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Melanie J.B. Zeppel
Dr Zeppel is a Senior Research Fellow in GenIMPACT, the National Centre for Economic Impacts of Genomic Medicine, at Macquarie University.
Her current research involves genomics, bioinformatics, and precision medicine, using microsimulation modelling of productivity and health economics. Current projects include genomic medicine and childhood cancer, preconception carrier screening, eye diseases such as retinoblastoma, modelling the impact on productivity, of various conditions such as osteoarthritis.
She recently transitioned to genomic medicine from plant biology, and thus has a broad range of experience from plant physiology and climate change, to human health and modelling the impact of genomic medicine on various diseases.
Melanie was awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA, from 2012-2016, to examine the response of plants to changes in timing of precipitation. She also published on response of trees to extreme precipitation, where rainfall occurs as larger, less frequent rain events.
Melanie's previous research involved measuring and modelling how trees and forests respond to changing climatic conditions, including changing the timing and seasonality of rainfall, drought and elevated CO2. Specifically, she has measured the response of plants to drought, and elevated CO2 within remnant forests, and glasshouses. She has also quantified long-term tree water use during and after drought.
Climate Change Biology Data Science Ecohydrology Genetics Genomics Medical Genetics Pediatrics Psychiatry & Psychology Science & Medical Education