BBCC2018 Call for Contributions and Award Announcement

by | Sep 15, 2018 | Announcement, Awards, Collections, Community, Conferences

PeerJ is proud to have supported the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Campania Conference in recent years. We hosted Collections of their output from 2015 and 2016 and so we are pleased to announce that we will also be hosting the output from BBCC2018 which is being held Nov 19-21 in Naples, Italy. You can find a direct link to the 2018 Collection here.

We are also pleased to announce that we will be sponsoring an award for the ‘Best Contribution by an Early Career Researcher’ at BBCC2018. Anyone who submits a preprint to the BBCC2018 Collection will be eligible for the award (which will be administered by the organizers). The winner will receive a complimentary PeerJ publication, as well as the opportunity to be featured in a blog post on PeerJ’s site highlighting the importance of their research.

If you are interested in attending BBCC2018, the ‘call for contributions’ deadline of Sept 30th is fast approaching and so we encourage you to contact them.

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