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Tomas Erban
RNDr. MSc. Tomas Erban, Ph.D. has received PhD in Charles University in Prague, Czechia, during the period of 2006-2012. He is educated in chemistry and biology (MSc in 2006) and invertebrate zoology (Ph.D. RNDr.). Since 2007 he is working in Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czechia. His main research interest include: mites and insect of medical and economical importance, allergenic proteins of mites and insect, resistance to pesticides, and honeybee health, development and pathogens. Major part of his methodical approach is based on proteomic methods, but the overall approach is multiomics combining proteomics, genomics and metabolomics. During last five years he was/is principal investigator of 7 grants. In 2012 he received prize of the minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic for young scientists. He is/was supervisor of students from Charles University in Prague, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague or University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague. Link to personal page For publications see Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1730-779X or researcher ID ISI WoS: .
Agricultural Science Allergy & Clinical Immunology Biochemistry Entomology Veterinary Medicine Virology Zoology