Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men

2387 days ago
Gender bias is real. For men and women. And is only one kind of bias. Learn how to combat it in
2391 days ago
@OPushkina @dude59RUS Вы скорее всего имели в виду это
RT @pepemaestre: Según este estudio, hay menos probabilidad de que acepten una contribución en GitHub si viene de una mujer. No es mal día…
2392 days ago
RT @pepemaestre: Según este estudio, hay menos probabilidad de que acepten una contribución en GitHub si viene de una mujer. No es mal día…
Según este estudio, hay menos probabilidad de que acepten una contribución en GitHub si viene de una mujer. No es mal día para recordar que fue una precisamente una mujer, Ada Lovelace, quien realizó el primer programa de la historia.
2399 days ago
RT @CaptainFwiffo: @Johngcole Not far-fetched. There is good evidence that women software engineers are better than men due to survivorship…
2399 days ago
RT @CaptainFwiffo: @Johngcole Not far-fetched. There is good evidence that women software engineers are better than men due to survivorship…
RT @CaptainFwiffo: @Johngcole Not far-fetched. There is good evidence that women software engineers are better than men due to survivorship…
2399 days ago
RT @CaptainFwiffo: @Johngcole Not far-fetched. There is good evidence that women software engineers are better than men due to survivorship…
@Johngcole Not far-fetched. There is good evidence that women software engineers are better than men due to survivorship bias. My anecdotal experience supports this too.
@Daneeh7 @PendorPaul @dannyhengel @triketora
2494 days ago
@REDACT_PSUDONYM @mirgeee Just to get you started, this is one study specific to my field that was rather interesting, examining acceptance rates in pull-requests and code reviews.
RT @jorgeapenas: "[W]omen's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women"
RT @jorgeapenas: "[W]omen's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women"
RT @jorgeapenas: "[W]omen's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women"
RT @jorgeapenas: "[W]omen's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women"
RT @jorgeapenas: "[W]omen's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women"
2510 days ago
"[W]omen's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women"
2515 days ago
RT @PDSiDXB: Gender bias is real. For men and women. And is only one kind of bias. Learn how to combat it in #HardTalk…
2515 days ago
Gender bias is real. For men and women. And is only one kind of bias. Learn how to combat it in #HardTalk
RT @hare_brain: @astrokatey Women's acceptance rates to open source software tend to be higher than men's, but only if their gender is hid…
RT @jegpeek: Everyone worried about their precious tech meritocracies should read this article and drink a tall glass of STFU…
RT @hare_brain: @astrokatey Women's acceptance rates to open source software tend to be higher than men's, but only if their gender is hid…
RT @hare_brain: @astrokatey Women's acceptance rates to open source software tend to be higher than men's, but only if their gender is hid…
2553 days ago
RT @hare_brain: @astrokatey Women's acceptance rates to open source software tend to be higher than men's, but only if their gender is hid…