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Section Highlights View all Biodiversity and Conservation articles

The role of rarity as a surrogate of marine fish species representation
"The paper provides shows how to use rare species as the primary way to select protected areas which justified both practically and theoretically."
Mark Costello, Handling Editor
Obama chez moi! The invasion of metropolitan France by the land planarian Obama nungara (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae)
"An interesting approach to science resulting in novel discoveries."
Tatiana Tatarinova, Handling Editor
Remarks on Mastigodiaptomus (Calanoida: Diaptomidae) from Mexico using integrative taxonomy, with a key of identification and three new species
"Many species of zooplankton from tropical regions have not been described with molecular marker genes. This study provides important data for aquatic ecology and taxonomy."
Hugo Sarmento, Handling Editor
The Global Museum: natural history collections and the future of evolutionary science and public education
"Finding ways to connect natural history museums is essential to advance biodiversity science."
José Maria Silva, Handling Editor
Viability and management of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) population in the Endau Rompin landscape, Peninsular Malaysia
"This article provides an updated and relatively novel statistically robust analyses of the Endangered Asian Elephant in Malaysia, which will be important for improving on the ground conservation efforts."
Beth Polidoro, Handling Editor
Population genetics of swamp eel in the Yangtze River: comparative analyses between mitochondrial and microsatellite data provide novel insights
"This article furthers our understanding of the population genetics of this species and, more widely, of protogynous species."
Lee Rollins, Handling Editor
The mitochondrial genome of Apion squamigerum (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Brentidae) and the phylogenetic implications
"The new mitochondrial genome of Apion squamigerum (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Brentidae) is interesting to discuss the evolution of Coleoptera."
Jia-Yong Zhang, Handling Editor
Genetic diversity and population structure of two subspecies of western honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) in the Republic of South Africa as revealed by microsatellite genotyping
"Studying genetic diversity is very important, and even more so for bee colonies, which are obtained by selection from a very limited source. Hence the big problems for beekeepers who breed bee colonies originating from several sources."
Ruslan Kalendar, Handling Editor
Effectiveness of water-saving technologies during early stages of restoration of endemic Opuntia cacti in the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
"The paper presents a large study on the effectiveness of water-saving technologies in cactus restoration, which should be significant in supporting long-term restoration efforts in Galapagos and elsewhere."
Timothy Scheibe, Handling Editor
Assessment of North American arthropod collections: prospects and challenges for addressing biodiversity research
"This is a very relevant and timely review of the state of affairs of North American arthropod collections. Using specimens holdings and digitization efforts as their key metrics, the authors explore the collections' potential for providing much-needed biodiversity data."
Rüdiger Bieler, Handling Editor

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MercoPress: "Argentine flatworm and predator Obama nungara, has become a plague of French gardens"