Insights on the evolution of Coronavirinae in general, and SARS-CoV-2 in particular, through innovative biocomputational resources

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Bioinformatics and Genomics


Viruses can be considered molecular parasites (Koonin, Dolja & Krupovic, 2015) with an asexual type of reproduction (assisted by cells’ replication mechanisms) in which gene exchanges do not take place. Novel hybrid infectious particles—or chimeras—may be generated when a host cell is infected with at least two viral genomes at the same time (Simon-Loriere & Holmes, 2011). Based on this phenomenon, chimeric viruses, have also been created in laboratories by gain-of-function experiments in order to make, for instance, novel attenuated pan-vaccines (Jochmus et al., 1999; Whitehead et al., 2003; Akhand et al., 2020 among others).

Although viruses cannot be considered as biological entities, they are evolutionary entities; thus, the inquiry about their evolutionary constraints is pertinent. Phenotypic limits in evolutionary entities can be detected by comparing theoretical vs. empirical morphospaces (McGhee, 1999; Eble, 2000). A theoretical morphospace is an n-dimensional space describing and relating phenotypic configurations. It is generated by the systematic variation of the parameters underlying selected construction rules (Raup, 1967; Mitteroecker & Gunz, 2009). An empirical morphospace is the set of entities observed in nature (McGhee, 1999). Viral proteomes can be analyzed under a morphospace framework to delineate a gradient across the domains of existent, plausible, and impossible entities, henceforth the feasibility gradient. Morphospace analytical approaches include tools such as combinatorics, probability, network analysis, among others.

After two years of research and a myriad of publications on SARS-Cov2, the origin of this virus is still a matter not resolved. Moreover, the WHO-led international mission that has begun investigations in China to try to establish the origin of SARS-CoV-2 estimates that could take years to track the zoonotic jumps behind the viral origin (Zarocostas, 2021). The rise of emergent viruses, coming from wild reservoirs can occur as a consequence of increased opportunities for transmission due to perturbations in the ecosystem, independently of changes in their genetic structure (Solé & Elena, 2018). The most closely related virus to SARS-CoV-2 is RaTG13, identified from a Rhinolophus affinis bat. However, the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 is more similar to its analog to the pangolin-CoV-2020 isolated from Malayan pangolins (Manis javanica) (Segreto & Deigin, 2020). The ambiguous nature of SARS-CoV-2 suggests two main hypotheses regarding its origin: (1) A zoonotic origin with R. affinis as a wild host reservoir, in which mutational changes have occurred in the RBD, conferring the virus the ability to infect humans. This sequence is similar by convergence to the pangolin-CoV-2020; (2) A chimeral origin in which the backbone of the novel virus comes from RaTG13 and the RBD comes from the pangolin-Cov-2020. Interestingly, using an analytic strategy based on shell disorder models, Goh et al. (2020), Goh et al. (2022) offered a renewed view that went against the mainstream on the subject. They measured the percentage of intrinsic disorder of proteins from the viral inner and outer shells, and suggested a silent spreading among humans of a SARS-CoV-2 precursor coming from pangolins. It is, therefore, possible that pangolins play an important role in the ecology and/or evolution of SARS-CoV-2. If this is true, either natural or artificial chimerism becomes a working hypothesis.

Known members of the subfamily Coronavirinae include four genera alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ), and delta (δ) (Payne, 2017). Their genome encodes, among others, four main structural proteins essential for viral assembly: envelope (E), membrane (M), nucleocapsid (N), and spike (S) (Yao et al., 2020). E, M, N, and S proteins constitute the basic phenotypic configuration of Coronavirinae that varies between different viral species regarding their specific amino acid sequence. Considering each protein as our building block of the Coronavirinae diversity, we can compose a viral theoretical morphospace as the free combination of those proteins in 4-tuples. Let suppose the next 4-tuple describing the proteinic structure of a given empirical coronavirus x, Ex-Mx-Nx-Sx, and the 4-tuple of another hypothetical empirical coronavirus Ey-My-Ny-Sy from the coronavirus y, and let suppose that hosts in which they were found are Hx and Hy. We hypothesize that any new combination of a theoretical virus (e.g., Ex-My-Ny-Sx) is plausible to the extent that the involved hosts are closely related and viral proteins are similar with regard to their analogs in the observed assembly of empirical viruses (co-occurring proteins).

In this paper, we study the Coronavirinae under an exploration of sequence space. Based on the empirical set of viral protein sequences, we calculate the similarities among them. We simulate a theoretical viral morphospace and propose a scoring system to measure the degree of plausibility of occurrence in nature for every theoretical phenotypical option. We focus on two factors to assess the degree of chimerality for any viral protein assembly: The chemical protein affinities by one side, and the phylogenetic relatedness of the hosts by the other. By chimerality we understand the result of a recombination process as being, for example, the result of a coinfection. Through this approach, (1) we bring the attention to hot topics such as the prediction of unobserved virus lineages, (2) we provide insights to settle debates about the dichotomy artificial-natural emergence of new viruses, and (3) we offer clues to inquire about intermediary hosts in zoonotic jumps.

Materials & Methods

The analysis was based on viral individuals from different vertebrate taxa, belonging to the four genera of Coronavirinae. Therefore, we consulted the NCBI database and utilized a downloaded data table with all the applicable annotations for which complete data of sequences were available for the totality of structural proteins. We end up with a collection of 173 coronaviruses, two of them belonging to unknown genera. Accession numbers in addition to relevant metadata can be found in Table 1. Complete sequences of E, M, N, and S, were aligned using the MUSCLE algorithm (Edgar, 2004) in MEGA X software (Kumar et al., 2018). The number of amino acid substitutions per site was calculated between sequences using the Poisson correction model (Zuckerkandl & Pauling, 1965). The rate variation among sites was modeled with a gamma distribution (shape parameter = 1). These analyses involved 173 amino acid sequences for each class of protein. All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated (complete deletion option).

Table 1:
Viruses attributes.
List of attributes for the 173 virus sampled from NCBI Virus database. The amino acid sequences of all the four structural proteins (E, M, N and S) are available for these individuals. The ID number is used to identify the isolate in the network of Figure 1. Information includes accession numbers, genome size (nucleotide number), host taxa, and title reported in GenBank for each sequence (very long titles were shortened for clarity).
Node ID Acc. No. Size Host Genus GenBank Title
1 AY278489 29757 NA β-coronavirus SARS coronavirus GD01
2 AY390556 29760 NA β-coronavirus SARS coronavirus GZ02
3 AY572035 29518 Viverridae β-coronavirus SARS coronavirus civet010
4 AY686864 29525 Paradoxurus hermaphroditus β-coronavirus SARS coronavirus B039
5 DQ022305 29728 NA β-coronavirus Bat SARS coronavirus HKU3-1
6 DQ071615 29736 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat SARS coronavirus Rp3
7 DQ084200 29711 NA β-coronavirus bat SARS coronavirus HKU3-3
8 DQ412042 29709 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum β-coronavirus Bat SARS coronavirus Rf1
9 DQ412043 29749 Rhinolophus macrotis β-coronavirus Bat SARS coronavirus Rm1
10 DQ648856 29704 NA β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus (BtCoV/273/2005)
11 DQ648857 29741 NA β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus (BtCoV/279/2005)
12 DQ811787 27550 Sus scrofa α-coronavirus PRCV ISU-1
13 EF065505 30286 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU4-1
14 EF065506 30286 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU4-2
15 EF065507 30286 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU4-3
16 EF065508 30316 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU4-4
17 EF065509 30482 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU5-1
18 EF065510 30488 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU5-2
19 EF065511 30488 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU5-3
20 EF065512 30487 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU5-5
21 EF065513 29114 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-1
22 EF065514 29107 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-2
23 EF065515 29136 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-3
24 EF065516 29155 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-4
25 EF424615 31017 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus E-AH65
26 EF424616 30970 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus E-AH65-TC
27 EF424617 31016 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus R-AH65
28 EF424618 30995 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus R-AH65-TC
29 EF424619 30995 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus E-AH187
30 EF424620 30964 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus R-AH187
31 EF424621 30995 Bovidae β-coronavirus Sable antelope coronavirus US/OH1/2003
32 EF424622 30979 Giraffa camelopardalis β-coronavirus Giraffe coronavirus US/OH3-TC/2006
33 EF424623 31002 Giraffa camelopardalis β-coronavirus Giraffe coronavirus US/OH3/2003
34 EF424624 30979 Giraffa camelopardalis β-coronavirus Calf-giraffe coronavirus US/OH3/2006
35 FJ376620 26476 Pycnonotus sinensis δ -coronavirus Bulbul coronavirus HKU11-796
36 FJ415324 31029 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Human enteric coronavirus 4408
37 FJ425184 30995 Kobus ellipsiprymnus β-coronavirus Waterbuck coronavirus US/OH-WD358-TC/1994
38 FJ425185 30940 Kobus ellipsiprymnus β-coronavirus Waterbuck coronavirus US/OH-WD358-GnC/1994
39 FJ425186 30962 Kobus ellipsiprymnus β-coronavirus Waterbuck coronavirus US/OH-WD358/1994
40 FJ425187 31020 Odocoileus virginianus β-coronavirus White-tailed deer coronavirus US/OH-WD470/1994
41 FJ425188 30995 Rusa unicolor β-coronavirus Sambar deer coronavirus US/OH-WD388-TC/1994
42 FJ425189 30997 Rusa unicolor β-coronavirus Sambar deer coronavirus US/OH-WD388/1994
43 FJ647218 31285 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus RA59/R13
44 FJ647219 31427 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus RJHM/A
45 FJ647220 31429 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus RA59/SJHM
46 FJ647221 31456 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus repA59/RJHM
47 FJ647222 31283 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus SA59/RJHM
48 FJ647223 31386 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus MHV-1
49 FJ647224 31448 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus MHV-3
50 FJ647225 31293 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus inf-MHV-A59
51 FJ647226 31473 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus MHV-JHM.IA
52 FJ647227 31250 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine coronavirus repJHM/RA59
53 FJ882963 29682 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus SARS coronavirus P2
54 FJ884686 31275 Mus musculus β-coronavirus Murine hepatitis virus strain A59 B11 variant
55 FJ938051 29232 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus RM
56 FJ938052 29306 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU11
57 FJ938053 29277 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU7
58 FJ938054 29269 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU4
59 FJ938055 29285 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU8
60 FJ938056 29253 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU5
61 FJ938057 29275 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU15
62 FJ938058 28479 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU16
63 FJ938059 29295 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU10
64 FJ938060 29256 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU2
65 FJ938061 29130 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU3
66 FJ938062 29266 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU9
67 FJ938063 31024 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus E-DB2-TC
68 FJ938064 30995 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine coronavirus E-AH187-TC
69 FJ938065 30969 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine respiratory coronavirus AH187
70 FJ938066 30953 Bos taurus β-coronavirus Bovine respiratory coronavirus bovine/US/OH-440-TC/1996
71 FJ938067 30953 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Human enteric coronavirus strain 4408
72 GQ153544 29695 NA β-coronavirus Bat SARS coronavirus HKU3-9
73 GU553361 29264 Feliformia α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU22 isolate TCVSP-ROTTIER-00022
74 GU553362 29264 Feliformia α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU23 isolate TCVSP-ROTTIER-00023
75 HM211098 29136 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-5-1
76 HM211099 29112 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-5-2
77 HM211100 29136 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-10-1
78 HM211101 29122 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-10-2
79 HM245926 28915 Neovison vison α-coronavirus Mink coronavirus strain WD1133
80 HQ392469 29233 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU40
81 HQ392470 29255 Feliformia α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU19
82 HQ392471 29252 Feliformia α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU20
83 HQ392472 29233 Feliformia α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU30
84 JF705860 27673 Anatidae γ-coronavirus Duck coronavirus isolate DK/CH/HN/ZZ2004
85 JF792616 31286 Rattus β-coronavirus Rat coronavirus isolate 681
86 JN183882 29243 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU47
87 JN183883 29222 Felis catus α-coronavirus Feline coronavirus UU54
88 JQ410000 27374 Vicugna pacos α-coronavirus Alpaca respiratory coronavirus isolate CA08-1/2008
89 JQ989272 28483 Chiroptera α-coronavirus Hipposideros bat coronavirus HKU10 isolate TLC1343A
90 JX860640 31028 Canis lupus familiaris β-coronavirus Canine respiratory coronavirus strain K37
91 JX869059 30119 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Human β-coronavirus 2c EMC/2012
92 JX993987 29484 Rhinolophus pusillus β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus Rp/Shaanxi2011
93 JX993988 29452 Chaerephon plicatus β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus Cp/Yunnan2011
94 KC667074 30112 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Human β-coronavirus 2c England-Qatar/2012
95 KC776174 30030 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Human β-coronavirus 2c Jordan-N3/2012
96 KC881005 29787 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus RsSHC014
97 KC881006 29792 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus Rs3367
98 KF294457 29676 Rhinolophus monoceros β-coronavirus SARS-related bat coronavirus
99 KF367457 30309 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus WIV1
100 KF569996 29805 Rhinolophus affinis β-coronavirus Rhinolophus affinis coronavirus isolate LYRa11
101 KF906249 31052 Camelus bactrianus β-coronavirus Dromedary camel coronavirus HKU23 strain HKU23-265F
102 KJ473811 29037 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum β-coronavirus BtRf-BetaCoV/JL2012
103 KJ473812 29443 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum β-coronavirus BtRf-BetaCoV/HeB2013
104 KJ473813 29461 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum β-coronavirus BtRf-BetaCoV/SX2013
105 KJ473814 29658 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus BtRs-BetaCoV/HuB2013
106 KJ473815 29161 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus BtRs-BetaCoV/GX2013
107 KJ473816 29142 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus BtRs-BetaCoV/YN2013
108 KJ473821 30423 Vespertilio sinensis β-coronavirus BtVs-BetaCoV/SC2013
109 KJ481931 25406 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus δ -coronavirus PDCoV/USA/Illinois121/2014 from USA
110 KJ567050 25422 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus Porcine δ -coronavirus 8734/USA-IA/2014
111 KJ601777 25408 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus δ -coronavirus PDCoV/USA/Illinois133/2014 from USA
112 KJ601778 25404 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus δ -coronavirus PDCoV/USA/Illinois134/2014 from USA
113 KJ601779 25404 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus δ -coronavirus PDCoV/USA/Illinois136/2014 from USA
114 KJ601780 25404 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus δ -coronavirus PDCoV/USA/Ohio137/2014 from USA
115 KJ769231 25433 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus Swine δ -coronavirus OhioCVM1/2014
116 KM820765 25422 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus Porcine δ -coronavirus KNU14-04
117 KP886808 29723 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus YNLF_31C
118 KT444582 30290 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus SARS-like coronavirus WIV16
119 KU973692 29722 Chiroptera β-coronavirus UNVERIFIED: SARS-related coronavirus isolate F46
120 KY352407 29274 Rhinolophus β-coronavirus Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus strain BtKY72
121 KY417142 29725 Aselliscus stoliczkanus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate As6526
122 KY417143 29741 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate Rs4081
123 KY417150 30311 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate Rs4874
124 KY417151 30307 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate Rs7327
125 MG772933 29802 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate bat-SL-CoVZC45
126 MG772934 29732 Rhinolophus sinicus β-coronavirus Bat SARS-like coronavirus isolate bat-SL-CoVZXC21
127 MK211374 29648 Rhinolophus β-coronavirus Coronavirus BtRl-BetaCoV/SC2018
128 MK211375 29698 Rhinolophus affinis β-coronavirus Coronavirus BtRs-BetaCoV/YN2018A
129 MK211376 30256 Rhinolophus affinis β-coronavirus Coronavirus BtRs-BetaCoV/YN2018B
130 MK211377 29689 Rhinolophus affinis β-coronavirus Coronavirus BtRs-BetaCoV/YN2018C
131 MK211378 30213 Rhinolophus affinis β-coronavirus Coronavirus BtRs-BetaCoV/YN2018D
132 MN908947 29903 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (Wuhan)
133 MN996532 29855 Rhinolophus affinis β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus RaTG13
134 MT121216 29521 Manis javanica β-coronavirus Pangolin coronavirus isolate MP789
135 NC_006577 29926 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Human coronavirus HKU1
136 NC_009019 30286 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU4-1
137 NC_009020 30482 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU5-1
138 NC_009021 29114 Chiroptera β-coronavirus Bat coronavirus HKU9-1
139 NC_010646 31686 Delphinapterus leucas γ-coronavirus Beluga Whale coronavirus SW1
140 NC_010800 27657 Meleagris gallopavo γ-coronavirus Turkey coronavirus
141 NC_011547 26487 Pycnonotus jocosus δ -coronavirus Bulbul coronavirus HKU11-934
142 NC_011549 26396 Turdus hortulorum δ -coronavirus Thrush coronavirus HKU12-600
143 NC_011550 26552 Lonchura striata δ -coronavirus Munia coronavirus HKU13-3514
144 NC_012936 31250 Rattus β-coronavirus Rat coronavirus Parker
145 NC_014470 29276 Rhinolophus blasii Unknown Bat coronavirus BM48-31/BGR/2008
146 NC_016992 26083 Passeridae δ -coronavirus Sparrow coronavirus HKU17
147 NC_016993 26689 Muscicapidae δ -coronavirus Magpie-robin coronavirus HKU18
148 NC_016994 26077 Ardeidae δ -coronavirus Night-heron coronavirus HKU19
149 NC_016995 26227 Mareca δ -coronavirus Wigeon coronavirus HKU20
150 NC_016996 26223 Gallinula chloropus δ -coronavirus Common-moorhen coronavirus HKU21
151 NC_017083 31100 Oryctolagus cuniculus β-coronavirus Rabbit coronavirus HKU14
152 NC_018871 28494 Chiroptera α-coronavirus Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU10
153 NC_019843 30119 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
154 NC_023760 28941 Neovison vison α-coronavirus Mink coronavirus strain WD1127
155 NC_025217 31491 Hipposideros pratti β-coronavirus Bat Hp- β-coronavirus/Zhejiang2013
156 NC_026011 31249 Rattus norvegicus β-coronavirus β-coronavirus HKU24 strain HKU24-R05005I
157 NC_028752 27395 Camelus α-coronavirus Camel α-coronavirus isolate camel/Riyadh/Ry141/2015
158 NC_028806 28111 Sus scrofa α-coronavirus Swine enteric coronavirus strain Italy/213306/2009
159 NC_028811 27935 Myotis ricketti α-coronavirus BtMr-AlphaCoV/SAX2011
160 NC_028814 27608 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum α-coronavirus BtRf-AlphaCoV/HuB2013
161 NC_028824 26975 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum α-coronavirus BtRf-AlphaCoV/YN2012
162 NC_028833 27783 Nyctalus velutinus α-coronavirus BtNv-AlphaCoV/SC2013
163 NC_030292 28434 Mustela putorius α-coronavirus Ferret coronavirus isolate FRCoV-NL-2010
164 NC_030886 30161 Rousettus leschenaultii β-coronavirus Rousettus bat coronavirus isolate GCCDC1 356
165 NC_032107 28363 Triaenops afer α-coronavirus NL63-related bat coronavirus strain BtKYNL63-9a
166 NC_032730 28763 Rattus norvegicus α-coronavirus Lucheng Rn rat coronavirus
167 NC_034440 29642 Pipistrellus Unknown Bat coronavirus isolate PREDICT/PDF-2180
168 NC_034972 27682 Apodemus chevrieri α-coronavirus Coronavirus AcCoV-JC34
169 NC_035191 25995 Suncus murinus α-coronavirus Wencheng Sm shrew coronavirus
170 NC_038294 30111 Homo sapiens β-coronavirus β-coronavirus England 1
171 NC_038861 28586 Sus scrofa α-coronavirus Transmissible gastroenteritis virus genomic RNA
172 NC_039207 30148 Erinaceus europaeus β-coronavirus β-coronavirus Erinaceus/VMC/DEU/2012
173 NC_039208 25425 Sus scrofa δ -coronavirus Porcine coronavirus HKU15 strain HKU15-155
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13700/table-1

For each type of structural protein, a matrix of distance between amino acid sequences was normalized to the maximum from the combined perspective of rows and columns. The normalized score of each cell depends on the respective row and column maxima simultaneously (mean fraction). So, final values fall symmetrically within the unit interval [0, 1]. The correlation between matrices of distances was studied via Mantel’s test. A single matrix of distances between viral units was obtained as a linear combination of the normalized distances between involved proteins. We construct a proximity network from such a unified matrix of viral distance. This proximity network refers to the minimum spanning tree that connects all sampled viruses at the minimum cost (i.e., the sum of distances across edges is minimized). The proximity network encodes the backbone of the similarity relationships between studied items.

After identifying the set of hosts defined to the highest possible degree of taxonomic resolution, we focused on the phylogenetic tree subtended by them. The phylogeny for the vertebrate hosts was recovered from the VertLife dataset at (mammals: Upham, Esselstyn & Jetz, 2019; birds: Jetz et al., 2012). Branch lengths of the tree were computed using the method of Grafen (1989). The distance to root is set to 1. The patristic distance was adopted as a measure of phylogenetic distance between terminals, namely the sum of the lengths of the branches that link two taxa at the leaves of the tree. The phylogenetic diversity associated with a set of taxa was derived from the average value of pairwise patristic distances. Then, we match any available host with the pertinent phylogenetic node, either a terminal or an inner node, depending on the taxonomic resolution of the item. This step is necessary for calculating later the phylogenetic distance between hosts. Computational null experiments were run to assess the coupled information between the phylogeny of hosts and the configuration of similarities between viral entities.

Chimerism was theoretically studied. Structural proteins of the same kind are here called homotopic (e.g., orthologous pairs Sx − Sy, Ex-Ey, Nx-Ny, Mx-My coming from viral sources x and y), otherwise they are called heterotopic (non-orthologous pairs Sx-Ey; Sx-Ny; Sy-Mx and all possible cross combinations). We can establish the distances among homotopic proteins, but this cannot be done among heterotopic ones. Therefore, we used the distances among homotopic proteins to infer the associations between the heterotopic ones, based on the crossed distances they have with the respective homotopic proteins. The inferred associations between the heterotopic proteins are defined as heterotopic disaffinity.

Whenever high correlation among matrices of distances is detected, the next assumption would gain support: Similar homotopic proteins (low distance between them) are likely exchangeable in the assembly they occur. So, for two heterotopic proteins recorded in different virions, their feasibility of being combined into a new theoretical structure can be estimated from the similarity between homotopic elements of the virions where they are actually embedded into. We will refer to this as the interchangeability property of structural proteins (IPSP). The lower the heterotopic disaffinity between a pair of proteins, the larger the chance of being integrated into a common viral assemblage. As a corollary of this statement, chimerism understood as a mosaic of proteins already recognized in distant viruses, is hardly expected to occur in nature. The average of pairwise disaffinities in a tetrameric assembly estimates its degree of chimerality. Using combinatorial simulations, we study the behavior of the coefficient of chimerality in mixtures of proteins randomly drawn from the empirical sets already compiled by us.

Finally, we assess the co-structure between phylogeny and chimerism in our dataset. We run computational experiments of chimeras (combinatorial urn models) that represent our theoretical morphospace and we study their association with the content of phylogenetic information. We draw 100,000 proteins of classes E, M, N, and S from the respective urns. Then, we assemble them in tetrads. In parallel, we calculate the phylogenetic diversity associated with the pool of hosts in which the sampled proteins were observed to occur. All statistical tests, analyses, and graphics were carried out with the R software (R Core Team, 2020, version 4.0.0). See supplementary material:


Basic information about amino acid sequences of the major structural proteins (E, M, N, and S) is reported. Proteins can be strictly ordered by length, i.e., E < M < N < S, across the entire sample of sequences (Table 2). A significant correlation was detected among the four matrices of distances (P < 0.01, Mantel’s test), suggesting that they are congruent regarding the configuration of pairwise similarities between data points. Correlation scores are consistently higher than 0.7 (Table 3). This finding suggests the average distance between proteins serves as a proxy to assess the dissimilarity between virions as a whole.

Table 2:
Size of coronavirus structural proteins (length of sequence).
The Tukey Five-Number Summaries are the maximum and minimum values, the lower and upper quartiles, and the median of the data set.
E protein M protein N protein S protein
Tukey Five-Number Summaries [65, 76, 82, 83, 109] [185, 221, 222, 230, 268] [342, 379, 421, 448, 470] [1126, 1241, 1324, 1363, 1472]
Mean (SD) 80.7 (4.8) 229.9 (15.8) 413.5 (35.5) 1308.7 (91.2)
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13700/table-2
Table 3:
Structural protein distances.
Correlation between matrices of distances. All values are statistically significant after performing Mantel’s test (P < 0.01).
E 0.83 0.82 0.74
M 0.87 0.80
N 0.79
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13700/table-3

Figure 1 depicts the minimum spanning tree (proximity network) of Coronavirinae isolates. Topologically, the four genera of Coronavirinae could be segregated into connected components after removing the only inter-genera links. The α-CoVs lie always at the intermediacy along the shortest paths connecting β-CoVs with the remaining coronaviruses genera. The two unknown items (nodes 167 and 145) are located within the β-coronavirus set. SARS-CoV-2 is located at just one-step distance from the network periphery and lies between the RaTG13 (the peripheral node 133) and the pangolin-CoV-2020 (the inner node 134) (Fig. 1). In terms of protein distances, SARS-CoV-2 is consistently closer to RaTG13 than any other sequenced element. Additional information about nodes is displayed in Table 1.

Proximity network spanning over 173 samples from the group Coronavirinae of viruses.

Figure 1: Proximity network spanning over 173 samples from the group Coronavirinae of viruses.

The four distinct CoV genera can be easily segregated after removing the unique between-genera links, and are highlighted through a gray halo. Nodes have been colored by clade membership of host in which virus was isolated. SARS-CoV-2 and adjacent nodes have been tagged with the respective host icon. Human silhouette was also added to all those viruses infecting humans. Note the overall co-structure between viral proteome distance and phylogenetic distance of respective hosts, leading to a broad agreement between connected clusters of CoV genera and host clades. Additional information about nodes of the network are available in Table 1. Silhouette images were freely obtained from

The minimal set of links of MST grasps the skeleton of relationships between viral samples. It synthesizes the structure of similarities held by data. Focusing on it, the main patterns are easily recognized and hypothesis generation becomes facilitated. In observing the network links of Fig. 1 with nodes tagged with the respective host, we track the phylogenetic relatedness between pairs of hosts across the total set of links (Fig. 2). In Fig. 2, each link is represented like a parabolic arc between hosts at the terminals in the phylogeny. The height of the parabola is dictated by the distance between nodes of Fig.1. A minor proportion of links (14%) bridge less similar viruses (distance > 0.1) and are frequently associated with weakly related hosts (0.65 ± 0.13, mean ± standard error of patristic distance). The staircase pattern of parabolic arcs shown by birds is eloquent in this regard (Fig. 2). We test this claim through randomization. We run 10,000 random experiments of host allocation in the same network or backbone of proximity relationships. Phylogenetic distance between neighboring hosts increases steeply in the random scenarios (Fig. 3). The observed distribution of hosts across the proximity network is compact in phylogenetic terms. In general, hosts of very similar viruses are also close phylogenetically.

Graphical representation of hosts associated with the endpoints of links in the proximity network of Fig. 1.

Figure 2: Graphical representation of hosts associated with the endpoints of links in the proximity network of Fig. 1.

To the left, phylogenetic tree of involved hosts. To the right, links/edges of proximity network represented as parabolic arcs bridging the hosts associated with endpoints of such links. The height of arcs correspond to the distance between nodes/virus connected by the respective link, so that flat arcs represent links between similar viruses whereas bumpy arcs join dissimilar ones. All taxa from the main clades (highlighted through transparent rectangles) retrieve always a between-clade patristic distance larger than unity (>1.0). Silhouette images were freely obtained from
Expected phylogenetic distance between hosts under random scenarios of host allocation on the same proximity network represented in Fig. 1.

Figure 3: Expected phylogenetic distance between hosts under random scenarios of host allocation on the same proximity network represented in Fig. 1.

Quantiles of viral distance are plotted against quantiles of phylogenetic distance between hosts. Dotted polyline, the observed distribution of values. Solid polyline, values obtained after randomization. The 95% confidence interval is drawn around this last line. Departure of observed values from randomness indicates that hosts of viruses directly connected in the proximity network tends to be closely related.

Figures 4A4B depict, in a didactic way, the flow work leading to the calculation of chimerality. Figure 4A shows three hypothetical viral configurations. The heterotopic disaffinity is calculated from the distance between involved homotopic proteins. Thus, for instance, the heterotopic disaffinity between protein M from the leftmost viral configuration and the s protein from the rightmost one comes from the mean distance between the respective homotopic partners (i.e., distances M-m and S-s). Figure 4B shows the 81 possible tetrads (hypothetical theoretical morphospace) obtained by a free combination of protein precursors. This figure highlights both the heterotopic disaffinity between pairs of proteins of each configuration and the chimerality coefficient of the whole configuration.

Computational experiments of chimera compositions.

Figure 4: Computational experiments of chimera compositions.

Didactic introduction to concepts (A–B) in addition to results from such experiments (C) applied on our real data. (A) Three hypothetical tetrads of structural proteins coming from three different viruses. The distance between them are indicated (normalized values to the maximum between brackets). Here, the distance denotes the amount of differences in the attributes of letters used to label the protein (upper/lowercase; normal/italics). (B) Showing all the possible combinations of proteins from the above hypothetical viral sources. Heterotopic disaffinity between pairs of distinct proteins is inferred from the distance between proteins of the same kind of the viral precursors. For any assembly, the degree of chimerality is the average heterotopic disaffinity.

Results of computational experiments of chimeras are plotted in Fig. 4C. It shows the dispersion of both chimerality and phylogenetic diversity of hosts in the random set of tetrads. The frequency of observations is represented through a heatmap. Noticeably, the rarest event is to find simulated viruses that jointly exhibit high intrinsic phylogenetic diversity and low coefficient of chimerality. Since different viruses can be recognized in closely related hosts, it is possible to achieve tetrads of high chimerism (low phylogenetic diversity, high coefficient of chimerality). On the contrary, it is rather difficult to find similar viruses in loosely related organisms (high phylogenetic diversity, low coefficient of chimerality).


Our analysis of structural proteins recovered both the four viral genera (α, β, γ, and δ) and SARS-CoV-2 affinities with viruses isolated from bats and pangolins. The approach is useful to address issues of taxonomic classification such as positioning of unknown items. Rapid classification of new viruses is a topic of great concern since it contributes for strategic planning, containment, and treatment (Randhawa et al., 2020). In the proximity network, the β-coronavirus and α-coronavirus sets are neighbors. The β-coronavirus set is structured into two subgroups that are bridged by a sequence of the nodes 95-91-153-170, all isolated from Homo sapiens. Almost all the viruses that infect human hosts in our sample are distributed in the left subgroup regarding node 170, with the exception of SARS-CoV-2 (node 132) and the SarsCovP2 (node 53) which are located in the right subgroup. Considering the remarkable proteomic closeness among most viruses infecting humans (Fig. 1), it could be inferred that viruses located in the vicinity of SARS-CoV-2 are also potentially dangerous to humans. The fact that SARS-CoV-2 rather than their neighbors in the proximity network has emerged recently in the human population could be due to the degree of biogeographic and ecological isolation of its hosts or lack of opportunity (Segreto & Deigin, 2020; Solé & Elena, 2018). The limit between α-coronaviruses and β-coronaviruses is depicted by node 135, also a human parasite. Viruses historically infecting a wide range of vertebrate hosts seem to be converging to infect humans. Human explosive demography jointly with human-driven changes as bringing in close contact farm animals and crops with wild animals and plants are the triggers of viral evolution and spillovers (Woolhouse, Taylor & Haydon, 2001). Notwithstanding, considerations about the bridging role of humans in diversification of β-coronavirus should be taken with caution because of biasing in datasets (e.g., NCBI Virus) towards viral sequence from isolates infecting humans.

The RaTG13 (node 133 isolated from Rhinolophus affinis), previously identified as the closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2 based on genome similarity (Cyranoski, 2020; Zhang & Holmes, 2020; Zhang et al., 2020), is located peripherally in the β-coronavirus set and is the immediate neighbor of the SARS-CoV-2. The two unknown items presumably belong to the genus β-coronavirus based on the membership of their local neighborhood in the network (Fig. 1). Node 134 (isolated from Manis javanica) is also connected with SARS-CoV-2 but showing an inner location within the network. The subset composed of RaTG13, SARS-CoV-2, and pangolin-CoV-2020 is in turn located peripherally in the main network. The peripheral position of RatG13 may be related to its isolated evolution in the Yunnan’s caves (Southern China) where R. affinis inhabits. Accessibility to these caves for researchers did not occur until recently (Segreto & Deigin, 2020).

Coronaviruses infect a range of mammalian and avian species (Latinne, Hu & Olival, 2020). Within them, α-coronaviruses are able to switch hosts more frequently and between more distantly related taxa than β-coronaviruses. These last are specialist strategists infecting mainly bats and also other mammalian species such as humans, camelids, and leporids (Figs. 1 and 2). Nevertheless, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 suggests a jump between phylogenetically distant hosts, allowed by modifications in the RBD that make it more virulent and host-specific for humans. This modification enables a new range of potential hosts for SARS-CoV-2 (hosts phylogenetically related to humans and domestic and farm animals that co-inhabit with humans).

Our results showed that more similar viruses tend to infect the most phylogenetically related hosts displaying a specialist strategy (Fig. 2). This result is reinforced by the randomized simulations here performed (Fig. 3). Longdon et al. (2011) found evidence that most host shifts occur between closely related hosts, and that the host phylogeny could explain most of the variation in viral replication and persistence. Viruses that co-evolved with a certain species of vertebrates have developed host-specific mechanisms to infect it. This adaptation will be more likely co-opted as an exaptation to jump into a host species closely related to the host in which the virus evolved (Latinne, Hu & Olival, 2020). This specialist strategy is held by the majority of viruses (Solé & Elena, 2018) and represents an ecological constraint on the virus-host available set. However, there are also viruses separated by long distances infecting closely related hosts such as Mareca sp. and Meleagris sp. In this case, the distance is of 0.53 between viruses and belong to δ- and γ- genera, respectively. On the contrary, there are a few viruses with shorter distances infecting distantly related hosts, as in the case of Homo sapiens and Rhinolophus affinis. Succinctly, results show: (1) The minimum spanning network recapitulates the known phylogeny of Coronovirinae, and (2) some concordance is found between host phylogeny and viral genetic distance. With a few exceptions, this result suggests that the overall pattern is not one of frequent host shifts.

Since bats are natural reservoirs for several coronaviruses that can potentially infect humans (Woo et al., 2012), their viruses have been deeply studied and even researchers have been using them to generate chimera coronaviruses for the last 20 years (Segreto & Deigin, 2020). Laboratory chimeras were meant to simulate recombination events that might occur in nature (Menachery et al., 2015). Thus, even when a chimera virus is detected, the distinction between natural and artificial chimeras represent another challenging step. We use the IPSP to obtain the different possibilities of theoretical viruses and relate them to the degree of chimerality. The larger the amount of interactions between proteins coming from dissimilar virus sources, the larger the chimerality of that particular assemblage in the sense of decreasing chance for observing it in nature (lower feasibility). Our results on chimeral virus simulations (Fig. 4C) showed a non-trivial fill of the theoretical morphospace. Whenever protein precursors come from phylogenetically distant hosts, chimerality is expected to achieve high values in the sense of a global entity composed of dissimilar, heterogeneous parts. The relevance of this approach is that it gives us clues to assess the chimeral origin of coronaviruses. To inquire about a potential chimera origin of a certain sampled virus, we can compare it with the viruses belonging to the empirical morphospace and the theoretical morphospace. If our focal virus turns out to be more similar to a theoretical chimera virus (belonging to the theoretical morphospace) than to an observed one (empirical), then the suspicion about a chimera origin increases.

Based on the aforementioned insights, our analysis cannot support hypothesis number 2, since SARS-CoV-2 does not have all the features deemed to be chimeric using just information about amino acid sequences. Even though the chimerism origin theory is consistent with the remarkable proteomic closeness between RaTG13, SARS-CoV-2 and pangolin-CoV-2020, also found in this work, we also observe that when extracting the SARS-CoV-2 from Fig. 1, pangolin-CoV-2020 and RaTG13 do not undergo modifications in their network locations. Andersen et al. (2020) also state that the genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously backbone used in chimeras assemblage. Our approach represents a tool that could guide researchers to detect chimerality.

After phylogenetic genome-wide analysis, most studies indicated that Rhinolophus bats may be the natural host of the novel coronavirus (Ma et al., 2021). However, these results should be critically appraised since classic dichotomic phylogenetic tools do not handle recombination well and results could be misleading if recombination occurs (Goh et al., 2022; Posada, 2000). In order to deal with these constraints, Goh et al. (2022) suggest narrowing the phylogenetic analysis to conserved proteins such as the M protein. In doing so, a different tale emerges and pangolin is no longer so easily dismissed as ancestor. We also consider that network and combinatorial approaches can be useful to address issues of recombination. Thus, the intermediary position of SARS-CoV-2 between pangolin and bat calls for a care consideration. New lineages as a result of blending of loosely related predecessors, for instance symbionts or hybrids, pose a challenge for classic phylogenetic reconstruction. Alternatively, phylogenetic networks allow investigation of complex evolutionary histories that involve cross-species gene transfer (Albrecht et al., 2012). On the other hand, combinatorics under a morphospace research program shed light on how likely an entity can occur in nature. Our proposal then expands the repertoire of biocomputational resources to gain a deeper understanding of evolution of items through events other than cladogenesis or speciation.


Since WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on March 11, 2020, an unprecedented multidisciplinary interest in the responsible coronavirus exploded from all around the world at the same time. One approach to gain a better comprehension of it is by zooming in their structural details. Another approach consists of zooming out and achieving the big picture of Coronavirinae as a whole. We provide a general framework to address issues of viral classification, assembly constraints, degree of chimerism, evolutionary paths, and putative chains of zoonotic jumps. We constructed a proximity network based on the four major structural proteins in coronavirus. Through this, we explored the relationship between host-phylogeny and viral proteomic distance. We also investigated the potential of generating feasible chimeras in nature from loosely related hosts through simulation. Finally, we brought attention to both the molecular and phylogenetic constraints behind the evolution of coronaviruses.

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