Application of Graph Theory to the elaboration of personal genomic data for genealogical research
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1,116 views · 296 downloads
Perilipin-related protein regulates lipid metabolism in C. elegans
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1,778 views · 839 downloads
A ten-year demographic history of a population of howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) living in a fragmented landscape in Mexico
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1,106 views · 1,079 downloads
NxRepair: Error correction in de novo sequence assembly using Nextera mate pairs
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1,194 views · 475 downloads
Solution and crystal structures of a C-terminal fragment of the neuronal isoform of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (nPTB)
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1,295 views · 291 downloads
Phylogenetic patterns of extinction risk: the need for critical application of appropriate datasets
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2,161 views · 589 downloads