Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm
Researchers evaluated the formation of biofilms on tooth enamel, which had been irradiated with a CO2 laser. This study investigates a key aspect of the increasing, wide-spread clinical use of lasers in dentistry.
Javier Bobo-Pinilla, Sara B. Barrios de León, Jaume Seguí Colomar, Giuseppe Fenu, Gianluigi Bacchetta, Julio Peñas de Giles, María Montserrat Martínez-Ortega
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm
Researchers evaluated the formation of biofilms on tooth enamel, which had been irradiated with a CO2 laser. This study investigates a key aspect of the increasing, wide-spread clinical use of lasers in dentistry.
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