Kwan San Hui
Prof. Kwan San Hui has over 18 years of experience in the study of nanostructured catalytic materials for energy and environmental applications and has published work in over 230 SCI papers (Scopus; h-index: 56). He has 1 United States (US) patent (US9040007B2) and licensing to 3 companies in Hong Kong.
He has so far supervised 18 PhD and 26 MPhil students, 17 PDRAs and 13 RAs. Many of the ex-members are engineers in the industry and hold faculty positions at Universities in China. He has been maintaining a large consortium to better understand and address the research problems, including partners from international-leading universities: UCLA, Uni. of Western, Cambridge, Leeds, Kent, Cardiff, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shandong Uni., Xiamen, Uppsala, Hanyang Uni., among others.
His recent research projects include (i) theoretical and experimental studies of heterogeneous catalytic reaction kinetics and mechanisms; (ii) rational design and synthesis of single-atom Co/carbon and porous graphene materials for energy storage and conversion; (iii) density functional theory (DFT) calculations of structural and electronic properties of catalysts, modulated by dopants, in electrochemical/electrocatalysis performance; (iv) process modelling and optimisation of methanol steam reforming for hydrogen production; and (v) hybrid sodium-air batteries (HSABs), zinc-air batteries, and solid-state flexible Li/Na-ion batteries.
Additive Manufacturing Catalysis Catalysts Electrochemistry Energy Materials Nano & Microstructured Materials