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Hazem M. Kalaji
Professor Mohamed Hazem Kalaji graduated in 1983 from Agricultural Faculty, Aleppo University, Syria. In 1993, he received a Ph.D. degree at Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). In 2019 he came to be a full professor. Recently, he belongs to a group of worldwide recognized specialists in the field of plant physiology, in particular in the field of photosynthesis. His research focuses on functioning, bioenergetics, and efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus, plant reactions to abiotic and biotic stressors, chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange of plants, plant talk, and machine learning. The scientific achievements of Professor Kalaji are expressed in more than 200 scientific papers and 6 books (2 in Polish, and 1 in Italian, Russian, English, and Arabic), and 23 book chapters (HI = 30). Kalaji worked as a Vice-Chair of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) call at the European Commission in Brussels (H2020) and is an Expert of several groups. As part of international contacts, he has established cooperation with dozens of institutions and universities from around the world. He was a supervisor of 10 Ph.D. students and reviewed several more than 700 national and international projects, and over 200 scientific papers in international scientific journals. He is also the editor of several international journals. In 2019 and 2020, he was distinguished as the most cited scientist from Poland and belonged to the elite of 0.1% most cited scientists in the World.