Comparison of miRNA expression profiles in pituitary–adrenal axis between Beagle and Chinese Field dogs after chronic stress exposure

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MiRNAs belong to a class of non-coding endogenous RNAs with the lengths ranging from 18 nt to 25 nt. They have been much explored as gene expression regulators that involve many biological processes, including differentiation, proliferation, development and apoptosis of cells, hormone secretions, virus diseases and cancers (Stefani & Slark, 2008; Cordes, Srivastava & Ivey, 2010; Taft et al., 2010). MiRNAs are also important in the neuroendocrine system and functionally associated with postembryonic development, axon guidance, synaptic plasticity and astrocyte activity (Bartel, 2004; Krichevsky et al., 2006; Mor et al., 2011). Previous studies showed miR-18a could downregulate the expression of glucocorticoid receptor in vitro (Uchida et al., 2008; Vreugdenhil et al., 2009). And in paraventricular nucleus, the miR-18a expression levels of the excessively stress-induced rats were higher than that in the natural rats. In addition, with the neuron treated by glucocorticoid (Kawashima et al., 2010), the miRNA-132 in neuron showed a lower expression level compared with that in negative control. Experiments in rats indicated that, compared with non-stress groups, the expression levels of some miRNAs in prefrontal cortex changed a bit within the acute stress exposure groups, but significantly upregulated within the chronic stress exposure groups (Rinaldi et al., 2010). Collectively, the existing knowledge indicates that the miRNAs play important roles in the neuroendocrine system and are closely associated with the stress response.

The hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis) is an important part of the neuroendocrine system. Stress response, including acute and chronic ones, is regulated by the activity of the HPA axis in part (Frodl & O’Keane, 2013; Griffiths & Hunter, 2014). HPA axis is involved in maintaining the homeostasis of the body, with its regulations in digestion, immune system, mood, sex behavior, energy storage and consumption (Bodera, Stankiewicz & Kocik, 2014; Kennedy et al., 2014; Gelman et al., 2015). Currently, the mechanism of HPA axis in regulating stress response has been basically revealed. However, especially in dogs, the knowledge of the miRNAs associated with stress response in HPA axis is still devoid of a systemic revelation. In addition, to our knowledge, the systemic study of miRNAs in dog tissues still remains poor compared with that in other frequently-used medical animals, just with a study concerning dog tracheas and dog lungs reported (Zhao et al., 2014). In 2008, 357 candidate miRNAs in the Canis familiaris genome were identified with a comparative analysis of the whole genome in silico. Of them, 300 miRNAs were homological with characterized human miRNAs (Zhou et al., 2008). Virtually, miRNA is characterized by its high homology among species, thus the miRNA study targeting HPA axis in dogs can further its corresponding understanding of that in human or other animals.

High-throughput sequencing has been a powerful method to investigate the expression profiles of miRNAs, and has been widely utilized in various organisms (Zhao et al., 2014; Zhan et al., 2014; Li et al., 2015a; Wongwarangkana et al., 2015). In this study, we aimed to investigate the miRNAs involving chronic stress response in dog pituitary and dog adrenal cortex (pituitary–adrenal axis). To achieve it, the pituitary and adrenal cortex tissues of beagles and Chinese Field dogs (CFD) that were treated with chronic stress exposure and non-treatment, were separately performed with miRNA-seq. Then, in pituitary and adrenal cortex, miRNA profiles were compared between the chronic stress exposure groups and the control groups within and between breeds to identify the miRNAs associated with chronic stress response in the pituitary–adrenal axis.

To better pinpoint the pivotal miRNAs of regulating chronic stress in pituitary and adrenal cortex, we combined the miRNA-seq of this study with our previous transcriptome study (Luo et al., 2015). Importantly, the animals used, stress exposure treatment, sampling and differential expression analysis strategy in this study were all the same with our previous transcriptome study (Luo et al., 2015). In our transcriptome study, glucocorticoid levels of pre- and post-stress exposure in each day were detected, and hippocampal sections of stress exposure groups and control groups in both breeds were conducted, both giving evidence that our stress exposure was potent and valid. In addition, our previous transcriptome study identified a total of 511 and 171 differentially expressed genes in pituitary and adrenal cortex, respectively (Table S1).

The two dog breeds used here, including Beagle and CFD, have distinct characteristics in stress tolerance. Beagles are manageable, have good environmental adaptability and good stress tolerance, while CFD is exciteable. We herein utilize two breeds that are distinct in stress tolerance but not just a single breed to avoid drawing a sweeping conclusion and pinpoint the miRNAs concerning chronic stress response more accurately.

Material and Method

Ethics statements

In this experiment, all animals used were approved by the Animal Care Committee of Jinan University (Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China) approval number 20131018001, and strictly implemented in line with the experimental basic principles.

Chronic stress treatment

Chronic stress treatment was given briefly as follows: 6 unrelated purebred male Chinese Field dogs (CFD) and 6 unrelated purebred male beagles, similar in health, weight, and other aspects were selected randomly. From each of these two breeds, three dogs were selected for stress exposure via intermittent electrical stimulation and restraint stress, and the other 3 dogs of each breed, used as controls, were not exposed to the stress. Each morning for 10 days, dogs were restrained and electrically stimulated with a stable current of 10 mA for 6 s followed by a 6-s interval without stimulation, lasting for 20 min every day. Meanwhile, before and after each 20-min stress exposure session, 4 ml of blood was collected and isolated to examine cortisol level with a cortisol radiation immunoassay kit used.

Samples and RNA preparation

All 12 dogs were killed by air embolism on the 11th day, along with all parts of the adrenal cortex and pituitary tissues collected and fast frozen in liquid nitrogen until for miRNA-seq. Further, Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, USA) was used to isolate the RNAs of all the adrenal cortex and pituitary tissues collected above. The quantity and quality of RNA were examined by Agarose gel electrophoresis, NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo, USA), and Agilent 2100 (Agilent, USA). The RNA collected from each group, including 3 dogs of each, were pooled with equal mass respectively, thus obtaining 8 RNA pooled samples, including CFDP1 (CFD pituitary with stress exposure), CFDP2 (CFD pituitary with non-disposal), CFDAC1 (CFD adrenal cortex with stress exposure), CFDAC2 (CFD adrenal cortex with non-disposal), BP1 (beagle pituitary with stress exposure), BP2 (beagle pituitary with non-disposal), BAC1 (beagle adrenal cortex with stress exposure), and BAC2 (beagle adrenal cortex with non-disposal). In addition, tissues from the hippocampus were collected to perform slice analysis (Nissl staining), aiming to evaluate the influences of stress exposure on hippocampal region cells.

Small RNA library construction and sequencing

A total of 1 µg RNA was collected from each RNA pooled sample above. Then, specific 3′ and 5′ adaptors were added to the RNA ends of each group (Truseq TM Small RNA sample prep Kit, Illumina). After that, the RNA with adaptors were reverse transcribed into its 1st cDNA, with random primers added. PCR was performed to amplify the cDNA with 11–12 cycles run and then resulted in 8 cDNA libraries, including CFDP1, CFDP2, CFDAC1, CFDAC2, BP1, BP2, BAC1 and BAC2. After purified further by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), each cDNA library was performed by 1*50 bp high-sequencing on Hiseq-2000 (Majorbio Inc, Shanghai, China).

Sequence data analysis

The raw reads obtained by high-sequencing were further performed with quality control to result in clean reads. In brief, the quality control was that of trimming low-quality reads (ambiguous N and length < 18 nt), 3′ adapters, 5′ adapters and poly (A) sequences, with SeqPrep ( and Sickle ( used. Thereby, the lengths of 18–32 bp reads, as the clean ones, were obtained and calculated for their length distributions, using Fastx-Toolkit (˙toolkit/). Meanwhile, the identical reads were collapsed to obtain the unique reads for the statistics of the small RNA’s species and abundance. Moreover, the clean reads were mapped to Rfam database ( and GenBank noncoding RNA database ( to annotate the miscellaneous RNAs, thus filtering out the rRNA, scRNA, snoRNA, snRNA, tRNA and other non-coding RNA. The remaining sRNAs obtained above, including known miRNAs and unknown miRNAs, were then mapped to the CanFam 3.1 genome to analyze their distributions on genome and calculate their expressive quantity. In addition, the remaining sRNAs were mapped to the Canis Canine miRNA data of miRBase 21.0 to identify the known miRNAs. Meanwhile, the novel miRNAs were predicted using miRDeep2 (˙teams/systems˙biology˙of˙gene˙regulatory˙elements/projects/miRDeep/index.html) from unannotated sRNAs (Bonnet et al., 2004; Langmead et al., 2009; Friedländer et al., 2012). The data discussed here have been deposited in NCBI Sequence Read Archive and is accessible through GEO Series accession no. GSE72015 (

Analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs

To explore the differentially expressed miRNAs (DE-miRNAs) in pituitary and adrenal, on the basis of miRNA expression profiles, eight comparisons were made, including BP1_vs_BP2, CFDP1_vs_CFDP2, BP1_vs_CFDP1 and BP2_vs_CFDP2 in pituitary; BAC1_vs_BAC2, CFDAC1_vs_CFDAC2, BAC1_vs_CFDAC1 and BAC2_vs_CFDAC2 in adrenal cortex. Here, R package DEGseq using a Benjamini q-value of 0.001 as the cut-off (corrected p-value < 0.001) ( (Wang et al., 2010), combined with Value1/Value2 > 2 (Value indicated the normalized count of samples), were used to screen out the DE-miRNAs. Furthermore, the common miRNAs that differentially expressed in at least two comparisons from pituitary and adrenal cortex were selected for the following target prediction, respectively.

Target gene prediction of DE-miRNA and its GO, KEGG analysis

For the target gene prediction, we utilized Targetscan 7.0 (˙70/). Importantly, target genes predicted with the cumulative weighted context + + score less than −0.2, were selected for further analysis. Then, the target genes were selected to perform GO and KEGG pathway analysis, using the KOBAS 2.0 Functional Annotation Tool ( (Corrected p-value < 0.05).

Conjoint analysis of DE-miRNAs and DEGs

To better identify the important miRNAs in regulating chronic stress response, the DEGs identified in our previous transcriptome study of the pituitary and adrenal cortex were compared with the target genes of DE-miRNAs in the pituitary and adrenal cortex separately, thereby obtaining the genes that were both DEGs and target genes in pituitary and adrenal cortex, respectively (as a matter of convenience, the genes that were both DEGs and target genes were named “DE-target genes”). Further, according to a negative correlation between miRNAs and their target genes in expression pattern, the DE-miRNAs and their corresponding DE-target genes that went against this pattern, were then removed, thus resulting in the final DE-miRNA and its corresponding DE-target gene (named DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pairs hereafter). Subsequently, combined with the expression level of DE-miRNAs and their corresponding DE-target genes’ relatedness to stress regulation, a number of DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pairs were selected to perform dual luciferse reporter assay.

Validation of DE-miRNAs by qPCR

To elucidate the validity of the miRNA-seq data, DE-miRNAs, including miR-30a, miR-124, miR-205 and miR-222, were further detected by qPCR. In each group, 1 µg of pooled RNA was reverse transcribed using ReverTra Ace qPCR RT Kit 101 (TOYOBO, Japan), along with bulge-loop RT primers added. The bulge-loop RT primers and primers for qPCR were both synthesized by RIBOBIO (Guangzhou, China). QPCR was performed on the Bio-Rad S1000 with Bestar SYBR Green RT-PCR Master Mix (DBI Bioscience, Germany). Besides, U6 and U48, as the reference genes, were used to normalize the miRNA expression on the basis of 2−ΔΔCT method (Schmittgen & Livak, 2008). The detailed information of the primers and the annealing temperatures was presented in Table S2.


High-sequencing of small RNA

In this study, eight libraries including BAC2, BAC1, CFDAC2, CFDAC1, BP2, BP1, CFDP2 and CFDP1 were constructed for miRNA-seq. As a result, a number of raw reads ranging from 15,926,611 to 81,028,035 were obtained from these 8 groups (Table 1). After eliminating reads of low quality (ambiguous N and length < 18 nt), 3′ adapters, 5′ adapters and poly (A) sequences, a number of clean reads ranging from 11,900,933 to 74,445,014 were obtained from the 8 groups (Table 1). Further, the clean reads from each group were mapped to Rfam database (11.0, and GenBank noncoding RNA database ( to annotate miscellaneous RNAs. And the detailed annotations of small RNA in each library were presented in Fig. S1.

Table 1:
Statistics of miRNA-seq across 8 samples in brief.
Raw reads number 28,667,214 15,926,611 32,583,375 32,665,593 27,591,701 18,359,529 81,028,035 51,202,889
Clean reads number 24,078,122 11,900,933 27,143,726 25,448,102 24,957,693 16,409,592 74,445,014 40,249,802
Unique reads 975,309 693,607 1,508,439 1,118,474 646,032 477,154 1,644,704 1,491,566
Perfectly matched unique reads 211,901 178,920 84,239 257,486 175,320 140,709 426,965 423,546
Unique gene miRNA number 68,246 48,170 100,880 68,735 68,482 56,260 167,784 89,791
Total percent of miRNA in clean reads 82.08% 73.63% 74.32% 69.32% 88.97% 88.42% 88.27% 70.16%
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/table-1



beagle adrenal cortex with treatment


beagle adrenal cortex without treatment


beagle pituitary with treatment


beagle pituitary without treatment


Chinese Field dog adrenal cortex with treatment


Chinese Field dog adrenal cortex without treatment


Chinese Field dog pituitary with treatment


Chinese Field dog pituitary without treatment

The statistics of size distributions showed that the majority of sRNAs were 21–23 nt in length across 8 samples, along with a significantly downregulated profile in post-stress group compared with that in pre-stress (Figs. 1A and 1B). Besides, when mapped to the reference genome of Canis Canine with the remaining sRNA reads (including known miRNAs and unknown miRNAs), Chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 20 and 31 were found to be mapped most abundantly (ratio > 5%) in dog (Fig. 2). Meanwhile, a bigger number of small RNA reads were showed in pituitary samples (especially in CFD pituitary samples) compared with that in adrenal cortex samples.

Length distribution of matched reads after quality control in adrenal cortex (A) and pituitary (B).

Figure 1: Length distribution of matched reads after quality control in adrenal cortex (A) and pituitary (B).

The white, light black, light green, and green columns represent the samples of pre-stress for beagle, post-stress for beagle, pre-stress for CFD, and post-stress for CFD, respectively.
Distribution ratio on by small RNAs (sRNA) on genome.

Figure 2: Distribution ratio on by small RNAs (sRNA) on genome.

Identification of known miRNAs

When mapped to the Canis Canine data of miRBase 21.0 by the remaining sRNA reads, a total of 425 out of 453 known miRNAs (Table S3) were identified across eight samples. Of the 425 identified known miRNAs, BAC2, BAC1, CFDAC2, CFDAC1, BP2, BP1, CFDP2 and CFDP1 contributed to 332, 325, 332, 345, 327, 318, 352 and 355 miRNAs, respectively.

Table 2:
39 and 18 common differentially expressed miRNAs pituitary from the pituitary and adrenal cortex respectively.
MiRNAs ranked up to down by the total reads number within adrenal cortex samples, where the total reads were greater than 1,000.
miRNA ID Normalized reads |log2(Fold\relax \special {t4ht=_}change)|
Sample 1 Sample 2
cfa-miR-30a CFDP1:2553208 CFDP2:5289957 1.05
BP1:6285675 CFDP1:2553208 1.3
cfa-miR-9 CFDP1:2270770 CFDP2:548039 2.05
BP1:788518 CFDP1:2270770 1.53
cfa-miR-124 CFDP1:1806445 CFDP2:67009 4.75
BP1:51801 CFDP1:1806445 5.12
BP2:26408 TP2:67009 1.34
cfa-miR-144 CFDP1:162116 CFDP2:341015 1.07
BP1:561345 CFDP1:162116 1.79
cfa-miR-128 CFDP1:439481 CFDP2:86512 2.34
BP1:105386 TP1:439481 2.06
cfa-miR-146b BP1:109353 BP2:51299 1.09
BP2:51299 BP1:163222 1.67
cfa-miR-222 CFDP1:153482 CFDP2:29889 2.36
BP1:17161 CFDP1:153482 3.16
cfa-miR-34c BP1:53532 CFDP1:6620 3.02
BP2:77871 BP1:12722 2.61
cfa-miR-221 CFDP1:90710 CFDP2:19204 2.24
BP1:10704 CFDP1:90710 3.08
cfa-miR-95 BP1:23657 CFDP1:47878 1.02
BP2:13824 CFDP2:31697 1.2
cfa-miR-205 BP1:10730 BP2:22724 1.08
CFDP1:12765 CFDP2:55847 2.13
BP2:22724 CFDP2:55847 1.3
cfa-miR-138a CFDP1:52944 CFDP2:7943 2.74
BP1:10264 CFDP1:52944 2.37
cfa-miR-135b CFDP1:10065 CFDP2:21001 1.06
BP1:28943 CFDP1:10065 1.52
cfa-miR-155 BP1:12914 CFDP1:26499 1.04
BP2:7255 CFDP2:14735 1.02
cfa-miR-885 CFDP1:22660 CFDP2:9447 1.26
BP1:7043 CFDP1:22660 1.69
cfa-miR-150 CFDP1:17024 CFDP2:4522 1.91
BP1:3981 CFDP1:17024 2.1
cfa-miR-326 CFDP1:13307 CFDP2:4126 1.69
BP1:5618 CFDP1:13307 1.24
cfa-miR-105a BP1:2223 BP2:1031 1.11
CFDP1:16712 CFDP2:3167 2.4
BP1:2223 CFDP1:16712 2.91
BP2:1031 CFDP2:3167 1.62
cfa-miR-330 CFDP1:9455 CFDP2:3793 1.32
BP1:3954 CFDP1:9455 1.26
cfa-miR-219-3p BP1:1118 BP2:425 1.4
CFDP1:10445 CFDP2:2774 1.91
BP1:1118 CFDP1:10445 3.22
BP2:425 CFDP2:2774 2.71
cfa-miR-138b CFDP1:8716 CFDP2:1414 2.62
BP1:1571 CFDP1:8716 2.47
cfa-miR-202 CFDP1:7366 CFDP2:1598 2.2
BP1:1398 CFDP1:7366 2.4
cfa-miR-449 BP1:1917 BP2:4810 1.33
BP2:4810 CFDP2:1484 1.7
cfa-miR-139 BP1:1651 BP2:615 1.42
CFDP1:4883 CFDP2:1124 2.12
BP1:1651 CFDP1:4883 1.56
cfa-miR-448 BP1:1904 BP2:693 1.46
CFDP1:2645 CFDP2:919 1.53
cfa-miR-224 BP1:626 BP2:1378 1.14
BP1:626 CFDP1:2231 1.83
cfa-miR-215 CFDP1:597 CFDP2:1940 1.7
BP2:754 CFDP2:1940 1.36
cfa-miR-34b CFDP1:115 CFDP2:269 1.22
BP1:1331 CFDP1:115 3.53
BP2:1907 CFDP2:269 2.82
cfa-miR-1 CFDP1:1505 CFDP2:687 1.13
BP1:439 BP2:1505 1.78
cfa-miR-1307 BP1:306 BP2:875 1.51
BP2:355 CFDP2:1375 1.95
cfa-miR-802 BP1:812 BP2:347 1.23
CFDP1:115 CFDP2:1086 3.24
BP1:812 CFDP1:115 2.82
BP2:347 CFDP2:1086 1.65
cfa-miR-346 CFDP1:1329 CFDP2:234 2.51
BP1:200 CFDP1:1329 2.73
cfa-miR-1343 BP1:8219 CFDP1:22031 1.42
CFDP1:22031 CFDP2:10113 1.12
cfa-miR-769 BP1:2087 CFDP1:4473 1.1
CFDP1:4473 CFDP2:1855 1.27
cfa-miR-8903 BP1:243 CFDP1:815 1.75
CFDP1:815 CFDP2:264 1.62
cfa-miR-8908a-3p BP1:4530 BP2:1269 1.84
BP2:1269 CFDP2:2759 1.12
cfa-miR-8908a-5p BP1:1375 BP2:349 1.98
BP1:1375 CFDP1:515 1.42
cfa-miR-8908b BP1:1165 BP2:264 2.14
BP1:1165 CFDP1:565 1.04
cfa-miR-8908d BP1:1650 BP2:286 2.53
BP1:1650 CFDP1:798 1.05
BP2:286 CFDP2:943 1.72
cfa-miR-34a BAC2:60814 CFDAC2:172140 1.5
BAC1:84320 CFDAC1:197301 1.23
cfa-miR-338 BAC1:62453 BAC2:168721 1.43
BAC2:168721 CFDAC2:79629.01 1.08
cfa-miR-758 BAC2:78102 CFDAC2:33774.31 1.21
BAC1:61499 CFDAC1:25712 1.26
cfa-miR-9 BAC1:24395 BAC2:68265.21 1.48
BAC2:68265 CFDAC2:27267.15 1.33
cfa-miR-138a BAC1:10468 BAC2:35790 1.77
BAC2:35790 CFDAC2:7959 2.17
cfa-miR-124 BAC1:6200 BAC2:24560 1.99
BAC2:24560 CFDAC2:5837 2.07
cfa-miR-122 BAC1:13068 BAC2:591 4.47
CFDAC1:16590 CFDAC2:538 4.95
cfa-miR-196b BAC1:10230 BAC2:1931 2.41
BAC2:1931 CFDAC2:4345 1.17
BAC1:10230 CFDAC1:2254 2.18
cfa-miR-592 CFDAC1:2031 CFDAC2:4893 1.27
BAC1:4316 CFDAC1:2031 1.09
cfa-miR-31 BAC1:787 BAC2:2290 1.54
BAC1:787 CFDAC1:1890 1.26
cfa-miR-138b BAC1:1216 BAC2:4243 1.8
BAC2:4243 CFDAC2:985 2.11
BAC1:1216 CFDAC1:599 1.02
cfa-miR-490 BAC1:1097 BAC2:2406 1.13
BAC2:2406 CFDAC2:487 2.31
BAC1:1097 CFDAC1:493 1.15
cfa-miR-496 BAC1:978 BAC2:2069 1.08
BAC2:2069 CFDAC2:924 1.16
cfa-miR-885 BAC1:501 BAC2:1161 1.21
BAC2:1161 CFDAC2:538 1.11
cfa-miR-196a BAC1:858 BAC2:84 3.35
CFDAC1:399 CFDAC2:1340 1.74
BAC2:84 CFDAC2:1340 3.99
BAC1:858 CFDAC1:399 1.1
cfa-miR-217 CFDAC1:963 CFDAC2:355 1.44
BAC1:334 CFDAC1:963 1.53
cfa-miR-493 BAC1:405 BAC2:834 1.04
BAC2:834 CFDAC2:294 1.5
BAC1:405 CFDAC1:188 1.11
cfa-miR-889 BAC1:502707 CFDAC1:231678 1.12
BAC2:677126 CFDAC2:285996 1.24
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/table-2



beagle adrenal cortex with treatment


beagle adrenal cortex without treatment


beagle pituitary with treatment


beagle pituitary without treatment


Chinese Field dog adrenal cortex with treatment


Chinese Field dog adrenal cortex without treatment


Chinese Field dog pituitary with treatment


Chinese Field dog pituitary without treatment

Besides, the importance attached to the abundance of the miRNA expression in these two breeds was conducive to identify the miRNAs of high activity in dog pituitary and dog adrenal cortex. In adrenal cortex samples, cfa-miR-99a was the most abundant known miRNA, followed with cfa-miR-30 family (including cfa-miR-30a, cfa-miR-30b, cfa-miR-30c and cfa-miR-30d), cfa-miR-26 family (including cfa-miR-26a and cfa-miR-26b) and cfa-miR-7 family (including cfa-miR-7 and cfa-miR-7g) (The top 20 known miRNAs of abundance in adrenal cortex were listed in Table S4). Meanwhile, cfa-miR-7 family (including cfa-miR-7 and cfa-miR-7g), cfa-miR-99a, cfa-miR-30 family (including cfa-miR-30a and cfa-miR-30d), and cfa-miR-125 family (including cfa-miR-125a and cfa-miR-125b) were found to be the most abundant known miRNAs in pituitary samples (The top 20 known miRNAs of abundance in pituitary were listed in Table S4). In previous high-throughput sequencing studies of other species, various isoforms of the miRNAs were always detected (Li et al., 2011; Visser et al., 2014). In this study, we found almost all known cfa-miRNAs were of isoforms, with a larger number of isoforms possessed by the miRNAs of higher abundance. Moreover, most of the isoforms showing the highest expression level were identical to the canonical forms in miRBase 21.0, but for some other miRNAs, like the cfa-miR-217, the isoforms that showed the highest expression level were not the canonical ones at all (Fig. S2), indicating the variability of miRNA expression pattern.

Identification of novel miRNAs

In this study, a total of 147 novel miRNAs were identified across eight samples (Table S5). Compared with the known miRNAs identified here, rather lower expression levels were showed by the identified novel miRNAs. Of the 147 novel miRNAs, there were just 18 that were greater than 1,000 reads in expression level (Table S6). MiR-24_20231 and miR-21_17074 as the top two of the 18 novel miRNAs above, their predicted secondary structures were presented in Fig. S3. Of the 147 novel miRNAs, 75 shared a seed sequence with other known miRNAs of other species (especially mammals).

Identification of differentially expressed known miRNAs

In this study, a total of 27 (6 up, 21 down), 37 (18 up, 19 down), 30 (22 up, 8 down), 21 (15 up, 6 down), 25 (19 up, 6 down), 58 (13 up, 45 down), 32 (7 up, 25 down) and 43 (32 up, 11 down) DE-miRNAs (P-value < 0.001, log2(Fold_change) > 1) were detected in the comparisons of BAC1_vs_BAC2, BAC1_vs_CFDAC1, BAC2_ vs_CFDAC2, CFDAC1_vs_CFDAC2, BP1_vs_BP2, BP1_vs_CFDP1, BP2_vs_CFDP2 and CFDP1_vs_CFDP2 respectively (the DE-miRNAs identified from adrenal cortex were listed in Table S7, and that from pituitary were listed in Table S8). Furthermore, a total of 90 miRNAs expressing differentially in pituitary comparisons were obtained, with 51 common DE-miRNAs shared in at least 2 pituitary comparisons (common DE-miRNAs). Of the 51 common DE-miRNAs, cfa-miR-105a, cfa-miR-219-3p and cfa-miR-802 were the common DE-miRNAs of the four pituitary comparisons. Meanwhile, of the 62 DE-miRNAs detected in adrenal cortex comparisons, there were 39 common DE-miRNAs, with the three common miRNAs of cfa-miR-196a, cfa-miR-216b, and cfa-miR-514 shared in all these four adrenal cortex comparisons. In consideration of the functional impact exerted by miRNA expression level, we chose the DE-miRNAs whose total reads within pituitary or adrenal cortex were greater than 1,000 for subsequent analysis, thus resulting in a total of 39 and 18 common DE-miRNAs in pituitary and adrenal cortex separately (Fig. 3 and Table 2).

Table 3:
The potential differentially expressed miRNAs targeting the differentially expressed genes, without prejudice to a negative correlation between miRNA and its corresponding target genes in both breeds.
MiRNA and its corresponding potential target genes’ expression level are indicated by normalized reads and FPKM (Fragments Per Kilobase of exon model per Million mapped reads) respectively.
miRNA & genes Counts
cfa-miR-135b 28942.56 15071.53 10065.27 21000.87
GRIN2B 0.250209 0.327438 4.27929 0.252423
cfa-miR-205 10730.32 22724.29 12764.71 55847.22
CHN1 11.6623 8.20414 58.7752 9.90749
GLRB 5.47912 5.66417 30.3379 6.2008
MMD 14.1617 12.4959 41.8962 12.9108
cfa-miR-30a 6285675 4436273 2553208 5289957
SLC1A2 3.18748 4.03293 108.28 2.35374
GRIN2A 0.0143535 0.0892129 1.75419 0
GRIA2 26.2931 26.7041 69.6217 19.3989
CAMTA1 4.61618 5.50413 14.7361 5.71324
SORCS3 12.1116 23.2745 12.4343 5.26901
ATP2B2 2.74647 3.10767 18.8807 3.18689
FAM49A 7.91528 8.88205 39.4249 8.66222
cfa-miR-34b 1331.3 1906.69 115.3 269.24
NRXN2 3.15428 1.36425 24.2216 2.60845
SCN2B 2.91752 1.15905 42.2646 1.72229
SLC6A1 7.34403 2.86335 32.8953 6.54531
SYNPO 4.77262 4.39135 21.2311 5.37488
GRM7 0.32311 0.330141 4.90747 0.391847
JAKMIP1 0.656131 0.477843 8.33219 0.783011
cfa-miR-802 812.1 346.67 115.3 1085.75
NECAB1 6.73288 4.95793 42.7074 7.71294
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/table-3



beagle pituitary with treatment


beagle pituitary without treatment


Chinese Field dog pituitary with treatment


Chinese Field dog pituitary without treatment

Venn diagrams of differentially expressed miRNAs (DE-miRNAs) among contrasts of each tissue.

Figure 3: Venn diagrams of differentially expressed miRNAs (DE-miRNAs) among contrasts of each tissue.

(A) The DE-miRNAs distributed in pituitary, including BP1, BP2, CFDP1, and CFDP2. (B) The DE-miRNAs distributed in adrenal cortex, including four groups of BAC1, BAC2, CFDAC1, and CFDAC2. The white number denotes the number of DEGs shared by at least two contrasts and were selected for further analysis.

To validate the miRNA expression levels obtained by high-sequencing, 4 random DE-miRNAs, including cfa-miR-30a, cfa-miR-124, cfa-miR-205 and cfa-miR-222 were selected to perform qPCR (Fig. 4). The results showed cfa-miR-30a, cfa-miR-205 both were significantly downregulated in CFDP1_vs_CFDP2 (|Log2(fold change)| > 1). Cfa-miR-124 was significantly upregulated but not significantly for cfa-miR-222 in CFDP1_ vs_CFDP2 (|Log2(fold change)| > 1). These observations were basically consistent with those obtained by high-sequencing, indicating the high-throughput sequencing data was reliable.

Validations of sRNA-seq by qPCR.

Figure 4: Validations of sRNA-seq by qPCR.

U6 and U48 are the internal control genes to normalize the expression level of cfa-miR-30a, cfa-miR-205, cfa-miR-124 and cfa-miR-222 in CFDP1_vs_CFDP2. CFDP1, CFD with chronic stress exposure; CFDP2, CFD without chronic stress exposure.

miRNA target prediction, and GO and KEGG analysis

The common DE-miRNAs, including 33 and 22 in pituitary and adrenal cortex were used for miRNA target prediction, with the methods of Targetscan used. Consequently, 3,959 and 4,010 target genes were obtained from pituitary and adrenal cortex respectively (Table S9). Then 3,959 and 4,010 target genes were performed with GO and KEGG analysis separately. Results showed that neither of the target genes from pituitary and adrenal cortex could be clustered into a certain GO term or KEGG pathway, due to the corrected p-value > 0.05. Instead, IPA was employed to identify the canonical pathways enriched by the predicted target genes. In CFDP1_vs_CFDP2 (i.e., 3,959 predicted target genes), the most enriched pathway was the axon guidance signaling pathway (p = 1.34E–11).

DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pairs identification

In our previous transcriptome study (Luo et al., 2015), a total of 511 and 171 DEGs were identified in pituitary and adrenal cortex, respectively (Table S1). The DEGs identified in our transcriptome study were separately compared with the target genes in pituitary and adrenal cortex (i.e., 3,959 and 4,010 respectively), thus resulting in 105 and 10 common genes that were both included in DEGs and target genes (DE-target genes), respectively. Furthermore, the expression patterns of the 105 and 10 DE-target genes were compared with that of their corresponding miRNAs, without prejudice to the negative correlations between miRNAs and their target genes in both breeds. Consequently, 18 DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pairs in pituitary were obtained (Table 3). In consideration of the miRNA expression level and its potential target genes’ relatedness to stress regulation, we selected 6 DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pairs to perform dual luciferase reporter assays to elucidate their dependability, including cfa-miR-30a-GRIA2, cfa-miR-30a-SORCS3, cfa-miR-30a-SLC1A2, cfa-miR-205-MMD, cfa-miR-205-GLRB and cfa-miR-205-CHN1. The dual luciferase reporter assay results showed just the cfa-miR-205-MMD conformed with the predicted (Fig. 5A), suggesting an important role played by cfa-miR-205 in regulating MMD under stress exposure in pituitary. Further, MMD and cfa-miR-205 expression levels were examined in the CFD brain, cerebellum, hippocampus and hypothalamus tissues by qPCR, normalized with GAPDH, U6 and U48 respectively. As expected, MMD was found to be upregulated, while downregulated for cfa-miR-205 in CFDP1_vs_CFDP2 (Fig. 5B).

(A) Cfa-miR-205-MMD pair identification. (B) Cfa-miR-205 and MMD expression patterns in CFD hippocampus with and without chronic stress exposure.

Figure 5: (A) Cfa-miR-205-MMD pair identification. (B) Cfa-miR-205 and MMD expression patterns in CFD hippocampus with and without chronic stress exposure.


Dogs, especially beagles, are commonly used as medical experimental animals (Lu et al., 2015; Ji et al., 2015; Li et al., 2015b). In this study, we took advantage of the good manageability and good stress tolerance in beagles, and the excitability in CFD, to explore the differentially expressed miRNAs in pituitary–adrenal axis under chronic stress exposure within and between breeds, with miRNA-seq. Our miRNA-seq study yielded 28,667,214, 15,926,611, 32,583,375, 32,665,593, 27,591,701, 18,359,529, 81,028,035, and 51,202,889 raw reads in BAC2, BAC1, CFDAC2, CFDAC1, BP2, BP1, CFDP2 and CFDP1, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the miRNA profiles of dog pituitary and dog adrenal cortex were presented. We found cfa-miR-30 family (including cfa-miR-30a and cfa-miR-30d), cfa-miR-7 family (including cfa-miR-7 and cfa-miR-7g) and cfa-miR-125 (including cfa-miR-125a and cfa-miR-125b) were the miRNAs of highest activity in dog pituitary. Besides, cfa-miR-99a, cfa-miR-30 family (including cfa-miR-30a and cfa-miR-30d), cfa-miR-26 family (including cfa-miR-26a and cfa-miR-26b) and cfa-miR-7 family (including cfa-miR-7 and cfa-miR-7g) were the miRNAs of highest activity in dog adrenal cortex. These observations in pituitary and adrenal cortex were distinct from those in dog lung and dog trachea, in which the cfa-miRNA-143 and the cfa-let-7 were the ones of highest activity (Zhao et al., 2014) respectively. Furthermore, when we compared the miRNA expression profiles of pre- and post-stress exposure groups with that of their corresponding gene expression profiles, especially in pituitary, a strikingly converse expression pattern was observed between the miRNA expression profiles and gene expression profiles, indirectly proving that the negatively regulated pattern between miRNAs and genes existed. Intriguingly, in non-disposal groups, within both breeds, the total miRNA expression levels of the pituitary were significantly higher than that of the adrenal cortex (The total reads of 21, 22, and 23 nt detected in CFD pituitary were all greater than 15 million, and less than 8 million in CFD adrenal cortex, and this phenomenon was also found in beagles but not so significantly compared with CFD). Apart from the deviation caused by high-sequencing, this might be attributable to the wider roles played in biological functions by pituitary than that by adrenal cortex, as a larger miRNA reserve pool could irrigate more. Besides, in non-disposal groups, CFD pituitary exhibited a much higher miRNA expression level than that of beagles’. This might in part explain the different stress tolerance between beagles and CFD: Because the expression pattern of the miRNA was negatively correlated with its target genes, and the genes involving chronic stress response in pituitary were mainly upregulated, hence a larger miRNA reserve pool harbored by CFD pituitary indicated that the CFD had greater potential energy to upregulate the genes involving stress response to a greater degree, thus expressing symptoms more severely in CFD.

Because the miRNAs function as gene regulators, it’s of limited significance to just discuss the roles of miRNAs without concerning their target gene expressions. In this study, we combined the miRNA expression profiles with their corresponding transcriptome profiles to analyze the potential DE-(miRNAs-target genes). Combined with the expression level and the relatedness to stress regulation, six DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pairs, including cfa-miR-30a-GRIA2, cfa-miR-30a-SORCS3, cfa-miR-30a-SLC1A2, cfa-miR-205-MMD, cfa-miR-205-GLRB and cfa-miR-205-CHN1 were identified as the pivotal candidate miRNAs and their corresponding target genes. The further dual luciferase reporter assay indicated a significant target relation between cfa-miR-205 and MMD. We identified one pivotal DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pair, and this could be partly accounted for our rigorous strategy of the statistical analysis and the control group set, thus inducing some true positive DE-(miRNA-mRNA) pairs being omitted. More importantly, these results strongly indicated an actual positive correlated expression pattern between most miRNAs and their corresponding genes under chronic stress exposure, indicating a general buffering role for miRNAs in gene expression but not a role of synergy. In this study, miRNAs that were differentially expressed in at least two comparisons within pituitary or adrenal cortex groups were regarded as the candidate miRNAs for target prediction, and the target genes expressing differentially were selected. In addition, we didn’t take the miRNA and its corresponding target genes into consideration if the expression pattern between the miRNA and its target genes was just negatively correlated in one breed but not in another. These measures all contributed to a smaller number of the candidate DE-miRNAs and their corresponding target genes, but helped a lot in identifying the miRNAs of major effect on chronic stress regulation.

In this study, through conjoint analysis of mRNA-seq and miRNA-seq studies, we identified cfa-miR-205 might play a important role in regulating MMD in pituitary under chronic stress exposure. MMD (monocyte to macrophage differentiated-associated) has been found to be up-regulated upon monocyte differentiation (Liu et al., 2012). In our previous hippocampal sections upon the CFD and the beagle with and without chronic stress exposure, we found the CFD hippocampus underwent stress exposure and exhibited the largest apoptosis compared with other groups (Luo et al., 2015), suggesting a potential immune response in it. Thus, in CFDP1_vs_CFDP2, we hypothesized MMD should be upregulated, along with the cfa-miR-205 be down-regulated, as more macrophages were transferred from monocytes as supposed. Inspiringly, the qPCR results supported our hypothesis (Fig. 5B), indicating a potential pivotal role for cfa-miR-205 in regulating MMD under chronic stress exposure.


In conclusion, we compared the miRNA expression profiles of the adrenal cortex and pituitary in beagles and CFD with and without stress exposure. We detected 425 known miRNAs and 147 novel miRNAs in total across 8 samples, and of the 425 known miRNAs, a total of 90 and 62 miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in pituitary and adrenal cortex respectively. In combination with the transcriptome profiles corresponding to the miRNA profiles of this study, we found cfa-miR-205 might play an important role by upregulating MMD, thus enhancing the immune response in the pituitary and hippocampus, under chronic stress exposure. Our results shed light on the miRNA expression profiles in pituitary and adrenal cortex with and without chronic stress exposure, and provide a new insight into miR-205 with its feasible role in regulating chronic stress in the pituitary and hippocampus through targeting MMD.

Supplemental Information

The distributions of each type of small RNAs in each sample

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-1

Isoforms of cfa-miR-217

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-2

Predicted secondary structures of the novel miRNAs of miR-24_20231 and miR-21_17074

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-3

Differentially expressed genes identified from pituitary and adrenal cortex contrasts

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-4

Primer information of qPCR in detail

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-5

Total 425 conserved miRNAs identified across 8 samples

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-6

Top 20 miRNAs expressing with the highest abundance in four adrenal cortex samples and four pituitary samples, respectively

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-7

Novel miRNAs predicted by miRDeep2

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-8

Novel miRNAs predicted by miRDeep2, with the expression levels greater than 1,000 reads

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-9

Differentially expressed miRNA of BAC1_vs_BAC2, BAC1_vs_CFDAC1, BAC2_vs_CFDAC2, CFDAC1_vs_CFDAC2

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-10

Differentially expressed miRNAs of BP1_vs_BP2, BP1_vs_CFDP1, BP2_vs_CFDP2, CFDP1_vs_CFDP2

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-11

Ttarget genes predicted by common DE-miRNAs from pituitary and adrenal cortex contrasts, using Targetscan 7.0 (Cumulative weighted context ++ score ≤ − 0.2)

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1682/supp-12
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