How many single-copy orthologous genes from whole genomes reveal deep gastropod relationships?

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Biodiversity and Conservation
  1. April 27, 2022: Minor Correction: In Figure 1, Figure 3, and Figures S1-S4, Chrysomallon squamiferum was incorrectly placed within Vetigastropoda but should have been placed within Neomphalina, and Haliotis rufescens was incorrectly placed within Neomphania but should have been placed within Vetigastropoda. The corrected files can be found here at Figure 1, Figure 3, and Figures S1-S4.


Commonly known as snails and slugs, gastropods are the most common and relevant class within the phylum Mollusca. The earliest undisputed gastropods date from the Late Cambrian Period, around 500 million years ago, and now the total number of existing gastropod species is estimated to range from 63,000 to more than 100,000 (Bieler, 1992; Bouchet et al., 2017), accounting for 80% of known mollusks. Gastropods have a worldwide distribution, from the near Arctic and Antarctic zones to the tropics (Crame, 2013) and ubiquitous in the oceans. They have colonized even extreme environments, such as the deep sea (e.g., faunas associated with hydrothermal vents) (Govenar, Fisher & Shank, 2015) and deserts (Greve et al., 2017). Gastropods are highly diverse with regard to their body forms, shells, and functions, and in many ways, they affect human life. Some gastropod species (such as conch, abalone, limpets, and whelks) are used as food, the shells of some species were used as ornaments or in making jewellery (Frýda, 2013). A couple of gastropod species are intermediate hosts of parasites and transmit human or animal diseases, such as schistosomiasis (Fried & Huffman, 2017). Several land and freshwater snails and slugs are highly invasive and competitive species, feeding on crops and vegetables and causing threats to local ecology and economy, e.g., the notorious Spanish slug, Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855 (Zemanova, Knop & Heckel, 2017), golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck, 1822, etc. (Global Invasive Species Database, 2021). All these characteristics: long evolutionary history, wide adaptability, high diversity, potential invasiveness, competitiveness, and high relevance for human lives, together with their long and rich fossil record (Frýda, 2013), make gastropods a unique animal group for evolutionary, ecological, and biogeographical investigations. Some of the most relevant questions concern the transition from ocean to freshwater to terrestrial lifestyle, the rapid adaptation in a new environment, the radiation evolution, the changes of shell morphology such as towards limpets or its reduction, internalization or loss (Solem, 2020).

The basis of all the above issues relies on resolving the gastropod evolutionary history, and there is great progress in subgroups, e.g., in Vetigastropoda (Cunha et al., 2019) or within Heterobranchia (Brenzinger, Schrödl & Kano, 2021; Kano et al., 2016). However, the early gastropod phylogeny, i.e., the relationship between major gastropod groups, is still controversial. The extant Gastropoda are divided into seven main lineages, namely Patellogastropoda, Neomphalina, Cocculiniformia, Vetigastropoda, Neritimorpha, Caenogastropoda, and Heterobranchia. Usually, Heterobranchia and Ceanogastropoda were recovered as sister groups (forming the clade Apogastropoda), and a close relationship of Neomphalina, Cocculiniformia, and Vetigastropoda has been supported (Lee et al., 2019). The main uncertainty refers to the position of Patellogastropoda (true limpets) as different data and analysis methods led to different conclusions (Zapata et al., 2014). Based on morphological data, Patellogastropoda has been recognized as the earliest-branching gastropod group, i.e., being the sister of all the remaining lineages together forming the clade Orthogastropoda (Golikov & Starobogatov, 1975; Haszprunar, 1988; Lindberg, 1988). The Orthogastropoda-Patellogastropoda topology has also been supported by Kocot et al. (2011) using 308 genes from transcriptome data. However, an extended sampling of transcriptomic markers favored a sister group relationship of Patellogastropoda and Vetigastropoda (combined clade Psilogastropoda), thus rejecting the monophyly of Orthogastropoda (Cunha & Giribet, 2019; Smith et al., 2011; Zapata et al., 2014). Early phylogenies based on complete mitochondrial genomes consistently recovered Patellogastropoda sister to Heterobranchia (Arquez, Colgan & Castro, 2014; Grande, Templado & Zardoya, 2008; Osca et al., 2014; Uribe et al., 2016), which was suspected to be a long branch artefact (Schrödl & Stöger, 2014; Stöger & Schrödl, 2013). More recently, a deep gastropod split into Patellogastropoda and Orthogastropoda was recovered by expanding the Patellogastropoda sampling (Uribe et al., 2019), however, this was still based on a limited number of relatively fast-evolving mitochondrial genes.

Ultimately, the increasing number of published high-quality gastropod whole nuclear genomes raised the possibility of identifying large numbers of putative orthologs across multiple species (Gomes-dos-Santos et al., 2019). Orthologs are defined as genes sharing a common ancestor by speciation, in contrast to paralogs, which are duplicated copies arising through polyploidization or duplications (Gogarten & Olendzenski, 1999; Sonnhammer & Koonin, 2002). Orthologous genes, if in a single copy status, are so-called single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs), which imply that they have kept this status since the species’ last common ancestor, when not considered rare cases, such as the differential loss of paralogs after whole-genome duplication or orthologous gene displacement (Creevey et al., 2011). SOGs thus hold great information potential for phylogenetic reconstruction, especially where universal markers are not able to generate strong phylogenetic hypotheses (Sang, 2002; Wu et al., 2006). Several newly published gastropod genome studies have tried to reconstruct gastropod phylogeny using hundreds of SOGs (Table 1); Lan et al. (2021) and Sun et al. (2020) recovered Psilogastropoda, while Chen et al. (2020) inferred Orthogastropoda (Table S1). Therefore, the conflict still remains when using SOGs in different taxon and gene sets with different species coverage. To explain the foundations leading to inconsistent topologies, we re-analyzed and expanded Chen et al.’s (2020) study. In our new analyses, establishing sets of SOGs we allowed species missing per SOG successively to a certain degree (0–20% of all species) and reconstructed the phylogenies. We found that as the number of species missing per SOG increases, the number of orthologous genes discovered also increases, and the final topology changed from Patellogastropoda-Orthogastropoda to Patellogastropoda sister to a combined clade of Vetigastropoda and Neomphalina (Psilogastropoda in a broader sense) with significantly increased support values.

Table 1:
Summary of published gastropods genome and deep gastropods phylogeny based on corresponding genome studies using single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs).
Sub-class Species GenBank assembly accession Assembly level Topology Used of SOGs References
H Arion vulgaris GCA_020796225.1 Chromosome P,((H,C),(V,N)) 223 Chen et al. (2020)
H Achatina immaculata GCA_009760885.1 Chromosome P,(H,C) 229 Liu et al. (2020)
H Achatina fulica 100647 (Gigadb) Chromosome (P,H) 675 Guo et al. (2019)
H Lymnaea stagnalis GCA_900036025.1 Contig BANG, 2016, Unpublished data
H Aplysia californica GCA_000002075.2 Scaffold Broad Institute, 2013, Unpublished data
H Biomphalaria glabrata GCA_000457365.1 Scaffold Adema et al. (2017)
H Candidula unifasciata GCA_905116865.2 Scaffold Chueca, Schell & Pfenninger (2021)
H Cepaea nemoralis GCA_014155875.1 Scaffold Saenko et al. (2021)
H Elysia chlorotica GCA_003991915.1 Scaffold Cai et al. (2019)
H Elysia marginata GCA_019649035.1 Scaffold Maeda et al. (2021)
H Limacina bulimoides GCA_009866985.1 Scaffold Choo et al. (2020)
H Physella acuta GCA_004329575.1 Scaffold Ebbs, Loker & Brant (2018)
H Plakobranchus ocellatus GCA_019648995.1 Scaffold Maeda et al. (2021)
H Radix Auricularia GCA_002072015.1 Scaffold Schell et al. (2017)
C Lautoconus ventricosus GCA_018398815.1 Chromosome Pardos-Blas et al. (2021)
C Pomacea canaliculata GCA_004794335.1 Chromosome (P,V),(H,C) 1,357* Sun et al. (2019)
C Alviniconcha marisindica GCA_018857735.1 Contig HKUST, 2021, Unpublished data
C Batillaria attramentaria GCA_018292915.1 Contig Ewha Womans University, 2021, Unpublished data
C Colubraria reticulata GCA_900004695.1 Contig University of Konstanz, 2016, Unpublished data
C Marisa cornuarietis GCA_004794655.1 Contig Sun et al. (2019)
C Phymorhynchus buccinoides GCA_017654935.1 Contig BGI, 2021, Unpublished data
C Anentome Helena GCA_009936545.1 Scaffold IRIDION GENOMES, 2020, Unpublished data
C Babylonia areolate GCA_011634625.1 Scaffold Fisheries and Technical, Economic College, 2020, Unpublished data
C Conus betulinus GCA_016801955.1 Chromosome Peng et al. (2021)
C Conus consors GCA_004193615.1 Scaffold Andreson et al. (2019)
C Conus tribblei GCA_001262575.1 Scaffold Barghi et al. (2016)
C Lanistes nyassanus GCA_004794575.1 Scaffold Sun et al. (2019)
C Pomacea maculate GCA_004794325.1 Scaffold Sun et al. (2019)
V Steromphala cineraria GCA_916613615.1 Chromosome Wellcome Sanger Institute, 2021, Unpublished data
V Haliotis laevigata GCA_008038995.1 Scaffold Botwright et al. (2019)
V Haliotis rubra GCA_003918875.1 Scaffold Gan et al. (2019)
V Haliotis rufescens GCA_003343065.1 Scaffold Masonbrink et al. (2019)
N Gigantopelta aegis GCA_016097555.1 Chromosome (P,(V,N)),(H,C) 529 Lan et al. (2021)
N Chrysomallon squamiferum GCA_012295275.1 Chromosome (P,(V,N)),(H,C) 1,375* Sun et al. (2020)
N Dracogyra subfuscus GCA_016106625.1 Scaffold Lan et al. (2021)
P Lottia gigantea GCA_000327385.1 Scaffold DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2012, Unpublished data
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13285/table-1


Subclass H, C, V, N, P represents Heterobranchia, Caenogastropoda, Vetigastropoda, Neomphalina, and Patellogastropoda respectively. * Represents SOGs that can be found in at least 60% of taxa. Data without citations have been replaced by the data submitter and data publication date in NCBI. The species in bold are the species used to infer the phylogeny in this article.

Materials and Methods

Identification of gastropod SOGs sets

Species were selected as in the A. vulgaris genome study (Chen et al., 2020). These species include bivalve species, Argopecten purpuratus Lamarck, 1819 (Li et al., 2018) and Saccostrea glomerata Gould, 1850 (Powell et al., 2018) as the outgroup. The 14 gastropods cover five (of six) subclasses, specifically, 7 Heterobranchia: A. vulgaris, Achatina fulica Ferussac, 1821, Ac. immaculata Lamarck, 1822, Biomphalaria glabrata Say, 1818, Radix auricularia Linnaeus, 1758, Aplysia californica J. G. Cooper, 1863, Elysia chlorotica Gould, 1870, 4 Caenogastropoda: P. canaliculata, Marisa cornuarietis Linnaeus, 1758, Lanistes nyassanus Dohrn, 1865, Conus consors G. B. Sowerby I, 1833, 1 Vetigastropoda: Haliotis rufescens Swainson, 1822, 1 Neomphalina: Chrysomallon squamiferum C. Chen, Linse, Copley & Rogers, 2015 and 1 Patellogastropoda: Lottia gigantea G. B. Sowerby I, 1834 (Table 1). Protein coding genes of all species were downloaded and gene families were clustered using SonicParanoid v1.3.6 (Cosentino & Iwasaki, 2019) with default parameters. SonicParanoid is a graph-based orthology inference tool, given N input proteomes, SonicParanoid conducts all-vs-all protein alignment for N * (N − 1) between-proteome and N within-proteome pairs using MMseqs2 (Steinegger & Söding, 2017). Different SOGs data sets were extracted from the results by: (1) all 16 species, (2) allow one species missing per SOG, (3) allow two species missing per SOG, and (4) allow three species missing per SOG, resulting in a matrix with 395, 933, 1,331, 1,610 genes respectively (Fig. 1).

The four data sets used to infer gastropod relationships.

Figure 1: The four data sets used to infer gastropod relationships.

The first data set includes single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs) identified in all 16 species per SOG and results in 395 SOGs. 933, 1,331, 1,610 SOGs were identified while allowed 1–3 species missing per SOG respectively. The blue line represents SOGs identified by each species, and the black vertical line represents the missing of that gene in the corresponding species. The dots below represent the number of SOGs occupied by corresponding species under different degrees of species missing.

Phylogenetic analysis

For each SOGs set, amino acid sequences were aligned using MUSCLE v3.8.1551 with the default parameter (Edgar, 2004), and maximum likelihood (ML) gene trees were inferred using RAxML v8.2.12 with the parameter: “-f a -m PROTGAMMAAUTO -k -x 271828 -N 100 -p 31415” respectively (Stamatakis, 2014). The best-scoring ML tree of each gene was extracted separately and merged as input for ASTRAL v5.7.1 to estimate species trees with quartet support and posterior probabilities (PP) (Zhang et al., 2020).

For the subsequent testing of the species tree, we removed the species C. consors, which has a significant lower number of SOGs compared with other species. We used the same method to identify SOGs from all the remaining species. Protein sequences were then concatenated and aligned by MUSCLE v3.8.1551, and the maximum likelihood trees were inferred using IQ-TREE v2.0.3 with the parameter: “-m MFP -mtree -b 100”, and with an automatically selected best model (Table S1) (Minh et al., 2020).


Our main goal was to explore the relationships between Patellogastropoda and other gastropods using SOGs depending on the number of species and genes involved. A total of 395 SOGs were first identified from all 16 species (including 14 gastropods species covering five main subclasses and two bivalves as the outgroup) (Table 1, Fig. 1). The topology of the species tree inferred is as described in Chen et al. (2020): Patellogastropoda is sister to all other gastropods with a low support (PP = 0.66), and the alternative topologies of Patellogastropoda being sister to Vetigastropoda + Neomphalina (PP = 0.27), Patellogastropoda sister to Heterobranchia + Caenogastropoda (PP = 0.07) even less likely (Fig. 2, Fig. S1). However, when we allowed one species missing per SOG, we got a total of 933 SOGs with each species covered by an average of 899 genes (Fig. 1). Surprisingly, the species trees change to Patellogastropoda as sister to Vetigastropoda + Neomphalina as dominant (PP = 0.83), the possibility of Patellogastropoda sister to all other gastropods highly decreased (PP = 0.17), and the posterior probabilities of Patellogastropoda sister to Heterobranchia + Ceanogastropoda decreased to 0.005 (Fig. 2, Fig. S2). With more species missing per SOG, the datasets of gene trees used for the estimation of species trees increased, and the posterior probabilities of Patellogastropoda sister to Vetigastropoda + Neomphalina gradually increased to 1 while the probabilities of the two alternative topologies decreased near to 0 (Fig. 2, Figs. S3S4). Thus, inconsistent gastropod trees appear to be related to the size of the selected data set.

The gastropod relationships constructed with different data sets and the corresponding posterior probabilities of different topology.

Figure 2: The gastropod relationships constructed with different data sets and the corresponding posterior probabilities of different topology.

H: Heterobranchia, C: Caenogastropoda, V: Vetigastropoda, N: Neomphalina, P: Patellogastropoda, B: Bivalve.

Furthermore, when examining the gene coverage of each species we found that the species C. consors is missing in most of the SOGs (Fig. 1). For example, when allowing one species missing per SOG, C. consors only showed 718 SOGs, which is 21% lower than the average level (mean = 911) (Fig. 1); allowing two to three species missing per SOG, this value increased from 30% (C. consors = 893, mean = 1,271) to 33% (C. consors = 1,007, mean = 1,505) (Fig. 1). We thus suspected the consideration of C. consors may greatly reduce the number of identified 1:1 orthologous genes, thereby affecting the inference of the phylogenetic tree. Our results support this hypothesis: excluding C. consors, we got a total of 847 SOGs (767,180 sites) among the rest of the 15 species, increasing SOG numbers 2.15 times. Then we used the 847 SOGs for phylogenetic reconstruction using a concatenation method and compared it with Chen et al. (2020) who used 233 SOGs (158,094 sites) identified in all 16 species. In contrast to Chen et al. (2020), Patellogastropoda clustered as sister to Vetigastropoda plus Neomphalina with a highly increased support (bootstrap value 89 compared to 48) (Fig. 3).

Gastropod phylogeny inferred from 847 single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs) identified from 15 species except C. consors.

Figure 3: Gastropod phylogeny inferred from 847 single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs) identified from 15 species except C. consors.

Bootstrap support percentages are indicated for each internal branch. Branch length is marked with blue numbers.


The lack of resolution and support in molecular phylogenies of early Paleozoic or even Precambrian groups, such as mollusks and gastropods, can be assigned to a plethora of potential problems regarding the sampling and selection of taxa, markers, and analyses (e.g., Schrödl & Stöger, 2014). One main issue is weak phylogenetic signal which may be eroded over time even in the most conservative genetic markers (Wagele et al., 2009). Selecting signal from noise by bioinformatic programs may benefit from expanding sets of suitable markers and taxa in, e.g., transcriptomic studies (Kocot et al., 2011; Zapata et al., 2014); however, without having delivered consistent and fully reliable hypotheses in the case of early gastropod evolution yet. High-quality whole genomes now offer the greatest possible set of genetic markers, with massive single-copy orthologs being the prime candidates for success (Creevey et al., 2011), but there is still a trade-off with the sampling of taxa, the representation and balance of major subgroups, and the quality and quantity of genomic data available per species. As a case study, here we focused on the role of number and coverage of taxa per SOGs using available quality whole genomes of gastropods.

Although the definition of SOGs is very clear, it is still challenging to correctly identify and optimize single copy (1-to-1) orthologs gene sets, especially on a large species scale. As expected, the numbers of detected SOGs shared by all gastropod species decreased as the number of quarried species increased, which highly influenced the results of the phylogenetic inference (Fig. 2). Without knowing the historic truth there is no direct way of assessing which (if any) of the controversial trees is correct or how many genes are necessary to recover it. However, using larger sets of SOGs revealed higher supported topologies than pursuing full species coverage with less SOGs: in our study, the gastropod phylogeny reconstructed by 80% species coverage of SOGs had the highest posterior probability of the whole tree (Fig. 2).

Moreover, the selection of species also needs to be cautious. In our case, the inclusion of C. consors led to a significant decrease in the number of shared SOGs and influenced the following phylogenetic inference. This might be caused by the fragmentation and incomplete assembly of C. consors (scaffold N50 = 1,128 bp) (Andreson et al., 2019), which in future studies can be replaced with the newly published chromosome level genome of cone snails, such as Conus betulinus Linnaeus, 1758 (Peng et al., 2021) and Lautoconus ventricosus Gmelin, 1791 (Pardos-Blas et al., 2021).

Furthermore, the currently available genomes constitute a far-from-optimal taxon set for resolving deep gastropod phylogeny: they are a small sample representing a large group, and those that are available come primarily from a rarefied pool (Sigwart et al., 2021). Such as L. gigantea, which is the only available Patellogastropoda, although it showed long-branch attraction and challenged deep gastropod mitogenomics (Stöger & Schrödl, 2013; Uribe et al., 2019). Whole genomes of Neritimorpha and Cocculiniformia are entirely missing and other major groups such as Neomphalina and Vetigastropoda rather than being represented by single or few members should be much more densely sampled, including the entire diversity of early branching subclades. As shown here, robust reconstruction of deep gastropod relationships will depend on using sufficient numbers of well-assembled whole genomes from a large and balanced taxon set.

The small and species fully covered SOGs data set used here and by Chen et al. (2020) just weakly supported Orthogastropoda. Our larger SOGs sets allowing 1–3 species missing per SOG, however, rejected Orthogastropoda and recovered Patellogastropoda as sister to a combined clade of Neomphalina and Vetigastropoda. This is in accordance with SOGs studies by Sun et al. (2020) (1,375 SOGs) and Lan et al. (2021) (529 SOGs) and supports large-scale transcriptomics by Cunha & Giribet (2019) who recovered Patellogastropoda sister to Vetigastropoda and called this clade the Psilogastropoda. Because they did not include Neomphalina into their transcriptomic study and established Psilogastropoda as the most inclusive clade containing Patellogastropoda and Vetigastropoda, our combined clade of Neomphalina plus Vetigastropoda as sister to Patellogastropoda supports and expands their Psilogastropoda hypothesis.


Striving for complete species covered SOGs in whole genomic studies lowered the total number of SOGs, while less stringent coverage largely expanded the set of SOGs, changed the topologies, and improved node supports. Only if using sufficient SOGs from an optimized taxon sampling, our study supports Patellogastropoda as a sister group to Vetigastropoda + Neomphalina, instead of Patellogastropoda as sister to all other gastropods. Future whole genome phylogenies are promising because of their unique potential to exploit the full genetic signal but should go for larger numbers of SOGs from more complete and better-balanced taxon sets and further explore the trade-offs of numbers, selection, and coverage of genes and species.

Supplemental Information

Gastropod phylogeny inferred from 395 single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs) using ASTRAL.

posterior probability (PP) is highlighted in red. Branch length is marked with blue numbers.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13285/supp-1

Gastropod phylogeny inferred from 933 single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs) using ASTRAL.

posterior probability (PP) is highlighted in red. Branch length is marked with blue numbers.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13285/supp-2

Gastropod phylogeny inferred from 1331 single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs) using ASTRAL.

posterior probability (PP) is highlighted in red. Branch length is marked with blue numbers.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13285/supp-3

Gastropod phylogeny inferred from 1610 single-copy orthologous genes (SOGs) using ASTRAL.

posterior probability (PP) is highlighted in red. Branch length is marked with blue numbers.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13285/supp-4

List of models sorted by BIC scores.

The best-fit model according to BIC: JTT+F+R5. AIC, w-AIC: Akaike information criterion scores and weights. AICc, w-AICc: Corrected AIC scores and weights. BIC, w-BIC: Bayesian information criterion scores and weights. Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets. Minus signs denote significant exclusion.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13285/supp-5

The original data of gene family clusters.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13285/supp-6
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