Call for Papers: Physical Activity and Cancer

by | Nov 15, 2022 | Call for Papers, Special Issue

Call for papers for a PeerJ Life & Environment Special Issue on “Physical Activity and Cancer

Cancer is an important public health concern worldwide. Physical activity (PA) has been demonstrated to play a preventive role in terms of the risk of developing cancer and is considered as a major tool to improve the quality of life and survival of patients with cancer. Data show that higher levels of PA are associated with lower overall cancer mortality. Cancer patients and survivors might suffer from physiological and psychological side effects including muscular atrophy, weight changes, lowered aerobic capacity, decreased strength and flexibility, depression, fatigue, nausea, and an overall decrease in quality of life.

Exercise is an effective tool to improve functional capacity, muscular strength, functional mobility (i.e., improving balance will lower the risk of falls and fractures), fatigue, psychological well-being (i.e., reducing the risk of anxiety and depression), and health-related quality of life in cancer patients and survivors. However, more research is needed on the optimal type, intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise for the health and wellbeing benefit of this special population.


Including, but not limited to:
  • Impact Of PA/Exercise In Preventing A Range Of Cancers
  • Determinants Of Physical Activity In Cancer Survivors And Behavior Change Strategies
  • Impact Of Physical Activity And Body Composition On Cancer Initiation And Progression
  • Effect Of PA/Exercise In The Period Of Chemotherapy Treatment And Subsequently
  • Investigate The Optimal Frequency / Intensity / Time / Type / Volume And Progression Of Exercise In Cancer Patients
  • Studies Investigating The Clinical / Biological / Physiological / Psychological / Social / Cognitive / And Financial Impacts Of PA/Exercise For Cancer

Scholars in this field of research are welcome to submit original articles or literature reviews to this Special Issue.

To find out more and submit your abstract, please visit:

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