Emerging framework for attack detection in cyber-physical systems using heuristic-based optimization algorithm

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PeerJ Computer Science


Detecting such attacks has become a complicated issue for securing network systems from attacks. Attackers may penetrate the network and transmit the wrong information when transmitting information from various sensor devices. Moreover, attackers can penetrate the network and hack or steal the credentials or sensitive information, resulting in a loss. Therefore, detecting the attack in the network plays a vital role (Latif et al., 2020). Using a cyber-physical system (CPS) is the inception of internet connectivity with various smart devices, technologies, robots, etc., (Duo, Zhou & Abusorrah, 2022). In recent years, the application of CPS has increased, such as in the transportation system, distributors of water and gas, grids, and health care system. Since CPS can be controlled and activated by the function of a wireless communication network with sensor devices, many intruders can easily penetrate through wireless communication networks. Therefore, standardized security measures, i.e., a cyber security process, are required in the CPS to detect and prevent attacks on the network system. This cyber security process is based on the artificial intelligence concept for handling heterogeneous data. The effective detection of attacks in heterogeneous data is carried out by various types of machine learning algorithms (Yang et al., 2020).

Transmission of data from various terminal devices via the network so that multi-users can access it. It may create the insecurity of data in the distributed system. Farivar et al. (2019) presented the detection of attacks using artificial intelligence-based IoT, which will detect malicious attacks in the CPS. Shuwandy et al. (2020) describe the CPS of various devices with a cloud storage environment. Many research works have been developed to detect insecure networks and attacks in the network. Inefficiency and the high detection error rate are issues in the existing algorithms. In our proposed approach, a deep convolutional neural network-based bagging concept with an optimized algorithm of Heuristic Multiswarm Ant colony Optimization (DCNN-HMACO) is implemented.

The main contribution of this work is:

  • 1. Implementing network attack detection in a cyber-physical system by applying the pre-processing concept.

  • 2. Extracting the features in the dataset using a linear discriminant algorithm.

  • 3. Enhancing the efficient detection of attacks using deep convolution neural network-based bagging concept with DCNN-HMACO.

The article has been organized as follows: literature is reviewed in “Review of Literature”, whereas the methodology of attack detection in a cyber-physical system environment using DCNN-HMACO is explained in “Methodology”, The experiment results are discussed in “Results and Discussion”, and “Conclusion” concludes the article with future directions.

Review of literature

To detect the malicious attack in the network, prevent the attack on the system and resources, and preserve sensitive information from cybercriminal activities of the network, various approaches are implemented (Disha & Waheed, 2022). Cyber-physical systems (CPS) have been implemented in connecting different sensor-based devices, IoT-based devices, and robots where information is collected from multiple terminal devices in heterogeneous data (Deloglos, Elks & Tantawy, 2020; Li et al., 2022). The KDD 99 and NSLKDD 99 datasets identify cyber-attacks in the cyber-physical system (Thomas & Pavithran, 2018; Li et al., 2021). In the distributed system, information sharing from various terminal devices and machine learning algorithms is applied for attack detection in cyber-physical systems. A gated recurrent unit with deep neural network (DNN) detects attacks and deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) in identifying DDoS attacks (Li et al., 2020; Hussain et al., 2020; Labonne, 2020).

Alazzam, Sharieh & Sabri (2020) described the detection of the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on a binary classifier algorithm of random forest and the optimization technique of Pigeon Inspired Optimizer (PIO) for implementing the feature reduction. Lee, Pak & Lee (2020) also described the behavior of the optimization algorithm of Pigeon Inspired Optimizer for detecting attacks in the network. Meftah, Rachidi & Assem (2019), Zheng et al. (2022), Cao et al. (2020) proposed a framework for detecting IDS with two stages. The first stage uses binary classification and, based on the second stage, detects the attack in the network. For the detection of an attack, it used multiclass classifiers. To improve the efficient detection of attacks, random forest for the feature selection and training of the network with support vector machine (SVM), logistic regression, and gradient boost machine were applied.

DeepMIH likely introduces a novel approach to image hiding using deep invertible networks. Deep invertible networks are a class of deep learning models designed to be both forward and inverse (backward) invertible (Guan et al., 2022). Image registration is a fundamental task in computer vision and medical imaging, which involves aligning two or more images of the same scene or object taken from different perspectives, sensors, or modalities (Deng et al., 2023; Qiao, Li & Kong, 2023). By incorporating these techniques into the fuzzing process, the authors aim to enhance the effectiveness of vulnerability discovery in smart contracts, potentially leading to more robust and secure blockchain applications (Liu et al., 2023b). The article addresses the problem of identifying performance anomalies in cloud environments that experience fluctuations or variations (Song et al., 2023). The article proposes an innovative method that combines differential privacy with consensus control algorithms to enable safe cooperation and competition in multi-agent systems (Ma & Hu, 2022). The article presents a technique that models relation paths for knowledge graph completion. The approach likely involves designing a model that effectively captures and processes relation paths between entities in the knowledge graph (Shen et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2023). The proposed system probably incorporates techniques to handle the unique challenges of short texts, such as limited context and noisy language (Liu et al., 2023a). The research topic likely focuses on how mobile IoT devices can be combined with data physical fusion technology to create more intelligent and efficient systems (Lv & Song, 2019). The research or study likely proposes a methodology or algorithm to optimize the deployment of wireless sensor nodes in industrial environments while prioritizing security considerations (Cao et al., 2019).

They used the UNSW-NB 15 dataset. Injadat et al. (2020), Guo et al. (2022) presented a machine learning-based algorithm of KNN and random forest using the framework of NIDS. Table 1 shows the survey on the existing algorithm in IDS.

Table 1:
Survey on IDS.
Author name Technique used Dataset Limitations
Moustafa (2021) Random forest Network TON_IoT Only one dataset is tested. Also, random forest does not read complex patterns.
Gu & Lu (2021) Naïve Bayes, SVM. UNSW-NB 15, CICIDS2017, NSL-KDD, and Kyoto 2006 Naïve Bayes is sensitive to the quality and relevance of features used for classification. The classifier’s performance may be negatively affected if essential features are missing or irrelevant features are included. SVM requires selecting appropriate parameters, such as the kernel type and regularization parameter (C). Different choices of these parameters can significantly impact the performance of the SVM classifier.
Belgrana et al. (2021) Radial basis function (RBF), CNN NSL-KDD RBF networks are susceptible to overfitting, especially when the number of hidden units is large compared to the available training data. In this work, only one dataset is used.
Kasongo & Sun (2020) XGBoost algorithm, SVM, Logistic regression, KNN, DT, UNSW-NB 15 XGBoost can be computationally demanding, mainly when dealing with large-scale CPS datasets. LR can limit its ability to capture complex relationships and nonlinear patterns in CPS attack detection, potentially leading to lower accuracy. KNN involves comparing the distances between instances, which can be computationally expensive for large CPS datasets.
Tama & Rhee (2019) GBM NSL KDD, UNSW-NB 15 and GPRS Sensitivity to class imbalance
Jing & Chen (2019) SVM UNSW-NB 15 Computed only for one dataset whereas proposed done for two datasets. The performance will be less than the hybrid deep learning model.
Aboueata et al. (2019) SVM UNSW-NB 15 Computed only for one dataset, whereas proposed done for two datasets. The performance will be less than the hybrid deep learning model.
Tama & Rhee (2019) GBM UNSW-NB 15 Computed only for one dataset, whereas proposed done for two datasets. The performance will be less than the hybrid deep learning model.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/table-1


The emerging framework of attack detection in the cyber-physical system is composed of smart terminals (nodes), links between terminals (edges), and attack vector values with entry points. Smart terminal represents the devices or machines embedded with software via the internet. The link between the terminals is used for the transmission of information. During the transmission of information, attackers may attack the terminals and steal the information. Figure 1 demonstrates the various attacks in the IoT-based CPS.

Types of attack in iot-based CPS.

Figure 1: Types of attack in iot-based CPS.

Types of attacks in the IoT-based CPS


MiTM (Man-in-the-Middle) is a hijack attack that silently monitors the observation of transmission of data between two smart terminal devices. It does not affect the data in the network, but it disrupts the privacy of information. MiTM acts as eavesdropping and poses an extreme threat to the cyber security of hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) in transferring data. During its transmission of information, this type of attacker can modify the original data by inserting false information into it.


A distributed denial of service (DDoS) is a distributed system that generates unwanted traffic in the network and is created by a malicious user. Legitimate users are unaware of the unwanted traffic when transmitting a huge volume of data. Therefore, legitimate users have to wait for a long time to transmit the information. DDoS creates a server down and catastrophe environment in the network.


Phising is when attackers steal legitimate users’ identity details by convincing them via social media platforms. By using stolen user credentials, attackers steal sensitive information in the network.


The technique of stealing legitimate users’ information through social media platforms by email, pop-up messages, advertisements, etc. is called spamming. Through spam messages, viruses or worms enter the system and steal the information and upload it to the remote server.


In the network, the jamming device targets the cellular data and wireless communication network and it jams the legitimate user’s device. This results in harming the access to the user’s services in the network.

Sniffing & spoofing

In sniffing, the attackers concentrate on the network’s data link layer and put a sniffer packet then the user captures that packet, and their network communication gets hacked. In the case of spoofing, the attacker acts like a legitimate user and steals all credential details of the user, and accesses their network.

Injection of false data

The attacker transmits false information about data packets in the company’s network. As a result, it creates negative pricing, the wrong billing process, a downfall in the economy, and a loss of revenue for the company.

Replay attack

In the system, the attacker employs the fatal attack, which allows the replaying of the attacking process and generates the rebooting of the system, which stores its function of the system.

War dialing

In the war dialing process, the attacker disconnects the communication link of the user. By applying for the freeware program, it randomly dials the phone number and establishes the connection via modem. In the communication system, the attacker detects the loophole and establishes a new connection, and steals the sensitive information of the user.

Attack detection

This article proposed a framework to detect the attack in the smart terminals of the CPS using a deep bagging convolution neural network with Heuristic Multiswarm Ant colony Optimization (DCNN-HMACO). The framework of DCNN-HMACO is given in Fig. 2.

Framework of the proposed DCNN-HMACO.

Figure 2: Framework of the proposed DCNN-HMACO.

The proposed framework has four modules, namely, Data Collection, Pre-Processing, Feature Extraction, and Attack Detection using deep bagging convolution neural network with DCNN-HMACO.

Data collection

The attack detection in the cyber-physical system using DCNN-HMACO and the data set used in this work are UNSW-NB15, and TON_IoT Train_Test Network.


In the detection of attacks in the cyber-physical system, data is collected from various smart terminal devices. The collected raw data may generate false detection of attacks in the network. Therefore, pre-processing is required. Figure 3 shows the pre-processing of CPS in DCNN-HMACO.

Data pre-processing.
Figure 3: Data pre-processing.

The pre-processing module contains an implementation of feature scaling using a normalization technique, one hot encoding, replacement of missing values, and removal of redundancy.

Feature scaling

The data collected from various smart terminals has various characteristics. Therefore, handling these collected raw data will mislead the detection of the network properly. This article uses the feature scaling process of normalization. It normalized the range of values in the dataset by using Min–Max scaling. The range of normalization is between 0 and 1.


Here fea is the normalized features in the dataset, fea is the original features in the dataset,

Min and max are values of features in the dataset.

Response coding based on categorical feature

For encoding the categorical features of the dataset, response coding is used which classifies the features based on their category and represents the probability (prob) of data instances in the category. This can be implemented by:


Here, X denotes the class F F denotes the category feature.

Replacement of missing values

Rearranging the features of the dataset in ascending order and evaluating the median value. Replacing all missing values based on a median value.

Redundancy removal

Accurate and efficient detection of attacks in the network is achieved by eliminating the irrelevant features of the dataset.

Feature extraction

Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is used to extract features in the data set. Sample data were collected and classified into p pattern classes, data in the ith class has samples of i=1ry. The total samples were collected and defined as aj. Choose the jth sample of ith class in nth column vector. Evaluate the projection vector which minimizes the distance between the samples in the data class. LDA is used to construct the projection vector of:


Here Vc and Vz are scatter matrices in and between classes. These scatter matrices are evaluated by using:




Here n is the column vector of sample i. b is the constant value of magnitude and it is a positive value. After implementing the Eq. (6), f features are selected from the dataset and form the projection of the feature vector.

Attack detection using DCNN-HMACO (proposed)

Deep CNN

First, the DCNN with HMACO is applied for network attack detection, then LDA is used for the extraction of features from the dataset. The selection of features is implemented using DCNN. Traditionally, a deep convolutional neural network consists of the input layer, convolution layer, pooling layer, full connection layer, and output layer (Wang, 2020; Yao et al., 2023). In the convolution layer, features are extracted from the data in the dataset, and the outcome is transmitted into the lower layer. In this layer, the activation function is applied. In the pooling layer, sub-sampling reduces data from the convolution layer. In the full connection layer, nodes are connected with all nodes of the previous layer. The output layer is used to detect attacks in the network by using the softmax function. In this proposed work, attack detection in the network Deep CNN has been enhanced with the bagging operation. This bagging operation has replaced the output layer of traditional-based CNN. The outcome of the convolution layer and pooling layer are fed as input to the bagging concept of the ensemble-based classifier. The detection of attack in the network is based on the maximum voting of the ensemble classifier. The architecture of Deep Bagging CNN is shown in Fig. 4 where the bagging method is used in the training of the network model.

Architecture of deep bagging CNN.
Figure 4: Architecture of deep bagging CNN.

Let us consider N as the number of network layers. Assume that the kernel size of the convolution network is k. The dimension of the kernel matrix is defined as D. The procedures involved in the DBCNN are given as follows:

Input: Data set D, Number of features fn.

Step 1: Initialize parameters of weight wt, bias bi and the maximum number iteration iter and the threshold ε.

Step 2: In the training phase, the network model is trained by forward propagation, and backward propagation along with updating the weight between the layers, and bias value.

Step 3: The forward propagation phase, train the data set with given as input and its output is evaluated by:

Step 4: Forconvl=2toN1

a) If convl is the convolution layer, then the missing data after filling ( aconvl) is represented in Eq. (7)


b) If convl is the pool layer then,


c) If convl is a full connection layer then,


Step 5: End for

Step 6: The output layer of ol is represented in Eq. (10)


Step 7:In the Backward propagation phase, the error is evaluated between actual output with its corresponding output.

Step 8: Forconvl=2toN1

a) If convl is the fully connection layer then,


b) If convl is the convolution layer then,


c) If convl is pool layer then,


Step 9: End for

Step 10: To minimize the error rate, update the weight and bias

Step 11: Forcl=2toN1

a) If convl is the fully connection layer then,



b) If convl is the convolution layer then,



Step 12: End for

Step 13: Terminate condition of DCNN using:


Step 14: Else go to step 1.

Step 15: Implementing the Bagging process by using:

M is the number of base classifiers and the classification label is defined as Q = {−1.+1 }. The bagging method is declared in Eq. (18)


Step 8: Output: return Q and the relation coefficient matrix wt and bi.

Hence, the DCNN is used to select the optimal relevant features. To minimize the error rate and loss function, the Heuristic Multiswarm Ant colony Optimization (HMACO) is applied.

Heuristic multiswarm ant colony optimization HMSACO

The HMSACO algorithm is implemented for the optimal detection of attacks in the network. The implementation process of HMSACO contains CN={cn1,cn2,,cnm} set of components (nodes) or features and E represents the collection of edges. A finite set of possible connections in the elements of CN is defined by a subset of CN of the Cartesian product of CN×CN,


For each ecni,cnj is the cost function of connection between components in the period of time t. Applying the transition rule by using Eq. (20).


Equation (20) is implemented when iCNi(j)

After implementing the transition rule in the components, the process’s sequence is repeated until it satisfies the stop condition. During the repeating process, it updates the trials, evaluates the new solution, and remembers the optimal solution. Consider the graph G=(CN,E). The feasible path of the graph is defined as G for the optimized solution. The Ant Colony Algorithm (ACO) aims to find the minimum cost of sequences of the path with its feasible solution concerning its constraints. In ACO, the colony’s population is considered agents or ants, which collectively identify the solution based on the graphical representation of the problem. The information gathered by the ants during its search process is defined as pheromone trails. The algorithmic procedure of HMSACO is given below:

Input: Optimal selection of relevant features

Output: Detection of attack DAbest

Step 1: DAbestGenerateHwuristicsolution(Dataset)

Step 2: Initialize the Pheromone with its parameters τp,q.

Step 3: DAbestcost(ecn)

Step 4: While stop Iteration

Step 5: For(y=1toparameters.M)

Step 6: ecn_bestbuidsolution(Pheromone,graph,parameters)

Step 7: If ecnbestDAbest then DAbestecnbest

Step 8: End

Step 9: Local Update and delayPheromone(Pheromone,ecnbestparameters)

Step 10: End

Step 11: Global update and delayPheromone(Pheromone,DAbestparameters)

Step 12: End

Step 13: Return the attack detection DAbest.

In the above procedure, ants start it process from the initial state and move towards the feasible node of their neighborhood states and build a solution in a forward movement of the ant. The constriction process gets stopped when it satisfies at least one of the termination conditions. Applying the transitive rule, an ant l is start from node m to node n and it updates its pheromone trail τp,q. This updating procedure is called a step-by-step pheromone. Once the solution is built, the ant has the capability to retrace the same path in the backward propagation method and updates its pheromone trails. This is called an online-delayed-pheromone

Results and Discussion

The proposed work DCNN-HMACO is used in the detection of attacks in the network using a cyber-physical system and the results are analyzed based on the performance metric measures of attack prediction ratio, accuracy, cost of communication, the ratio of delay, the ratio of efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score. This dataset is split into 80% training and 20% testing dataset. This proposed work is compared with existing algorithms of CNN (Thiruloga, Kukkala & Pasricha, 2022), RNN (Yoginath et al., 2019).

Dataset description

The datasets used in this work were UNSW-NB15 and TON_IoT Train_Test Network. which contain 2.55 million sample data. For this work, sample datasets were randomly chosen from UNSW-NB15, 150,282 for training and 27,895 for testing. Similarly, for TON_IoT Train_Test dataset, 160,576 samples were chosen for the training dataset and 30,602 samples for the testing dataset. Results were analyzed based on the performance metric measures of the Ratio of attack prediction, Accuracy detection, cost of communication, the ratio of delay, ratio of efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score. Table 2 shows the features used in the UNSW-NB15 dataset.

Table 2:
Features of UNSW-NB15 dataset.
UNSW-NB15 dataset
Feature number Feature name Feature number Feature name
f1 dur f23 dwin
f2 proto f24 tcprtt
f3 service f25 synack
f4 state f26 ackdat
f5 spkts f27 smean
f6 dpkts f28 dmean
f7 sbytes f29 trans_depth
f8 dbytes f30 response_body_len
f9 rate f31 ct_srv_src
f10 sttl f32 ct_state_ttl
f11 dttl f33 ct_dst_ltm
f12 sload f34 ct_src_dport_ltm
f13 dload f35 ct_dst_sport_ltm
f14 sloss f36 ct_dsc_src_ltm
f15 dloss f37 is_ftp_login
f16 sinpkt f38 ct_ftp_cmd
f17 dinpkt f39 ct_flw_http_mthd
f18 sjit f40 ct_src_ltm
f19 djit f41 ct_srv_dst
f20 swin f42 is_sm_ips_ports
f21 stcpb f43 attack_cat
f22 dtcpb f44 label
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/table-2

Ratio of attack detection

The attack detection of networks in cyber-physical systems is required because it can result in stealing the personal credentials of the user. Therefore, the proposed work DCNN-HMACO detects the attack in the network. Figure 5 demonstrates the detection of new attacks in the network of cyber-physical systems promptly detected by our proposed work of DCNN-HMACO and compared it with other existing algorithms of CNN and RNN.

Ratio of attack detection.

Figure 5: Ratio of attack detection.

Table 3 shows the TON_IoT Train_Test Network dataset

Table 3:
Features of the TON_IoT Train_Test network dataset.
TON_IoT Train_Test network dataset
Feature number Feature name Feature number Feature name
f1 dns_AA f24 http_response_body_len
f2 dns_RD f25 http_user_agent
f3 dns_RA f26 label
f4 dns_rejected f27 src_ip
f5 ssl_resumed f28 dst_ip
f6 ssl_established f29 proto
f7 weird_notice f30 service
f8 src_port f31 conn_state
f9 dst_port f32 dns_query
f10 duration f33 ssl_version
f11 src_bytes f34 ssl_cipher
f12 dst_bytes f35 ssl_subject
f13 missed_bytes f36 ssl_issuer
f14 src_pkts f37 http_method
f15 src_ip_bytes f38 http_uri
f16 dst_pkts f39 http_referrer
f17 dst_ip_bytes f40 http_version
f18 dns_qclass f41 http_orig_mime_types
f19 dns_qtype f42 http_resp_mime_types
f20 dns_code f43 weird_name
f21 http_trans_depth f44 weird_addl
f22 http_request_body_len f45 type
f23 http_status_code f46 ts
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/table-3

Ratio of accuracy in detection of attack

Detection of attack in the CPS, in the aspect of accuracy rate, is implemented by using DCNN-HMACO. Figure 6 shows the accuracy detection of the attack. It demonstrates that the detection of attacks in the network of cyber-physical systems is high when implementing the DCNN-HMACO algorithm. It produces a high accuracy rate in detecting new arrival of aggression in the network.

Ratio of accuracy in detection of attack.

Figure 6: Ratio of accuracy in detection of attack.

Efficiency ratio in CPS

Using the DCNN-HMACO algorithm detection of attack in the network of CPS based on features in the dataset of UNSW-NB15 and TON_IoT Train_Test Network dataset, Fig. 7 shows the efficiency ratio in CPS.

Efficiency ratio in CPS.

Figure 7: Efficiency ratio in CPS.

In the observation of Fig. 7, the efficiency ratio in cyber-physical systems for the detection of attack in the network is based on the terms of privacy-preserving of credentials information, secure in an efficient manner by using DCNN-HMACO. The performance of metric measures of:







Table 4 shows Record Types in ToN-IoT dataset and Table 5 shows the performance metric measures of sensitivity, specificity, F1-Score, Miss Rate, Fall out in the training dataset.

Table 4:
Record types in the ToN-IoT dataset.
Event type Total records of data Record of train-test
DDOS 6,165,009 20,000
Backdoor 508,115 20,000
Injection 452, 658 20,000
DoS 3,375,327 20,000
MITM 1,053 1,042
Ransome ware 72,806 20,000
Scanning 7,140,162 20,000
XSS 2,108,943 20,000
Password 1,718,567 20,000
Normal 796,380 300,000
Total 22,339,018 461,042
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/table-4
Table 5:
Performance metric measures in the training dataset.
Algorithm Training
Sensitivity Specificity F1-score Miss rate Fall out
CNN 0.75 0.82 0.79 0.088 0.075
RNN 0.85 0.75 0.73 0.081 0.068
DCNN-HMACO 0.91 0.93 0.92 0.052 0.043
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/table-5

Table 6 discussed the Win7, Win10, Network, and Win10–Network datasets with numbers of standard records and the types of attachments collected.

Table 6:
The Win7, Win10, Network, Win10–Network datasets with numbers of normal records and the types of attachments collected.
Events Win10 Win7 Win10-network Network
DDOS 4,608 2,134 498,920 508,116
backdoor 1,179 508,116
Injection 612 998 24,311 452,658
DoS 525 109,957 3,375,328
MITM 15 87 1,052
Ransome ware 82 72,805
Scanning 447 226 208,572 7,140,161
XSS 1,269 4 106,746 21,089,844
Password 3,628 757 101,398 1,718,568
Normal 24,871 22,387 23,763 796,380
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/table-6

In the testing dataset, the proposed work DCNN-HMACO produces the metric measures of sensitivity of 0.94; specificity got 0.91, F1-Score got 0.87, miss rate got 0.032, and fall out of 0.038 is shown in Table 7.

Table 7:
Performance metric measures in the testing dataset.
Algorithm Testing
Sensitivity Specificity F1-score Miss rate Fall out
CNN 0.85 0.70 0.74 0.072 0.065
RNN 0.82 0.69 0.64 0.067 0.048
DCNN-HMACO 0.94 0.91 0.87 0.032 0.038
DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/table-7

The computation time and accuracy of DCNN-HMACO in detecting attacks in the network in CPS are compared with other algorithms like CNN and RNN. As shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, the proposed work of DCNN-HMACO required minimum computation time and a higher attack detection accuracy rate.

Computation time.

Figure 8: Computation time.


Figure 9: Accuracy.


An emerging framework for attack detection in cyber-physical systems using the heuristic based optimization algorithm of DCNN-HMACO has been proposed. The dataset used in this work is UNSW-NB15 and TON_IoT Train_Test Network for the detection of attacks in the network.

To minimize the error loss function and enhance the detection of attacks in the network, the optimization algorithm is used. In the overall analysis of the detection of attack by using DCNN-HMACO in the aspects of accuracy, computation time, FPR, precision, recall, and F1 score, the accuracy rate of our proposed work got 92.14 % in comparison with other algorithms such as CNN that got 72.12% and FCM 79.56 %. In future work, the proposed DCNN-HMACO will be implemented with fuzzy-based detection of attack in the network.

Supplemental Information

Client-server communication with authentication features.

Code, documentation, and information about how to implement or configure the system. The system allows clients to connect to a server securely by verifying their identities through authentication mechanisms.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/supp-1

Server-side code responsible for user authentication, authorization, and security measures.

Includes configurations, algorithms, or documentation related to how authentication is implemented within the server.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/supp-2

Code, configurations, and documentation detailing a basic anti-DDoS solution.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/supp-3

Code for computer security professionals and individuals seeking to protect their systems from malicious software.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1596/supp-4
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