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Section Highlights View all Biodiversity and Conservation articles

Using natural history collections to investigate changes in pangolin (Pholidota: Manidae) geographic ranges through time
"This is an important paper that can be useful for improving pangolin conservation."
José Maria Silva, Handling Editor
A new genus of oryzomyine rodents (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) with three new species from montane cloud forests, western Andean cordillera of Colombia and Ecuador
"A Big contribution for Andes’ biodiversity"
Patricia Gandini, Section Editor
On the genus Mesopontonia Bruce, 1967 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in Korea, with the description of a new species
"Mesopontonia kimwoni sp. nov. is morphologically allied to M. brevicarpus, but can be distinguished by the cutting edges of the fingers of the first chela being entire. Read this article for more detail in deep."
Korakot Nganvongpanit, Handling Editor
The phylogenetics of Teleosauroidea (Crocodylomorpha, Thalattosuchia) and implications for their ecology and evolution
"This nice paper is an enormous contribution to the study of Teleosauroidea, a poorly known group of ancient crocodylomorphs, encompassing their phylogenetic relationships and the corresponding evolutionary changes and ecological adaptations. It includes a well detailed taxonomic history of the involved taxa and a comprehensive phylogenetic hypothesis that show the interrelation of the constituent taxa. The paper includes nice figures, mostly showing high resolution photographs of the involved specimens and additionally provides LSID information for the new clade names and their synapomorphies for to be available in both the ICZN Code and the International Code of Phylogenetic Nomenclature (PhyloCode). I am very pleased to have been involved in the editorial history of this study, as it will be, without doubt, a reference for future studies on Teleosauroid crocodylomorphs and related groups."
Graciela Piñeiro, Handling Editor
A new species of alien terrestrial planarian in Spain: Caenoplana decolorata
"This paper formally describes a new species of land flatworm which is invasive in Spain and probably other countries in Europe. For conservation purposes, it is important that this species has now a binomial name and can be distinguished from similar species, which are also invasive."
Jean-Lou Justine, Handling Editor
Species distribution modelling of Bryde’s whales, humpback whales, southern right whales, and sperm whales in the southern African region to inform their conservation in expanding economies
"A big contribution for marine mammal conservation"
Patricia Gandini, Section Editor
Quinquelaophonte enormis sp. nov., a new interstitial copepod (Harpacticoida: Laophontidae) from Korea
"A description of New species in Korea"
Patricia Gandini, Section Editor
Density and diversity of macroinvertebrates in Colombian Andean streams impacted by mining, agriculture and cattle production
"Evaluating the composition of aquatic macroinvertebrates communities in streams impacted by gold mining, agriculture and cattle production, this manuscript reveals impoverished communities in agricultural areas compared to those affected by with mining or cattle."
Rodolfo Jaffé, Handling Editor
Two new nematode species (Plectida: Leptolaimidae, Rhadinematidae) from Chatham Rise, New Zealand
"The article devoted to the description of two new species of nematodes from order Plectida is very interesting because representatives of this order rarely found in marine waters. The drawings and photographs are of a very good quality."
Natalia Zhukova, Handling Editor
Five new pseudocryptic land planarian species of Cratera (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) unveiled through integrative taxonomy
"The paper describes five new species of land flatworms on the basis of integrative taxonomy including five molecular markers and a detailed morphological study. A tour de force of modern systematics!"
Jean-Lou Justine, Handling Editor

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