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Section Highlights View all Ecology articles

A retrospective approach for evaluating ecological niche modeling transferability over time: the case of Mexican endemic rodents
Spatiotemporal prediction of alpine wetlands under multi-climate scenarios in the west of Sichuan, China
Combined effect of temporal inundation and aboveground-cutting on the growth performance of two emergent wetland plants, Phragmites australis and Bolboschoenus planiculmis
Current status of the remaining Mexican cloud forests: landscape findings and conservation initiatives
Biodiversity assessment and environmental risk analysis of the single line transgenic pod borer resistant cowpea
Predicting the influence of extreme temperatures on grain production in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plains using a spatially-aware deep learning model
Mangrove afforestation as an ecological control of invasive Spartina alterniflora affects rhizosphere soil physicochemical properties and bacterial community in a subtropical tidal estuarine wetland
Data gap or biodiversity gap? Evaluating apparent spatial biases in community science observations of Odonata in the east-central United States
Road mortality of water snakes in light of landscape structure and traffic intensity in north-eastern Hungary
Ecological and anthropogenic factors influencing the Summer habitat use of Bos gaurus and its conservation threats in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

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