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Daniel Fischer
I studied Statistics and Computer Sciences at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. During that time, my interest was particularly in mathematical statistics with a focus on high-dimensional extensions of the univariate median. After graduating, I moved to Tampere, Finland and completed my PhD in at the University of Tampere in Biostatistics with minor Bioinformatics.
While still being enrolled as PhD student at the University I started to work as a researcher in Bioinformatics at the MTT, Jokioinen, Finland. Since 2015 I am working at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) where I finalized my PhD.
My published articles in peer-reviewed journals cover a wide range of applications as well as statistical theory. My areas of expertise are target gene detection, biomarker identification and novel gene detection with a special focus on long non-coding RNAs. Further, I have experiences in the development of statistical methods for DE testing as well as deriving novel non-parametrical tests for (e)QTL analyses. I published and maintain currently six R-packages, i.e. for (e)QTL testing, cross-species ortholog detection and dimension reduction methods.
Agricultural Science Bioinformatics Computational Biology Data Mining & Machine Learning Data Science Dentistry Genomics Mathematical Biology Microbiology Statistics