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Section Highlights View all Zoological Science articles

New genera of Afrotropical Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera: Cerocephalidae, Epichrysomallidae, Pirenidae and Pteromalidae)
"A significant contribution to wasp taxonomy in the Afrotropics"
John Measey, Section Editor
Genetic variability and population structure of the Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) in the northern limit of its distribution
"This article describes some surprises in ancestry and dispersal ability of a relatively sedentary species of poorly understood species of quail. The Montezuma quail is a gamebird in some places and so its metapopulation dynamics are of interest to managers and students of wildlife."
James Roper, Handling Editor
Functional response of Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) to Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) at different temperatures
"Mumtaz and colleagues provide valuable insights into mite predator-prey interactions and contribute to the development of Neoseiulus californicus as a biological control agent for spider mites."
Joseph Gillespie, Handling Editor
Scrutinising an inscrutable bark-nesting ant: Exploring cryptic diversity in the Rhopalomastix javana (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) complex using DNA barcodes, genome-wide MIG-seq and geometric morphometrics
"A thorough assessment of an insect species delimitation problem. While the authors have left species descriptions for a subsequent paper, this study provides a good model for the addressing problematic species complexes in ants, which are increasingly being recognized as harbouring enormous cryptic diversity."
Andrew Mitchell, Handling Editor
Identification and characterization of cold-responsive aquaporins from the larvae of a crambid pest Agriphila aeneociliella (Eversmann) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
"This article advances the study of the role of aquaporin genes in insect cold tolerance."
Clement Kent, Handling Editor
Two new species of Parahesione (Annelida: Hesionidae) associated with ghost shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) and their phylogenetic relationships
"Two new species add to the biodiversity knowledge of our oceans together with valuable information on their life-history traits."
John Measey, Section Editor
Use of soybean as an alternative protein source for welfare-orientated production of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)
"Provides fundamental knowledge for future development of artificial diet for American alligators"
Travis Beddoe, Handling Editor
Population genetic structure and hybrid zone analyses for species delimitation in the Japanese toad (Bufo japonicus)
"Important advance to the taxonomy and population genetics of this toad species in Japan"
Diogo Provete, Handling Editor
Sexual dimorphism in skull size and shape of Laticauda colubrina (Serpentes: Elapidae)
"Borczyk performs a comprehensive study of sexual dimorphism in a species of aquatic snake, providing fundamental information on how and why sexual dimorphism arises in evolutionary terms."
Joseph Gillespie, Handling Editor
A revised terminology for male genitalia in Hymenoptera (Insecta), with a special emphasis on Ichneumonoidea
"This study proposes an important framework for the use of male genitalia characters as phylogenetic and taxonomic tools in the study of the diverse family Ichneumonidae. Long awaited by the community, it will be very useful to further studies in taxonomy on this understudied insect group."
Tony Robillard, Handling Editor

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