Contributions by role
Contributions by subject area
Hiroshi Nishiura
Research interests:
1. Disease specificities
Influenza and emerging viral infectious diseases. Smallpox and other directly transmitted diseases including diseases associated with biological threats. Vector-borne (dengue and malaria), zoonotic and vaccine preventable diseases.
2. Model preferences
Time- and age-specific transmission model (e.g. statistical models estimating the force of infection), application of maximum likelihood method and Bayesian techniques to the quantification of the intrinsic transmission dynamics (e.g., backcalculation of infectiousness and estimation of the reproduction number), modeling the incubation period of infectious diseases, modeling the generation time of infectious diseases, basic studies on the application of stochastic process, and simulation-based models specifically aimed at parameter inference.
3. Recent and greatest concerns
History of theoretical epidemiology (incl. database construction), modeling dengue with limited info, estimation of R for malaria, statistical modeling of directly transmitted diseases under approximated network structure, and mathematical studies on renewal process.