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Section Highlights View all Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology articles

Identification of WRKY gene family in Dioscorea opposita Thunb. reveals that DoWRKY71 enhanced the tolerance to cold and ABA stress
"This is good piece of work and will enhance about our knowledge about the WRKY family and their role in abiotic stress tolerance."
Kashmir Singh, Handling Editor
The clinical association of programmed death-1/PD-L1 axis, myeloid derived suppressor cells subsets and regulatory T cells in peripheral blood of stable COPD patients
Ramcés Falfán-Valencia, Handling Editor
Exploring the antioxidant potential of chalcogen-indolizines throughout in vitro assays
"The authors' study has certain reference value for the development of related drugs."
Xin Zhang, Handling Editor
Chigno/CG11180 and SUMO are Chinmo-interacting proteins with a role in Drosophila testes somatic support cells
"This paper identifies new players in Drosphila testes stem cell differentiation by identifying Chimno interacting partners."
Judith Yanowitz, Handling Editor
Bimetallic nanoparticles and biochar produced by Adansonia Digitata shell and their effect against tomato pathogenic fungi
"The manuscript addresses a relevant issue, the search for new compounds with antifungal activities."
Héctor Mora-Montes, Handling Editor
Molecular cloning and characterization of farnesyl diphosphate synthase from Rosa rugosa Thunb associated with salinity stress
Mahmood-ur- Rahman, Handling Editor
Cyy-287, a novel pyrimidine-2,4-diamine derivative, efficiently mitigates inflammatory responses, fibrosis, and lipid synthesis in obesity-induced cardiac and hepatic dysfunction
"The discussed work highlights the global concern of obesity as a public health epidemic, emphasizing its association with chronic inflammation and related diseases. The research focuses on a novel compound, Cyy-287, reporting on its inhibitory effect on high-fat diet-induced inflammation and tissue damage in mice. The study delves into the molecular mechanisms, revealing that Cyy-287 acts by inhibiting NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways, activating AMPK signaling, and suppressing liver lipid synthesis. The findings suggest that Cyy-287 has therapeutic potential for mitigating obesity-induced cardiac and hepatic damage. The limitations are acknowledged, and future studies are proposed to deepen the understanding of Cyy-287's mechanisms and effects. The work is significant for researchers and clinicians interested in developing treatments for obesity-related complications."
Sonia Oliveira, Section Editor
A review on the traditional uses, nutritive importance, pharmacognostic features, phytochemicals, and pharmacology of Momordica cymbalaria Hook F
"Herbal medicines remain a relevant field that not only provides functional phytopharmaceutical molecules for the pharmaceutical industry but also in other industries such as cosmetics or food. The challenges with standardization and quality control can be overcome when comprehensive reviews are performed on a plant source."
Sonia Oliveira, Handling Editor
Retrospective study and implementation of a low-cost LAMP-turbidimetric assay for screening α0-thalassemia (SEA deletion): preventing and controlling Hb Bart’s hydrops fetalis syndrome in Thailand
"Shows the application of a fast real time molecular test kit in a clinical setting"
Efe Sezgin, Handling Editor
Multiscale transport and 4D time-lapse imaging in precision-cut liver slices (PCLS)
"This paper describes a method for tracking nuclear location, cell volume, and tissue volume after osmotic perturbation of liver tissue. This is relevant to tissue and organ cryopreservation, as well as a better understanding of the biology and biomechanics of liver tissue."
Tokuko Haraguchi, Handling Editor

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