 2011; Jaskuła, 2013; Jaskuła, 2015). However, in Europe it occupies predominantly the very narrow stretch of Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Sea coastal habitats (Cassola & Jaskuła, 2004; Franzen, 2006; Jaskuła, 2007a; Jaskuła, 2007b; Jaskuła, Peśić & Pavicević, 2005; Serrano, 2013).

Taking into account the history of recurrent closing and reopening of the connection between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in the Pleistocene, we hypothesised that it should leave a signature in genetic and possibly morphological polymorphism of Calomera littoralis, which is commonly found around both sea basins. Thus, we aimed at (1) exploring and comparing spatial patterns of molecular and morphological diversity of this species in the Mediterranean and Pontic region, (2) interpreting the observed patterns in the context of local paleogeography.

Material and Methods

Sample collection and identification

In total, 169 imagines of Calomera littoralis were collected with entomological hand net on 43 sites on the Mediterranean coasts of the Balkan Peninsula, Crete and Turkey as well as on the northern and western coast of the Black and Azov Seas, in the years 2009–2012 (Fig. 1 and Table 1). At a site the material was fixed in 96% ethanol for DNA preservation. Taxonomic identification of the collected material followed Mandl (1981)

Distribution and sampling of Calomera littoralis in Europe.

Figure 1: Distribution and sampling of Calomera littoralis in Europe.

(A) General distribution of Calomera littoralis in Europe shown as red-shaded area. (B) Picture of Calomera littoralis beetle. (C) Sampling sites in Balkan Peninsula, Black Sea region and Turkey shown as black dots. Localities coded as in Table 1.
Table 1:
Sampling localities for Calomera littoralis in the North-Eastern Mediterranean and Pontic regions.
Abbr. Locality Country Coordinates OTU ABGD N COI haplotypes Acc. nos. COI
Longitude Latitude
AL04 Lezhe Albania 19.60032 41.77051 SL 2 H1(1), H2(1) KU905303KU905304
AL13 Velipoja Albania 19.44742 41.86185 SL 1 H3(1) KU905302
AL14 Lezhe Albania 19.60026 41.77029 SL 3 H1(1), H4(2) KU905299KU905301
AL23 Butrint Albania 20.00576 39.74292 SL 5 H5(2), H6(1), H7(1), H8(1) KU905294KU905298
BG03 Sinemorec Bulgaria 27.97311 42.06318 NL 4 H9(1), H10(1), H11(1), H12(1) KU905217KU905220
BG04 Achtopol Bulgaria 27.92366 42.10304 SL, NL 3 H13(1), H14(1), H15(1) KU905214KU905216
BG05 Carewo Bulgaria 27.87794 42.14655 SL 1 H16(1) KU905213
BG06 Dyuni Bulgaria 27.72104 42.34988 SL, NL 3 H15(1), H17(1), H18(1) KU905210KU905212
BG07 Burgas Bulgaria 27.48438 42.55187 SL, NL 6 H11(1), H14(2), H16(1), H19(1), H20(1) KU905204KU905209
BG08 Beloslav Bulgaria 27.73240 43.19124 SL, NL 6 H13(1), H18(1), H21(1), H22(1), H23(1), H24(1) KU905198KU905203
BG09 Shabla Bulgaria 28.58338 43.57218 SL, NL 6 H11(1), H15(1), H16(1), H25(1), H(26), H(27) KU905192KU905197
GR04 Limani Litochorou Greece 22.54858 40.15725 SL 2 H28(1), H29(1) KU905292KU905293
GR05 Katerini Greece 22.61182 40.29430 SL 5 H7(1), H30(2), H31(1), H32(1) KU905287KU905291
GR06 Agios Vasileios Greece 23.16222 40.65620 SL 1 H29(1) KU905286
GR15 Kokori Greece 21.55359 38.37430 SL 6 H7(1), H29(3), H30(1), H33(1) KU905280KU905285
GR16 Akrotiri Araksou Greece 21.39320 38.18333 SL 2 H34(1), H35(1) KU905278KU905279
GR17 Kalogria Greece 21.38517 38.15959 SL 5 H7(1), H30(1), H34(1), H36(1), H37(1) KU905273KU905277
GR20 Pyrgos Greece 21.47691 37.64011 SL 6 H29(1), H30(2), H34(2), H38(1) KU905267KU905272
GR23 Gialova Greece 21.69121 36.95367 SL 2 H1(2) KU905265KU905266
GR26 Evrotas river mouth Greece 22.69421 36.80451 SL 4 H29(2), H30(2) KU905256KU905259
GR30 Evros river mouth Greece 25.97922 40.82814 SL 5 H7(1), H30(1), H39(1), H40(1), H41(1) KU905260KU905264
GR32 Karteros Greece 25.19224 35.33255 SL 6 H29(4), H42(2) KU905250KU905255
MD01 Molesti Moldova 28.754521 46.789716 SL, NL 6 H11(1), H24(1), H26(1), H43(1), H44(1), H45(1) KU905179KU905184
MK01 Stenje Macedonia 20.90385 40.94522 SL 4 H7(2), H29(1), H46(1) KU905175KU905178
MNE01 Donji Murići Montenegro 19.22248 42.16319 SL 4 H4(1), H47(1), H48(2) KU905188KU905191
MNE02 Doni Štoj Montenegro 19.33309 41.87111 SL 3 H29(2), H48(1) KU905185KU905187
RO03 Murihiol Romania 29.16071 45.02292 NL 6 H12(1), H19(1), H49(1), H50(1), H51(2), H52(1) KU905244KU905249
RO05 Enisala Romania 28.80822 44.88047 SL, NL 6 H10(1), H14(2), H17(1), H18(1), H53(1) KU905238KU905243
RO07 Sinoe Romania 28.79436 44.62350 SL, NL 5 H14(1), H22(1), H54(1), H55(1), H56(1) KU905233KU905237
RO09 Istria Romania 28.72625 44.53820 NL 6 H11(2), H14(1), H22(1), H57(1), H58(1) KU905227KU905232
RO10 Corbu Romania 28.71192 44.37732 NL 6 H11(1), H53(1), H59(1), H60(1), H61(1), H62(1) KU905221KU905226
TR05 Bebeli Turkey 35.47895 36.62488 SL 4 H7(1), H63(2), H64(1) KU905171KU905174
UA02 Siedowe Ukraine 38.12819 47.07738 NL 4 H15(1), H51(1), H65(1), H66(1) KU905336KU905339
UA03 Samsonowe Ukraine 38.01095 47.09550 SL, NL 2 H67(1), H68(1) KU905334KU905335
UA05 Melekyne Ukraine 37.38399 46.94367 SL, NL 2 H69(1), H70(1) KU905332KU905333
UA08 Preslav Ukraine 36.29574 46.66028 NL 1 H25(1) KU905331
UA09 Hirsivka Ukraine 35.34955 46.65631 NL 12 H11(2), H12(2), H18(1), H26(1), H71(1), H72(2), H73(2), H74(1) KU905319KU905330
UA12 Davydivka Ukraine 35.11976 46.50789 SL, NL 5 H7(1), H75(1), H76(1), H77(1), H78(1) KU905314KU905318
UA16 Azovsk Ukraine 35.88406 45.40428 NL 1 H11(1) KU905313
UA17 Tavirsk Ukraine 33.72799 45.97222 NL 3 H18(1), H50(1), H79(1) KU905310KU905312
UA18 Oleksandrivka Ukraine 32.11789 46.60185 NL 3 H18(1), H80(1), H81(1) KU905307KU905309
UA22 Komyshivka Ukraine 29.14931 45.48260 NL 1 H10(1) KU905306
UA24 Prymorsk Ukraine 29.65798 45.53664 SL 1 H17(1) KU905305
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2128/table-1

DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing

Following Hillis, Moritz & Mable (1996) the standard phenol–chloroform method was used to extract DNA from all the collected individuals. Air-dried DNA pellets were eluted in 100 µl of TE buffer, pH 8.00, stored at 4 °C until amplification, and subsequently at −20 °C for long-term storage.

Fragments of mitochondrial cytochrome oxydase subunit I gene (COI), ca. 700 bp long, were amplified using the Jerry and Pat pair of primers (Simon et al., 1994). Each PCR reaction was conducted in a total volume of 10 µl and contained DreamTaq Master Mix (1x) Polymerase (ThermoScientific), 200 nM of each primer and 1 µl of DNA template. The thermal regime consisted of initial denaturation at 94 °C for 2 min, followed by 34 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 44 °C for 30 s, and elongation at 72 °C for 60 s, completed by a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The amplified products were visualized on 2.0% agarose gels stained with MidoriGreen (Nippon Genetics) to verify the quality of the PCR reactions. Then, the PCR products were chemically cleaned up of dNTPs and primer residues by adding 5U of Exonuclease I (Thermo Scientific) and 1U of FastAP Alkaline Phosphatase (Thermo Scientific) per sample. The COI amplicon was sequenced one way using BigDye sequencing protocol (Applied Biosystems 3730xl) by Macrogen Inc., Korea.

Molecular data analysis

First, all the obtained sequences were positively verified as Calomera DNA using GenBankBLASTn searches (Altschul et al., 1990). They were then edited and assembled with Clustal W algorithm (Chenna et al., 2003) using Bio Edit © 7.2.5. The resulting alignment was 697 bp long with no gaps, and composed of 169 COI sequences. The sequence data and trace files were uploaded to BOLD and subsequently also to GenBank (accession numbers KU905171KU905339).

Pairwise Kimura 2-parameter (K2p) distances between sequences were estimated using Mega 6.2 (Tamura et al., 2013). Haplotypes were retrieved using Dna Sp v5 (Librado & Rozas, 2009). Phylogenetic relationships between the haplotypes were visualised with phylogenetic network computed using the neighbour-net algorithm and uncorrected p-distances in SplitsTree ver. 4.13.1 (Huson & Bryant, 2006).

To test for presence of distinct operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that may represent potential cryptic species/subspecies in the sequenced pool of individuals we used the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) procedure (Puillandre et al., 2012). The default value of 0.001 was used as the minimum allowed intraspecific distance. The maximum allowed intraspecific distance was set to Pmax = 0.03 and 0.06, as both threshold values have been already used in literature to delimit insect species (Hebert et al., 2003; Hebert, Ratnasingham & DeWaard, 2003). We applied the K2p model sequence correction, which is a standard for barcode analyses (Hebert et al., 2003). We used primary partitions as a principal for group definition for they are usually stable over a wider range of prior values, minimise the number of false positive (over split species) and are usually close to the number of groups described by taxonomists (Puillandre et al., 2012).

To reveal the temporal framework for the divergence of the OTUs (potential cryptic species) defined within Calomera littoralis, the time calibrated phylogeny was reconstructed in BEAST, version 1.8.1 (Drummond et al., 2012). A COI sequence of Calomera lugens aphrodisia Baudi di Selve 1864 from GenBank (accession number KC963733) was used as an outgroup. This analysis was performed on a reduced dataset, containing only the most distant haplotypes from each OTU. Hasegawa–Kishino–Yano (HKY) model of evolution, selected as best-fitting to our dataset in MEGA 6.2, and coalescent model were set as tree priors. The strict clock with rate 0.0115, widely used for phylogenetic studies upon insects, was applied for the analyses (Brower, 1994). Five runs of 20 M iterations of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampled each 2000 iterations were performed. The runs were examined using Tracer v 1.6 and all sampled parameters achieve sufficient effective sample sizes (ESS > 200). Tree files were combined using Log-Combiner 1.8.1 (Drummond et al., 2012), with removal of the non-stationary 20% burn-in phase. The maximum clade credibility tree was generated using TreeAnnotator 1.8.1 (Drummond et al., 2012).

To provide insight into historical demography, i.e., the temporal changes of the effective population size of Calomera littoralis in the studied region, we performed Bayesian Skyline Plot (BSP) analysis (Drummond et al., 2005) in BEAST, version 1.8.1 (Drummond et al., 2012). Separate analysis was performed for each of the two phylogenetic lineages revealed in our study (see ‘Results’). The Northern Lineage was represented by 84 individuals from 22 localities, while the Southern Lineage was represented by 85 individuals from 32 localities. The HKY+I model of evolution was used as the best fitting model in case of the Eastern Lineage, while TN93+I was used in case of the Western Lineage. Two runs of MCMC, 20 M iterations long sampled each 2000 iterations, were performed. In both cases the runs were examined using Tracer v 1.6 (Drummond et al., 2012) and all sampled parameters achieved sufficient effective sample sizes (ESS > 200).

Two models of population expansion, demographic and spatial, were examined using mismatch distribution analysis (Slatkin & Hudson, 1991; Rogers & Harpending, 1992) and Tajima’s D neutrality test (Tajima, 1989). Analyses were performed for the COI groups, using Arlequin (Excoffier & Lischer, 2010) with 1,000 replicates.

Morphometric data analysis

To test whether variation of morphometric traits reflects presence of two genetically divergent lineages (potential cryptic species), measurements of eight body parameters (Fig. 2) were taken from all the 69 males and 100 females used previously for the molecular analyses: 1, right mandible length (RML); 2, length of head (LH); 3, width of head (WH); 4, pronotum length (PL); 5, maximum pronotum width (MPW); 6, elytra length (EL); 7, maximum elytra width (MEW); and 8, total body length (TBL). The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed separately for each sex (Fig. 3). To test for significance (p < 0.01) of morphological differences (separately for males and females) between the two divergent lineages one-way ANOSIM Pairwise Test was performed. All the above statistical analyses were done with PRIMER 6 software (Clarke & Gorley, 2006).

Body parameters measured in Calomera littoralis.

Figure 2: Body parameters measured in Calomera littoralis.

1, RML—right mandible length; 2, LH—length of head; 3, WH—width of head; 4, PL—pronotum length; 5, MPW—maximum pronotum width; 6, EL—elytra length; 7, MEW—maximum elytra width; 8, TBL—total body length.
(A) Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) analysis of Calomera littoralis and (B) Results of Principal Component Analysis performed for investigated specimens on main body dimensions.

Figure 3: (A) Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) analysis of Calomera littoralis and (B) Results of Principal Component Analysis performed for investigated specimens on main body dimensions.

SL, southern lineage; NL, northern lineage; RML, right mandible length; WH, width of head; LH, length of head; MPW, maximum pronotum width; PL, pronotum length; EL, elytra length; MEW, maximum elytra width; TBL, total body length. Both in ABGD and PCA analyses 169 specimens from 43 sites from the Mediterranean and the Pontic areas were used.
(A) Geographic distribution of haplogroups from southern (blue circles) and northern (yellow circles) lineages and (B) median joining network of 81 detected COI haplotypes showing southern (blue shading), and northern (yellow shading) lineages.

Figure 4: (A) Geographic distribution of haplogroups from southern (blue circles) and northern (yellow circles) lineages and (B) median joining network of 81 detected COI haplotypes showing southern (blue shading), and northern (yellow shading) lineages.


Molecular data

A total of 81 haplotypes were identified in the dataset composed of 169 individuals from 43 sites from the Mediterranean and the Pontic areas (Table 1). The phylogenetic network illustrating phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes (Fig. 4) uncovered presence of two distinct haplotype groups (phylogenetic lineages). The first group, from now on defined as southern lineage, includes 36 haplotypes present all over the studied range including the Balkan Peninsula and the Pontic area. The other group, from now on defined as northern lineage, is composed of 45 haplotypes present exclusively along the north-western coast of the Black Sea. The mean K2p genetic distance between both groups of haplotypes is relatively high (0.039, SD 0.007). Both variants of the ABGD analysis resulted in partitioning of the dataset into two OTUs, that may represent distinct operational taxonomic units—potential cryptic species or subspecies within Calomera littoralis in the studied area (Fig. 3A).

The Bayesian time-calibrated reconstruction of phylogeny shows that the two lineages split at ca. 2 Ma, i.e., in early Pleistocene (Fig. 5A). Results of the BSP analyses showing the temporal changes of the effective population size suggests that both lineages experienced rapid population growth that has started ca. 0.15 Ma (Fig. 5B). In both cases, a small decline in effective population size may be observed in most recent times (<0.05 Ma). Results of the mismatch analysis show that both lineages are currently in the stage of both demographic and spatial expansion (Fig. 5C). Interestingly, geographical distribution of both lineages shows that the spatial expansion of southern lineage was efficient enough to spread eastwards into the Black Sea and colonise effectively the north-western Black Sea coast. The northern lineage has spread only in the Pontic region.

Phylogeny and historical demography of Calomera littoralis.

Figure 5: Phylogeny and historical demography of Calomera littoralis.

(A) Maximum clade credibility chronogram with a strict molecular clock model inferred from COI sequences. The numbers next to the respective node indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities higher than 0.5. (B) Mismatch plots for southern and northern lineage. Thin solid lines indicate expected frequency under model of population demographic expansion, thick solid lines represent observed frequency, and dashed lines indicate 95% confidence intervals for the observed mismatch. SSD, sum of squared deviation; r, Harpending’s raggedness index; D, Tajima’s D. (C) Bayesian skyline plots for southern and northern lineages of Calomera littoralis. Solid lines indicate the median posterior effective population size through time; dashed lines indicate the 95% highest posterior density interval for each estimate.

Morphometric data

The results of PCA and ANOSIM revealed no differences in the analysed morphometric traits between the southern and the northern lineages, neither in males nor in females (Fig. 3B). In PCA (Fig. 3B), a very weak gradient (R = 0.03) could be seen in case of female body length. Females from the northern lineage clade were slightly larger than those from the southern one (body length; ANOSIM Pairwise Tests p = 0.03).

Discussion and Conclusions

Cryptic diversity of Calomera littoralis

Known as very important hotspot of biodiversity, endemicity and cryptic diversity (e.g., Myers et al., 2000; Kryštufek & Reed, 2004; Blondel et al., 2010; Huemer & Timossi, 2014; Previšić et al., 2014; Caković et al., 2015), the southern Europe holds also the most diverse tiger beetle fauna in the entire Palearctic realm (Jaskuła, 2011). Presence of cryptic diversity was already pointed out for Cicindela hybrida in the Mediterranean (Cardoso, Serrano & Vogler, 2009) as well as for several species of tiger beetles occurring in other parts of the world (Vogler & Pearson, 1996; López-López, Hudson & Galián, 2012). Thus, existence of well-defined OTUs within Calomera littoralis is not surprising in the studied area. The level of divergence, 0.04 K2p distance, between the northern and the southern lineage is similar as those found between species of tiger beetles in other studies (e.g., Cardoso & Vogler, 2005; López-López, Abdul Aziz & Galián, 2015). Interestingly, we could not detect any conclusive morphological differences between the two lineages based on the multivariate analysis of eight morphometric traits. It must be mentioned that three subspecies of Calomera littoralis, described on the basis of morphology, were reported from the studied area: C. l. nemoralis from all the studied Balkan countries, Crete, Moldova, western Ukraine and western Turkey; C. l. conjunctaepustulata (Doktouroff, 1887) from the Azov Sea area; C. l. winkleri (Mandl, 1934) from Crete and the coastal zone of southern Turkey (Werner, 1991; Putchkov & Matalin, 2003; Avgin & Özdikmen, 2007). However, the morphological differences between the subspecies, such as body size, maculation of elytra and shape of aedeagus, are poorly defined and did not allow the identification of the studies material further than to the species level. Unfortunately, we had no opportunity to study the topotypical material—Provence, France, is locus typicus for C. l. nemoralis, Tibet for C. l. conjunctaepustulata, and Cyprus for C. l. winkleri. Thus, we cannot exclude a possibility that the two lineages we found in our material overlap with any of the above mentioned subspecies. However, only a further taxonomic revision combining more phenotypic traits, including e.g., cuticle ultrastructure, with several, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data, could help to resolve this problem. Until such revision is done, we propose to use the tentative name “Calomera littoralis complex” for populations from the studied area.

Phylogeography of Calomera littoralis

Occurrence of C. littoralis in Europe is restricted predominantly to marine shorelines with sandy beaches and salt marshes as main habitats (e.g., Franzen, 2006; Jaskuła, 2011; Serrano, 2013). In the eastern Mediterranean it is distributed continuously all along the Adriatic and Aegean coasts, Turkish Straits and the Black Sea coastline (Cassola & Jaskuła, 2004; Jaskuła, Peśić & Pavicević, 2005; Franzen, 2006; Jaskuła, 2007a; Jaskuła, 2007b). However, pronounced genetic structure with two divergent operational taxonomic units (OTUs) implies prolonged spatial isolation in the evolutionary history of this species. The observed level of divergence indicates that this isolation initiated an allopatric speciation. Their present distribution i.e., sympatry in the Pontic region reveals secondary contact of the already divergent lineages in this area. The Bayesian time-calibrated reconstruction of phylogeny shows that split between these OTUs begun in early Pleistocene. This coincides with beginning of recurrent glaciations resulting in eustatic sea level changes and climate aridisation that ever since dominated the global climate and landscape/habitat distribution (Fagan, 2009). In the Mediterranean and in the Pontic region such global effects overlaid and strengthen the local effects of tectonic plate collision leading to Alpine orogeny, i.e., local land uplift and subsidence resulting in isostatic sea level changes, salinity fluctuations from freshwater to fully marine and habitat mosaicism (Stanley & Blanpied, 1980). For example, during that time the connections of Pontic basin to Mediterranean Sea was lost and regained for more than a dozen times (Kerey et al., 2004; Badertscher et al., 2011). A profound impact of these events on the evolution and, hence, distribution of local both aquatic (Audzijonyte, Daneliya & Vainola, 2006; Nahavandi et al., 2013) and terrestrial taxa (e.g., Böhme et al., 2007; Ferchaud et al., 2012). We can assume that in case of C. littoralis, a halophilic species bound to coastal habitats, sea level fluctuations would significantly affect its distribution. The 2 Ma divergence time for C. littoralis OTUs derived from our data coincides with one particular disconnection of the Mediterranean and Pontic basins. At that time, from ca. 2 to ca. 1.5 Ma, the Meothic Sea, one of several predecessors of the Black Sea, turned into the predominantly freshwater Pontos Sea/Lake (Grinevetsky et al., 2015). This surely broke the formerly continuous stretch of coastal habitats connecting the two basins and thus, could be an effective barrier leading to split of C. littoralis population into the allopatric southern and northern lineages. Their detailed history is impossible to unravel, yet results of BSP analyses reconstructing past changes in effective population size indicate that both lineages started their demographic expansions at ca. 0.15 Ma. This coincides with the terminal stage of MIS-6, i.e., Wartanian/Saalian glaciation, and beginning of MIS-5e, i.e., Eemian interglacial (Lisiecki & Raymo, 2005; Marks, 2011). The latter was characterized by warmer climate and sea level higher by 6–9 m in comparison to Holocene (Kopp et al., 2009; Dutton & Lambeck, 2012). In result, a wide connection between Mediterranean and the Pontic basin was re-established and the coastal habitats extended again, enabling exchange of faunas. Due to a deficiency of local studies, it is hard to compare our results to evolutionary history of any other terrestrial taxa in the area. However, a wealth of studies showing very similar spatiotemporal scenario in animal taxa comes from the coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico and the adjacent Atlantic coast (summarised by Avise, 1992). During Pleistocene, Cuba was connected with a land bridge to the Florida Peninsula what lead to divergence of populations of several terrestrial and aquatic animals, including also a local tiger beetle species Cicindela dorsalis Say, 1817 (Vogler & DeSalle, 1993). Interestingly enough, however, according to our results both lineages are until now in the stage of demographic and spatial expansion, only the southern one has crossed the present Turkish straits. This asymmetry is hard to explain. Another interesting fact is that the isolation of Pontic basin from Mediterranean during the following Weichselian glaciation did not have probably any effect on the demography and phylogeography of the species. Based on the mitochondrial DNA marker only we cannot also conclude, whether the secondary contact of the divergent lineages effected in hybridization and or introgression. Answering this question requires employment of nuclear marker, what leaves a space for the future studies—much wider in terms of geographic coverage and molecular markers used.

Concluding, we have demonstrated that Pleistocene glaciations and associated sea level changes in the Mediterranean/Pontic region had a profound effect on the genetic diversity and distribution of widely distributed coastal insect species, generating some level of cryptic diversity. Our case study casts more light on the evolutionary relationships between populations of terrestrial animals inhabiting both the Mediterranean and Black Sea shorelines—a phenomenon that is still weakly explored in literature.

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