Scheduling algorithms for data-protection based on security-classification constraints to data-dissemination

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PeerJ Computer Science


Most organizations use common countermeasures such as firewalls, antivirus, and antispyware software, intrusion models, virtual private networks (VPNs), and data encryption in transit to tackle the attacks (Li, 2018). However, such methods are not fully effective. Therefore, several methods and research have been conducted to predict attacks to deal with the increased unpredictable number of cyber-attacks. For example, machine learning, time series, Markov models, data mining, and Bayesian networks are popular methods to predict cyber-attacks (Husák et al., 2018).

A data breach is a serious issue that has caused massive damage to enterprises worldwide. According to Dinger & Wade (2019), a firm’s average security breach damage cost is $3.9 million. The size of a breach has been increasing and has become significant for a large firm. For example, a breach at Equifax exceeded $600 million. While the lack of cyber security attack preparation and response is one reason, insufficient data security-related decision-making is another. Implementing advanced security tools and access control mechanisms could minimize the attacks, but they will not be prevented due to human error, weakness, and psychological manipulation (Dinger & Wade, 2019). The ongoing security threat and data breaches show the need to redesign our systems’ data processing and dissemination and incorporate technology-based data security and privacy policy and strategies.

According to the open system’s interconnections into a seven-layered network, the internet protocols have been viewed, in Fuentes-García, Camacho & Maciá-Fernández (2021), as a set of layers or protocol stack described. To provide end-to-end security solutions, several protocols such as IPSec, SSL, and DNSSEC have been proposed in the latter work. With the rapid growth of smart communication wireless devices, the advancement in computer network architectures, and the invention of 5G mobile communications, traditional data management systems cannot handle massive data. Accordingly, to process higher data rates, guarantee lower data latency, and manage big data, newer network architecture design and better algorithms embedded with security and decision-making capabilities are required (Sultan, Ali & Zhang, 2018). Furthermore, to resolve the network data management under constraints problem, a scheduler was used in their scheme (Alquhayz & Jemmali, 2021) to prioritize highly confidential classified packets in the case the transmission of such packets could be uncertain. The authors used a single router under a fixed time-slot interval (Alquhayz & Jemmali, 2021; Jemmali & Alquhayz, 2020b) to experiment with several proposed heuristics and thus prove the practicality of their research. In addition, in Jemmali & Alquhayz (2020a), the authors developed a scheduler to solve the problem of identical routers in the network.

Data are publicly classified into different classes: top-secret, secret, restricted, and public, and others use other terms like regulatory, public, confidential (highly confidential), and internal. Data classification using security policies has been used in many domains military, business, and healthcare (Katarahweire, Bainomugisha & Mughal, 2020). For instance, a secure data and identity multilevel security outsourcing scheme is proposed in Sarhan & Carr (2017), Sarhan (2017) and Sarhan & Lilien (2019).

Multilevel security (MLS) controls the disclosure of data in trusted and unsafe environments. Only authorized individuals can access, modify, or delete data. The current network behavior is static, which makes the network sluggish in unstable network environments (e.g., traffic patterns or topology changes, or link failures)-thus, there is a need for a multilevel security policy that can be adopted under any circumstances (Burke et al., 2022). Ali & Mathew (2022) proposed a blockchain-based IoT network multilevel security architecture that provides multilevel data protection. The scheme uses cipher ChaCha20 and cellular automata to gain more security and randomness. The same authors claimed that their scheme enhances security and protects against all kinds of attacks by providing multiple levels of encryption; however, their scheme is not flexible and cannot minimize the chances of leakages. In Lin & Hsieh (2022), the authors proposed a scheme that securely transmitted data between cloud service and Internet of Vehicles (IoV) devices. Their scheme uses an M-tree-based elliptic curve and digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) to provide key management for multilevel security infrastructure. Achleitner et al. (2020) MLS scheme enforces the flow policy of information among the inter-node within the network to minimize chances for attacks. Their scheme enforces the MLS policy on the software-defined networks SDN switches by moving the job to the controller. Unlike the proposed MLS methods, our scheme MLS policy ensures the absence of transmitting an identical level of secure information simultaneously.

Different scheduling algorithms proposed in Alharbi & Jemmali (2020), Jemmali (2019), Melhim, Jemmali & Alharbi (2018), Jemmali (2021b), Jemmali (2021a), Haouari, Gharbi & Jemmali (2006), Haouari, Hidri & Jemmali (2008) and Hidri & Jemmali (2020) can be extended and applied to the proposed problem.

Several schemes used reputation systems mechanisms to ensure a trusted routing environment. In Li, Lyu & Liu (2004), the authors proposed a trusted-based routing protocol model recommending the trusted routing node to improve security. In Venkataraman et al. (2015) and Tang et al. (2018), authors embed a trust-based mechanism in the routing path for routing path scheduling. Other authors used Blockchain and trusted public key.

Protocols (Abd El-Moghith & Darwish, 2021) create decentralized inter-domain trusted routing systems and use smart contracts (Ramezan & Leung, 2018) to follow a trusted route to the destination. Detection of malicious nodes using reinforcement learning by automatically discovering the packets number transmitted to node’s neighbor nodes was studied in Mayadunna et al. (2017). In Shukla et al. (2022), the authors proposed a scheme to ensure the privacy of the source location to maintain safety time. The scheme selects multiple phantom nodes based on a dynamic routing generation process, adds a randomly directed path, and transmits the packets through different phantom nodes to ensure security (Boneh & Franklin, 2003).

Several algorithms-treated scheduling problem can be served to solve the studied problem (Jemmali, Hidri & Alourani, 2022; Jemmali et al., 2022a; Hmida & Jemmali, 2022; Alquhayz, Jemmali & Otoom, 2020; Jemmali, Otoom & al Fayez, 2020).

Even though there is a strong need for a multilevel secure data dissemination solution in a military-based environment, not enough research and investment in this domain exist despite the need to use such a solution in the current era where collaboration between businesses and governmental organizations becomes necessary. Furthermore, although several access-control mechanisms have been deployed for secure data dissemination (Ferraiolo, Kuhn & Chandramouli, 2003; Goyal et al., 2006), they are not fully practical in dealing with the multilevel protection of classified big data or data streams needed in a military-based environment. Therefore, the current article proposes a model that relies on two router-based architectures to schedule securely and then disseminate conflict-based multilevel packet security in a critical situation. In addition, other research related to the representation of the network traffic is developed in Melhim, Jemmali & Alharbi (2019) and Melhim et al. (2020).

The contributions of this article are summarized in the following achievements:

  • Eight proposed algorithms were coded and assessed to solve an NP-hard problem.

  • Explanation of the new constraint regarding the two routers problem giving an example.

  • The execution time of the proposed algorithms is efficient and the solution can be obtained in 0.001 s.

  • The experimental results show that the best algorithm is BCG in 89.1%.

The suggested techniques presented in this article can be exploited and operated to be adopted for other scheduling problems. Our approach is important since it provides optimal security due to its multilevel security that minimizes the level of leaked information in case of cybersecurity attacks compared to other approaches. For example, the highly secure dissemination of packets in our approach justifies our important architectural choice of two routers since two packets that belong to the same level of security are prohibited from being transmitted at the same time, and this only can be accomplished in the main time through more than one router. Thus, if an adversary could capture one highly secure packet at one point through one router, it would not be able to capture a second one simultaneously since our architecture promotes transmitting classified packets with multiple levels of security. Additionally, a review of the literature showed the lack of research on this NP-Hard problem, and the first work is presented in Sarhan, Jemmali & Ben Hmida (2021). Finally, we introduced several algorithms that can help reach metaheuristics or an exact solution for the problem in the future.

The rest of the article is structured as follows: the second section is reserved for the problem description. The third section presents the proposed algorithms. The experimental results is presented in the Experimental results section. The conclusion is given in the Conclusion section.

Problem Description

The description of the presented problem is as follows. The transmission of different files through two routers into a network will be executed under the proposed constraint. This constraint of the classification of the packets where each file has a security classification level denoted by SCi where i = 1 , , N s with Ns as the number of security classification levels.

Into the network, all files received by the intelligencer (administrator) will be classified into security classification levels. The intelligencer is the person with high priority and is authorized to assign the security classification level to each file. All packets constructing a file will inherit the security classification level from this file (Sarhan & Jemmali, 2023).

The set of all packets is denoted by PT and Np is the number of all packets. The packet index is denoted by j. The security classification level of the packet j is denoted by SCj. The transmission time of each packet is denoted by tj. When a packet j is transmitted, the cumulative transmission time is denoted by C j 1 and C j 2 , through R1 and R2, respectively. We denoted by T1 and T2 the total transmission time on the router R1 and R2, respectively. The maximum time is Tm = max(T1T2). Two packets cannot be transmitted simultaneously through two routers. This problem is proven to be NP-hard in Sarhan, Jemmali & Ben Hmida (2021).

The security classification level of a packet can be fixed as follows:

  • SC1: Very high-security classification level. This level can be assigned to sensitive data classified as national security data or data with high impact.

  • SC2: High-security classification level. This level can be assigned to sensitive data.

  • SC3: Internal security classification level. This level can be assigned to delicate data.

  • SC4: Normal security classification level. This level can be assigned to non-sensitive data but cannot be disclosed to the public.

  • SC5: Low-security classification level. This level can be assigned to reveal data that can be shared with the public.

Proposition 1

The summation of all transmission time for all packets can be written as given in Eq. (1): j = 1 j = N p t j = T 1 + T 2

Proof 1

The set of packets transmitted through the router R1 is Ps1. So, the summation of the transmission time of all packets in Ps1 is given as ∑jPs1tj and equal to T1. Similarly, the set of packets transmitted through the router R2 is Ps2. Thus, the summation of the transmission time of all packets in Ps2 is given as ∑jPs2tj and equal to T2. On the other hand, all packets are transmitted through R1or R2, this gives that j = 1 j = N p t j = j P s 1 t j + j P s 2 t j . Finally, we have Eq. (1).

Example 1

Let 13 packets be transmitted through two routers under four security classification levels. The transmission time and the security classification levels for these 13 packets are given inTable 1.

The security level for each packet j is presented in Table 2. The methods to adopt the security level classifications is based on randomization methods.

Table 1:
Transmission time and security classification levels for 13 packets for Example 1.
j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
SCi 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 4 1
tj 25 1 27 13 10 4 18 13 3 1 11 10 3
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-1
Table 2:
Security levels for each packet j for Example 1.
SC1 1 13
SC2 2 9 10 11
SC3 3 8
SC4 4 5 6 7 12
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-2

It is clear to see that packets {2,9,10,11 } belong to the same security classification level SC2. Consequently, these packets must not be transmitted simultaneously through R1 and R2.

Figure 1 illustrates the schedule for an example of an unfeasible solution. Indeed, the figure shows that the given schedule transmits the packets {1,10,9,6,4,3 } through R1 and {13,11,2,12,7,5,8} through R2. The first remarkable infeasibility case is that the packets {1,13} are transmitted simultaneously on the two routers while these packets belong to the same security classification level SC1 as illustrated in Table 2. This infeasibility must not occur on a feasible schedule that can respect the constraint of the security classification levels. Indeed, for each given sequence the assignment on the routers must respect the constraint of the security levels. A test must be made on each schedule to verify the feasibility of the schedule. When the schedule is not feasible a procedure must be called to rectify the schedule and generate a new schedule that respects the proposed constraint.

Schedule for an example of an unfeasible solution.

Figure 1: Schedule for an example of an unfeasible solution.

Figure 1 cannot be accepted as a feasible solution to the studied problem; this obligates us to find a feasible solution to the problem that respects the constraint of feasibility. The first intervention that can be made is to separate the transmission of packets {1,13}. Figure 2 illustrates an example of a schedule for a feasible solution. Indeed, this figure shows that the given schedule transmits the packets {1,10,9,6,4,3} through R1 and {13,11,2,12,7,5,8} through R2. Now, it is clear that the packets {1,13} are not transmitted simultaneously. Therefore, this schedule is feasible and respects the constraint of security levels. Figure 2 shows that T1 = 93, while T2 = 66. So, we have Tm = 93.

Proposed Algorithms

The proposed algorithms use several techniques to elaborate the results. These techniques are the randomization method, the probabilistic method, the iterative method, and the classification method. Table 3 illustrates the description and abbreviations of the proposed algorithms. The proposed algorithms use several techniques to elaborate the results. These techniques are the dispatching rule method, the grouping method, and the classification method.

Dynamic decreasing transmission time algorithm (DTA)

Firstly, we sort the packets according to the decreasing order of their transmission time. A test will be applied to verify if the security classification level of the packet already transmitted is the same as the selected packet. Suppose the security classification levels are the same. In that case, we select the next packet in the list and test again, and so on until finding the first packet that doesn’t belong to the same security classification level. TestClassf(LX): determine the security classification level of the packet X and find the first packet that doesn’t have the same security classification level of X in the list L.Firstpack(L): return the first packet in the list L. The procedure DER(PT) sorts the packets PT according to the decreasing order of their transmission time. The procedure  Sdl(PK) takes in input the packet PK and schedules this packet on the router that has the minimum value of Tk, with k = {1, 2}. The instruction of the algorithm is given in Algorithm 1.

Schedule for an example of feasible solution.

Figure 2: Schedule for an example of feasible solution.

Grouped security classification level algorithm (GSC)

The idea applied to this algorithm is as follows: firstly, we determine a list for each security classification level. The packet decomposes this list in the security classification level SCi with i ∈ {1, …, Ns}, and is denoted by Lsi. The packet with index z in the list Lsi will be L s i z . For each security classification level, sort the packets according to the decreasing order of their transmission time. The group G1 is constructed by the packets L s i 1 , i = 1 , . . , N s . The group G2 is constructed by the packets L s i 2 , i = 1 , . . , N s and so on, until constructed all groups. Now, scheduling the packets belonging to the first group on the two routers. After that, the packets on the second group will be scheduled, and so on, until finishing all groups.

Table 3:
The description and notation of proposed algorithms.
Algorithm description Algorithm notation
Dynamic decreasing transmission time algorithm DTA
Grouped security classification level algorithm GSC
Half-shortest classification algorithm HSC
Half-classification decreasing algorithm HCD
Half-classification increasing algorithm HCI
Quarter-classification decreasing algorithm QCD
Quarter-classification decreasing algorithm QCI
Best-classification groups algorithm BCG
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-3

Hereinafter, CGP() is the function that constructs the groups of packets, and g is the number of constructed groups. The instruction of the algorithm is given in Algorithm 2.

Half-shortest classification algorithm (HSC)

Firstly, we sort the packets according to the increasing order of their transmission time. Then, we divide the sorted packets into two groups G1 and G2. Two scheduling modalities are applied. The first one is to schedule the packets in G1 and after that the packets in G2. The maximum transmission time over the two routers is calculated and denoted by T m 1 . The second modality is to schedule the packets in G2, and after that the packets in G1. The maximum transmission time over the two routers is calculated ad denoted by T m 2 . Consequently, T m = min T m 1 , T m 2 .

Half-classification decreasing algorithm (HCD)

This algorithm is based on the same idea as HSC. The difference is regarding the initial state of the packets. Here, we don’t initially sort the packets. We divide directly without sorting the packets into G1 and G2. Now, in each group, we sort the packets according to the decreasing transmission time order. Finally, we apply the two modalities described above to determine Tm.

Half-classification increasing algorithm (HCI)

This algorithm is based on the same idea as HSC. The difference is regarding the initial state of the packets. Here, we don’t initially sort the packets. In each group, we sort the packets according to the increasing order of their transmission time. Finally, we apply the two modalities described above to determine Tm.

Quarter-classification decreasing algorithm (QCD)

This algorithm is based on the same idea as HCD. The difference is regarding the division into the two groups. In HCD, we construct the groups with the same number of packets each. However, in this algorithm, we build the groups by taking 1/4 of the packets in G1 and 3/4 of the packets in G2. This is the first variant of the proposed algorithm. The second variant is to take 3/4 of the packets in G1 and 1/4 of the packets in G2. The best solution will be picked.

Quarter-classification decreasing algorithm (QCI)

This algorithm is based on the same idea as HCI. The difference is regarding the division into the two groups. In HCI, we construct the groups with the same number of packets each. However, in this algorithm, we construct the groups by quarter division as described in QCD.

Best-classification groups algorithm (BCG)

This algorithm is based on the minimum value obtained after running the algorithms QCI, QCD, HCI, and GSC.

Experimental Results

In this section, we detail the results after coding all proposed algorithms in C++ over a computer with an i5 processor and 8G memory.


Several indicators are used to measure the performance of algorithms as follows:

  • V ¯ is the minimum value of Tm

  • V is the Tm value given by the studied algorithm.

  • Ptg is the percentage of instances when V ¯ = V .

  • g a = V V ¯ V ¯ is the gap between the studied algorithm and the best one

  • Aga is the average of ga through a set of instances.

  • Time is the average running time (in seconds). We put “*” if the running time is less than 0.001 s.

Generated dataset evaluation

To assess the proposed algorithms, we used 1,500 instances detailed as follows. The number of packets Np is in {6,15,30,40,50,80,150,200}. The number of security classification levels Ns is in {3,5,7,8}. Table 4 shows the choice of the number of packets and the number of security classification levels.

The transmission time of each packet is generated following five classes of instances. These classes are based on the uniform distribution U(, ) (Sarhan & Jemmali, 2023) and the binomial distribution B(, ) (Jemmali & Ben Hmida, 2023). These classes are as follows:

  • Class 1: U(1, 15);

  • Class 2: U(10, 20);

  • Class 3: U(15, 30);

  • Class 4: B(1, 25);

  • Class 5: B(1, 30).

Firstly, a comparison between the proposed algorithms is detailed and discussed. After that, a discussion regarding the proposed algorithms faces those proposed in Sarhan, Jemmali & Ben Hmida (2021), Sarhan & Jemmali (2023) and Sarhan (2023).

Table 5 shows the comparison between the proposed algorithms by Ptg, ga, and Time. This table shows that the best algorithm is BCG in 89.1% of cases, an average gap of 0.001 and a running time of 0.015 s. The second best algorithm is GSC with Ptg = 61.4% and ga = 0.005.

Table 4:
Number of packets and number of security classification levels choice.
Np Ns
6 3,5
15,30,40,50,80,150,200 3,5,7,8
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-4

Based on the generated instances there are 30 tuples of (NpNs). For each tuple, we present the ga value for all proposed algorithms in Fig. 3. This figure shows the performance of BCG compared to others.

After execution of the algorithms in literature via the used 1,500 instances, a comparison between these algorithms is established. The experimental results show that the best algorithm in Sarhan, Jemmali & Ben Hmida (2021), Sarhan & Jemmali (2023) and Sarhan (2023) are MDETA, R L T ¯ , and RGS1, respectively. The best algorithm from the literature is R L T ¯ . The experimental results show that there is 389 instance where BCG is better than R L T ¯ and 436 instances where B C G = R L T ¯ .

The behavior of the average gap for the algorithm BCG for each instance among all the 1,500 ones is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Table 5:
Comparison between the proposed algorithms by Ptg, ga, and Time.
Ptg 11.8% 61.4% 14.6% 5.5% 15.9% 15.5% 16.4% 89.1%
ga 0.088 0.005 0.017 0.024 0.026 0.027 0.018 0.001
Time 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.015
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-5
Comparison of all proposed algorithm based on (Np, Ns) variations.

Figure 3: Comparison of all proposed algorithm based on (NpNs) variations.

The average gap variation for BCG for each instance among 1,500.

Figure 4: The average gap variation for BCG for each instance among 1,500.

Table 6 illustrates the comparison of ga between algorithms according to Np. This table shows that the maximum gap value of 0.004 is reached for BCG when Np = 15. This table shows that the average gap of less than 0.001 is obtained by the BCG algorithm when Np > 30. The maximum average gap of 0.122 value is obtained when Np = 200 by the DTA algorithm. While the maximum average gap of 0.004 is obtained by the BCG algorithm when Np = 15.

Table 6:
Comparison of ga between algorithms according to Np.
6 0.053 0.012 0.044 0.038 0.031 0.042 0.064 0.001
15 0.049 0.019 0.044 0.040 0.026 0.039 0.036 0.004
30 0.076 0.005 0.020 0.036 0.027 0.031 0.022 0.001
40 0.077 0.004 0.015 0.026 0.028 0.025 0.015 0.000
50 0.086 0.003 0.011 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.013 0.000
80 0.101 0.002 0.008 0.015 0.026 0.023 0.007 0.000
150 0.118 0.001 0.004 0.012 0.024 0.020 0.004 0.000
200 0.122 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.023 0.018 0.003 0.000
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-6

Table 7 illustrates the comparison of ga between algorithms according to Ns for all algorithms. This table shows that the only average gap value of less than 0.001 is obtained by BCG when Ns = 3. For all values of Ns the value of the average is greater or equal to 0.001. On the other hand, the maximum average gap of 0.182 is obtained by the DTA algorithm when Ns = 3.

Table 7:
Comparison of ga between algorithms according to Ns.
3 0.182 0.003 0.024 0.031 0.035 0.039 0.028 0.000
5 0.086 0.007 0.018 0.025 0.027 0.026 0.019 0.001
7 0.055 0.005 0.013 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.012 0.001
8 0.013 0.007 0.012 0.019 0.018 0.020 0.010 0.001
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-7

Table 8 illustrates the comparison of ga between algorithms according to Class for all algorithms. This table shows that the average gap value of 0.001 is obtained by BCG independently of the class.

Table 8:
Comparison of ga between algorithms according to Class.
1 0.085 0.007 0.024 0.032 0.021 0.023 0.030 0.001
2 0.084 0.005 0.014 0.023 0.027 0.026 0.014 0.001
3 0.089 0.005 0.015 0.022 0.027 0.031 0.013 0.001
4 0.088 0.005 0.016 0.021 0.025 0.028 0.017 0.001
5 0.091 0.004 0.016 0.022 0.030 0.028 0.014 0.001
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-8

Benchmark Real-Dataset evaluation

The packet transmission time is estimated based on their size. Indeed, in Pelloso et al. (2018), the authors give a Figure that presented the average transmitted packet size through the network when the time is varying. A correspondence between packet transmission time and the average transmitted packet size can be established easily.

In this subsection, the Real-Dataset used as a benchmark to evaluate the proposed algorithms is the dataset on video packet size and quality performance published in Ukommi (2022). This dataset is composed of two sequence types foreman test video sequence and container test video sequence. The first sequence is divided into two frame numbers. The first number is PSNR (29.11dB) denoted by PSNR1. The second number is PSNR (32.20dB) denoted by PSNR2. The second sequence is divided into two frame numbers. The first number is PSNR (36.56dB) denoted by PSNR3. The second number is PSNR (37.80dB) denoted by PSNR4. So, in total there are four different types of performance PSNR1, PSNR2, PSNR3, and PSNR4.

The number of packets Np is in {10, 15, 20}. The number of security classification levels Ns is in {3, 5, 7}. When Np = 10, 30 instances are selected for each type of performance and for each number of security classification levels. When Np = 15, 20 instances are selected for each type of performance and for each number of security classification levels. When Np = 20, 15 instances are selected for each type of performance and for each number of security classification levels. Consequently, the total number of instances of this benchmark is (30 + 20 + 15) × 3 × 4 = 780. Hereafter, the discussion is regarding these 780 instances.

Table 9 shows the comparison between the proposed algorithms by Ptg, ga, and Time. This table shows that the best algorithm is BCG in 88.6% of cases, with an average gap of less than 0.001 and a running time of 0.010 s. The second best algorithm is GSC with Ptg = 64.5% and ga = 0.001. As a general conclusion, the results obtained over the five classes in the generated dataset are closer to the results of the real dataset in the benchmark.

Table 9:
Benchmark comparison of the proposed algorithms by Ptg, ga, and Time.
Ptg 34.4% 64.5% 21.2% 14.9% 20.0% 29.5% 22.1% 88.6%
ga 0.052 0.001 0.025 0.043 0.059 0.039 0.017 0.000
Time 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.010
DOI: 10.7717/peerjcs.1543/table-9

After execution of the algorithms in literature via the used 780 instances, a comparison between these algorithms is established. The experimental results show that the best algorithms in Sarhan, Jemmali & Ben Hmida (2021), Sarhan & Jemmali (2023) and Sarhan (2023) are MDETA, R L T ¯ , and RGS1, respectively. The best algorithm from the literature is R L T ¯ . The experimental results show that there is 160 instance where BCG is better than R L T ¯ and 326 instances where B C G = R L T ¯ .

The best algorithm proposed in this article as showed in Tables 5 and 9 can be applied to solve the problem with the constraints of window pass studied in Alquhayz & Jemmali (2021), Alquhayz, Jemmali & Otoom (2020), Jemmali, Alharbi & Melhim (2018) and Jemmali et al. (2022b). In addition, the proposed algorithms can be applied and compared to the algorithms proposed in Jemmali, Ben Hmida & Sarhan (2023) Melhim, Jemmali & Alharbi (2018) and Jemmali, Alharbi & Melhim (2018).


In this article, we investigated the problem of transmitting packets through two routers in the presence of a new constraint that can enhance the security of a network. This constraint is to not allow the transmission of two packets that belong to the same security classification level simultaneously through the two routers. This problem is proved to be NP-hard. Eight algorithms are proposed to solve the studied problem. These algorithms are based essentially on iterative, randomization, and classification approaches. A comparison between these algorithms via different metrics is discussed. The experimental results show that the best algorithm is BCG in 89.1% of cases, with an average gap of 0.001 and a running time of 0.015 s. In addition, it is shown that there is no dominance between the proposed algorithms. Compared to the best algorithm in the literature R L T ¯ the results show that there is 389 instance where BCG is better than R L T ¯ and 436 instances where B C G = R L T ¯ . The future vision is based on three axes. The first axe is the enhancement of the proposed algorithms by applying several metaheuristics and using the results given by the proposed algorithms as initial solutions. The second axe is applying the proposed algorithms to other network problems and tests the performance of these algorithms using different metrics. The last axe is to develop an exact solution for the studied problem using a mathematical formulation or solver Cplex.

Supplemental Information

Instances and classes for all 1,500 datasets used.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1543/supp-1

Code algorithm dispatching rule DRV.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1543/supp-2
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