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Section Highlights View all Environmental Science articles

European citizens’ stance on limiting energy use for climate change mitigation
"This analysis comes at a particular time during COVID but before the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine influence peoples' attitudes. The study therefore provides a valuable point in measuring attitudes to energy use in combatting climate change, which future studies can compare with."
Roger Jones, Handling Editor
The weathering process of carbonatite: weathering time
"The work contains important and substantiated data, more broadly reveals the essence of the process of chemical weathering using the example of carbonatite."
Mykola Karabiniuk, Handling Editor
Prediction of sea ice area based on the CEEMDAN-SO-BiLSTM model
"Sea ice, like many other environmental factors, is complex. This methods shows promise for prediction, but I would like to see it more widely tested for robustness. That would show whether it can be used for routine application. This method may also apply to other environmental variables, given its diverse origins."
Roger Jones, Handling Editor
Chemical weathering rates and controlling mechanisms of glacial catchments within different climate regimes in the Tibetan Plateau
"The Research concerns a relatively narrow scientific field and will be of most interest to specialists in the field of geochemistry and geomorphology."
Mykola Karabiniuk, Handling Editor
Ecodatacube.eu: analysis-ready open environmental data cube for Europe
"Provides a interesting EO data cube to the research community"
Jingzhe Wang, Handling Editor
Macrophyte communities as bioindicator of stormwater pollution in rivers: a quantitative analysis
"I believe that this paper advances our understanding of the role of macrophytes in environmental assessments."
James Latimer, Handling Editor
Responses of soil organic carbon cycle to land degradation by isotopically tracing in a typical karst area, southwest China
"An interesting study for researchers all over the globe"
Habib Ali, Handling Editor
Effects of defoliation and nitrogen on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and microbial communities in soils of cherry tree orchards
"This study broadens the existing understanding of how defoliation coupled with nitrogen influence the CO2 emissions and microbial diversity in orchard systems."
Anshuman Singh, Handling Editor
Reference evapotranspiration estimate with missing climatic data and multiple linear regression models
"It provides alternative methods for calculation of ET, a variable that is important in terms of the water and energy balance near the surface."
Hugo Hidalgo, Handling Editor
Soil water depletion patterns in rainfed apple orchards and wheat fields
"Good Paper"
Anis Shah, Handling Editor

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