PeerJ Author & Reviewer
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Ruth C Lovering
PeerJ Author & Reviewer
I have been participating in the annotation of the human genome for 19 years and now lead an annotation team based at UCL, which has submitted over 10% of the manual Gene Ontology annotations associated with human gene productss. Gene Ontology (GO) is the de facto standard to describe the biological function of genes and is the most widely used biomedical ontology. In addition, my team also contributes protein interaction data to the IMEx Consortium. Our annotations are made publically available, through our close collaboration with the European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, and have been propagated through the world’s leading biological databases, including Ensembl and NCBI Gene, and even to Wikipedia.
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PeerJ Contributions
February 19, 2015
Claudia Manzoni, Paul Denny, Ruth C. Lovering, Patrick A. Lewis