Coalescent: an open-science framework for importance sampling in coalescent theory
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- Academic Editor
- Claus Wilke
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- Computational Biology, Genetics, Mathematical Biology, Science Policy, Statistics
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- Framework, Population genetics, Open-science, Importance sampling, Likelihood, Infinite sites model, Coalescent theory
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- This is an open access article, free of all copyright, made available under the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication. This work may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose.
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- 2015. Coalescent: an open-science framework for importance sampling in coalescent theory. PeerJ 3:e1203
Background. In coalescent theory, computer programs often use importance sampling to calculate likelihoods and other statistical quantities. An importance sampling scheme can exploit human intuition to improve statistical efficiency of computations, but unfortunately, in the absence of general computer frameworks on importance sampling, researchers often struggle to translate new sampling schemes computationally or benchmark against different schemes, in a manner that is reliable and maintainable. Moreover, most studies use computer programs lacking a convenient user interface or the flexibility to meet the current demands of open science. In particular, current computer frameworks can only evaluate the efficiency of a single importance sampling scheme or compare the efficiencies of different schemes in an ad hoc manner.
Results. We have designed a general framework (; language: Java; License: GPLv3) for importance sampling that computes likelihoods under the standard neutral coalescent model of a single, well-mixed population of constant size over time following infinite sites model of mutation. The framework models the necessary core concepts, comes integrated with several data sets of varying size, implements the standard competing proposals, and integrates tightly with our previous framework for calculating exact probabilities. For a given dataset, it computes the likelihood and provides the maximum likelihood estimate of the mutation parameter. Well-known benchmarks in the coalescent literature validate the accuracy of the framework. The framework provides an intuitive user interface with minimal clutter. For performance, the framework switches automatically to modern multicore hardware, if available. It runs on three major platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux). Extensive tests and coverage make the framework reliable and maintainable.
Conclusions. In coalescent theory, many studies of computational efficiency consider only effective sample size. Here, we evaluate proposals in the coalescent literature, to discover that the order of efficiency among the three importance sampling schemes changes when one considers running time as well as effective sample size. We also describe a computational technique called “just-in-time delegation” available to improve the trade-off between running time and precision by constructing improved importance sampling schemes from existing ones. Thus, our systems approach is a potential solution to the “28 programs problem” highlighted by Felsenstein, because it provides the flexibility to include or exclude various features of similar coalescent models or importance sampling schemes.
Felsenstein et al. (1999; Section 14) describes “the 28 programs problem” obstructing computational inference in population genetics, namely, that each variation in a statistical model or computational method requires a new computer program, even if underlying concepts remain similar. For example, importance sampling for population genetic models is an active area of research, but the 28 programs problem obstructs the comparision of novel and existing ideas, because no available computational framework can readily compare different importance sampling proposals. A computer program directly modelling the underlying concepts would provide a systematic solution, but for various reasons, existing implementations do not typically reflect the systematic approach (Stodden, 2013a) characterizing the development of theory. A systematic approach has the potential to improve the reliability of the implementation of base concepts and dramatically reduce the programming effort required to benchmark new ideas.
We therefore took a systems approach to population genetic models and developed a computational framework for importance sampling. Currently, the framework implements a standard neutral coalescent model of a single, well-mixed population of constant size over time under the infinite sites model of mutation. By design, however, it circumvents the 28 programs problem, so that the programming effort to augment a model with a new feature is linear in time (by definitions given by Felsenstein et al. (1999) and its discussion of the 28 programs problem). The framework can compare any subset of proposals programmed into it. In particular, we implemented the three standard proposals (Ethier–Griffiths–Tavaré, Stephens–Donnelly, and Hobolth–Uyenoyama–Wiuf) to compare them within a single framework. Because the framework already implements concepts like “likelihood”, “genealogy”, etc., adding a new proposal only requires specifying the corresponding algorithm.
The systems approach here mirrors our previous approach to computing exact coalescent probabilities (Tewari & Spouge, 2012). Previously, we implemented the computation of the exact likelihood for a general class of coalescent models based on recursions. The general implemention of recursions permits many useful computations (such as counting the total number of ancestral configurations, total number of genealogies etc.) with programming effort only linear in time, as explained above. The implementation permitted us to program and study several competing algorithms for computing exact probabilities (e.g., the forward algorithm of Wu, 2009), and we exemplified its use with both the infinite alleles and infinite sites model of mutation. Although exact probabilities help to benchmark computations and approximations in small datasets, they also aid intuition, with the potential to improve proposals in importance sampling. Thus, our two frameworks have complementary purposes.
Infinite-sites model (K69)
Excellent overviews of various coalescent models are available (e.g., Hein, Schierup & Wiuf, 2005; Wakeley, 2009). Here for the sake of completeness, we briefly describe the infinite-sites model (denoted “K69”, after Kimura, 1969; also see Watterson, 1975). Most of our notation follows Wakeley (2009).
Consider an aligned sample of DNA sequences, noting that alignment columns can contain gaps. An alignment column lacking gaps is called a “site”, and Model K69 considers only sites. Under Model K69, the sample evolves from most recent common ancestor (MRCA) by reproduction, with occasional mutation at the sites. Model K69 is most suitable for long DNA sequences with low mutation rates, because it permits at most one mutation at each site during the evolution of the sampled sequences. The state of each site in a sampled sequence (its “character”) can therefore be summarized by a binary digit: 0, if the corresponding DNA letter agrees with the MRCA; and 1, otherwise. A site is segregating if some sequences in the relevant sample contain the character 1. Thus, the segregating sites comprise the essential data in the sample. The sample data can be represented as , where X is a binary matrix (i.e., ) with distinct rows Xi (“haplotypes”) and ν is an column vector such that νi counts the multiplicity of the haplotype Xi among the sampled sequences. Let n denote the total number of alleles i.e., . Thus, the character of haplotype Xi at site j is . See Table 1 for a sample dataset similar to Figure 8.6 in Wakeley (2009).
As an aid to visualization, data conforming to Model K69 always have a unique gene tree. Figure 1, e.g., shows the gene tree corresponding to Table 1. Within a gene tree, the order of mutations on any edge is arbitrary, and permutation of the column order in the haplotype matrix X does not affect the gene tree for . Gusfield (1991) gives an efficient algorithm for constructing gene trees.
Allele | Segregating sites | Count | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||
a1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
a2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
a3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
a4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Under Model K69, the MRCA (represented by a matrix with a single row of 0s) evolves into the sample data by passing stepwise through a sequence of ancestral configurations, which have a form similar to the sample data. In the following, a “singleton row i” is a row with count νi = 1. Starting from sample back in time to the MRCA, each step corresponds to one of three possible evolutionary operations on the current ancestral configuration: (1) coalescence (deleting one from a set of identical rows); (2) removing a “type I” mutation, which leaves the sequence still unique (changing the only 1 in some column j into 0 and leaves the corresponding singleton row i unique in the ancestral configuration); and (3) removing a “type II” mutation, which makes the sequence identical to one or more others (changing the only 1 in some column j into 0, to make the corresponding singleton row i the same as some other row(s) in the ancestral configuration). Removal in both mutational types I and II is restricted to “the only 1 in some column” and “a singleton row”, because Model K69 permits at most one mutation at each site. Once a mutation is removed, the corresponding site is no longer a segregating site (i.e., the corresponding column in the new binary matrix has only 0s). Figure 2 illustrates these operations. Thus, a computer can efficiently represent the removal of a mutation simply by removing the corresponding column from X, a representation we now use. Under the representation, the MRCA becomes an empty matrix with count 1.
To represent the three evolutionary operations mathematically, consider an ancestral configuration , let ei denote a column vector with 1 in the i-th position, and 0 elsewhere. Given C, let A denote the set of singleton rows i, and denote column j with the smallest index in row i, so that row i and column satisfy the restrictions on mutations of type I (In the following, the arbitrary choice of the smallest column index is feasible, because column order is irrelevant to the gene tree.). Let δi be the corresponding evolutionary operator that deletes column from X, creating the new ancestral configuration . Similarly, let B denote the set of singleton rows i, each with a single column j satisfying the restrictions on mutations of type II. For each i, let be the row index of the “merge haplotype”, the haplotype that row i becomes when the 1 in column j is changed to 0. Let Δi be the corresponding evolutionary operator, which deletes row i and column j from X, creating the haplotype matrix ΔiX, and which also deletes the i-th row of the column vector ν, so the new ancestral configuration is .
Having defined the sample space of ancestral configurations and the steps that Model K69 permits, we now determine the corresponding probability measure , which implicitly depends on a population mutation parameter θ. The MRCA probability is , and the probabilities satisfy the recursion (1) For introductory examples see Hein, Schierup & Wiuf, 2005; Wakeley, 2009.
Importance sampling for computing likelihood
Wakeley (2009) gives an overview of importance sampling for computing likelihood in coalescent theory. Briefly, here are the key concepts. To make the dependence of the probability on the mutational parameter θ explicit, let for . The probability of the data in (1) can also be written as the following: (2) where the sum is over all genealogies G consistent with the data D. Let be any probability measure, and be an expectation under , and define the ratio . If is absolutely continuous with respect to , i.e., if q(G) > 0 wherever p(G) > 0, then (3) Usually, in the context of importance sampling, is called the target distribution; , the trial distribution; and , the importance sampling weight (Hammersley & Handscomb, 1964; Liu, 2002). Given R realizations Gr (r = 1, …, R) of the genealogy G independently sampled from the trial distribution , then the strong law of large numbers implies that with probability 1, (4) Thus, importance sampling provides an estimator for the likelihood (5) Equation (1) provides a sequence of steps from a population sample to its most recent common ancestor (MRCA), each step corresponding to a single ancestral coalescence or the loss of a single mutation. A Monte Carlo simulation can therefore assign trial probabilities to these time-steps, to create a sequential importance-sampling scheme (Liu, 2002). Many coalescent processes are Markovian, so sequential importance sampling (SIS) is a natural choice to simulate them, because events occurring at different time-steps are independent. The coalescence literature often uses the terminology “proposals” for the sampling choices, although “proposals” does not follow the standard usage in the Monte Carlo literature (The non-standard usage might be derived from the Metropolis method, which accepts or rejects “proposals”). In any case, this paper adheres to standard Monte Carlo terminology (Liu, 2002; Robert & Casella, 2004) whenever there is no conflict with terminology in the coalescent literature.
Standard sequential samplers
Sequential samplers choose among the evolutionary operations corresponding to the different terms in Eq. (1). Because each operation is determined once the corresponding haplotype Xi in the ancestral configuration is known, we let with various subscripts denote corresponding trial probability.
The Ethier–Griffiths–Tavare (EGT) sequential sampler
The EGT recursion in Eq. (1) directly suggests a sequential sampling scheme (Griffiths & Tavare, 1994): (6)
The Stephens–Donnelly (SD) sequential sampler
Stephens & Donnelly (2000) developed a sampling scheme by characterizing the target distribution and then approximating it with (7)
The Hobolth–Uyenoyama–Wiuf (HUW) sequential sampler
Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008) approximated the effects of all mutations on the probabilities for the next step from the sample to the MRCA, to derive (8) where θ0 is a fixed value of θ, and where is the total number of alleles containing mutation m and is the probability that the next evolutionary operation (coalescence or mutation) involves a row Xi where Xi,m = 1 (i.e., haplotype i bears mutation m) and ui,m denotes the probability of involving row Xi in the next mutation event m. The proposal probability in Eq. (8) sums ui,m over all mutations m for row Xi.
We now describe the architecture of the framework, diagramming the key classes and interfaces with the unified modelling language (UML), while displaying the various connections and assumptions. The diagrams use standard UML notations (explained in the UML-Wiki). The framework consists of several packages, which progressively narrow the most general concepts down to the specifics of K69, the infinite-sites model of mutation.
Core framework
The core framework models the concepts for any domain of sampling. It corresponds to the package Figure 3 displays the key classes: Sampler, Proposal, and Factor.
Sampler generalizes Eq. (5) as (9) where is called a “mean function” i.e., a function whose mean (or expectation) is to be computed, and , and being the target and trial distributions, respectively. For coalescent models, Y corresponds to the genealogy G, and denotes the conditional probability of observing data D given the genealogy Y. Note that for coalescent models, Y represents the relevant events in the entire genealogical history of the sample, including coalescent events. To estimate the probabilities in the standard sequential sampling schemes above, take identically for all Y.
Proposal & factor
Proposal draws an independent sample Y each time sample() is called and Factor computes in Eq. (9). Factor can be created by computing the weight directly (by implementing sub-interface Proposal_w_Prob) or by implementing an analytical expression for the ratio, if available (e.g., the so-called “functional path” Fj in Eq. 12 of Griffiths & Tavare, 1994).
Coalescent models
The following subsection describes SIS schemes for coalescent genealogies. Our framework for exact probabilities in coalescent models (Tewari & Spouge, 2012) already contains the general concepts for implementing sequential schemes for specific models. Figure 4 sketches the interactions among these general concepts.
Genealogy & AC
Genealogy defines the chain of events from the sample to the MRCA. AC denotes the ancestral configuration in a generic coalescent model and given the allele and event types, specifies the recursion. Ancestral configuration (K69_AC—for model K69) provides alleles on which events (coalescent, mutation) occur and also generates the resulting ancestral configurations. The recursive events create genealogies that start from the sample and end at the MRCA. The Event object captures the source and destination configurations, the event type, the allele on the source configuration that created the destination configuration, but not the time information.
GProposal implements SIS via Proposal_ w_Prob. It recursively builds the sample and its probability, at each step using the alternatives in Eq. (1) (The previous version of our framework already calculated the exact probabilities, reducing programming effort). Figure 5 illustrates SIS in a coalescent process. GProposal specifies the SIS of all coalescent models based on Eq. (1). Specific proposals (e.g., Eqs. (6), (7) and (8)) need only implement the abstract method proposalWeight. The program design suits Monte Carlo well, because it localizes errors and limits the scope of problems associated with a specific proposal. It also stabilizes results when comparing sequential sampling schemes: general optimizations might improve the efficiency of several schemes, but the implementation of each scheme shares the gain, thereby maintaining their relative efficiencies.
The infinite-sites model K69
For the infinite-sites model of mutation (K69), we implemented three standard proposals (Eqs. (6), (7) and (8)) with the abstract method proposalWeight, as described above. If the root (i.e., the state of the MRCA) is unknown, the user has two choices: (1) repeat the computation by hand for all possible roots (future versions will automate the repetition); or (2) follow the accepted expedient of substituting the consensus sequence for the root McMorris, 1977. The proposals are collected in GProposals_K69 (see Fig. 6), which follows the factory design pattern (Gamma et al., 1995). The framework for exact probabilities already specifies the interface K69_AC of the ancestral configuration under infinite-sites model of mutation, so we used it to specify the three proposals. Figure 7 illustrates the implementation of SD Proposal, which demonstrates that proposals can be written compactly from the corresponding equations, leaving the framework to encapsulate the details.
Multiple parameters
Most population genetic models with multiple parameters (including model K69) lack analytical expressions for the corresponding likelihoods, so computers are essential for calculating maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). Separate likelihood computations for each set of parameter values is often inefficient, because some models (e.g., K69) permit computations for each set to reuse every realization, vastly improving performance. Different proposals exploit this opportunity differently, however. SD, e.g., does not use the parameter value corresponding to mutation, EGT uses scaling (Eq. 12 in Griffiths & Tavare, 1994), and HUW indirectly avoids the parameter value by using asymptotics from Eqs. 12 and 13 of Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008). Computations for different proposals reuse realizations differently, so a poor design might easily require a programmer to specify a proposal twice. In contrast, our framework avoids duplication of effort and allows a single proposal specification with a single set of parameter values to sweep through several sets of parameter values by specifying a separate implementation for reusing realizations.
Parallel proposals
The framework design is object-oriented, thereby promoting the natural use of multiple computer cores. Generally, it emphasizes modularity over optimization of running times, enhancing platform-independence and the possibility of running the framework on common multi-core machines. Multiple schemes can run on separate threads, reducing computing time and providing direct visual feedback on their running times. Some proposals both increase statistical power and reduce computing time relative to other proposals (e.g., SD over EGT) but more typically, a nuanced trade-off occurs.
Tests and coverage
The expansion of the framework over time must not break existing features and design contracts (Freeman & Pryce, 2009). Thus, extensibility puts constraints on, e.g., the graphical user interface. Automated unit tests can permit debugging to remain manageable and coverage of checked exceptions (known causes of disruption) to expand. The coverage (the proportion of code lines that the unit tests execute) is an accepted figure of merit for unit tests. Table 2 provides the number of tests and coverage for the packages in the framework. Typically, more than 70% coverage should inspire confidence (Limjap, 2008).
Test area | Number of tests | Coverage (line) |
Common | 47 | 70% |
Model | 10 | 75% |
Data | 31 | 92% |
Phylogeny | 11 | 86% |
Recursion | 23 | 62% |
Statistic | 27 | 84% |
Providers | 30 | 61% |
Importance sampling | 62 | 76% |
241 (total) | 75.75% (avg.) |
Some features of the framework follow, along with some notes on each feature. Readers can consult the project website for more information. Framework version numbers are indicated in square brackets, and Version 1.4.2 retains all features in version 1.3.0. Version 1.4.2 corresponds to this article; Version 1.3.0, to the article Tewari & Spouge (2012).
[1.3.0] Support for two models: Infinite Alleles Model (KC64) and Infinite Sites Model (K69). The models include mutation under the standard neutral coalescent model of a single, well-mixed population of constant size over time. Data for K69 are read from an xml file; data for KC64, from a string literal within the framework.
[1.3.0] Checks Phylogeny of binary data using Gusfieldś algorithm or the Four Gamete‘s algorithm. The user chooses the algorithm.
[1.3.0] Draws Phylogeny of K69 data. The framework uses Gusfield‘s algorithm to build the gene tree.
[1.3.0] Exact computation of various model statistics. For K69 and KC64 on small datasets, the framework can: (1) compute the exact likelihood and the probabilities of ancestral configurations; (2) count and build ancestral configurations and genealogies; (3) profile the recursion cache, which can be useful in improving exact algorithms.
[1.4.2] Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) using exact computation. The MLE can be computed for K69 and KC64 on small datasets. The user specifies the minimum, maximum, and the increment for values of the population mutation rate.
[1.4.2] Smart Data Integration. Given a job, the Data Panel automatically lists all relevant datasets in (xml) files or string literals. The user can easily open and edit xml files within the application, which updates jobs as it auto-detects files added or deleted from the underlying system. The framework can also interpret data intended for the Infinite Sites Model K69 for use with the Infinite Alleles Model KC64.
[1.4.2] Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) using Importance Sampling(IS). Equation (10) below defines the effective sample size. For K69 on datasets of moderate size, the framework can compute likelihoods for any combination of available proposals, including EGT, SD, and HUW. In addition, a programmer can simply specify a new proposal to add it to the framework. A user can run multiple proposals simultaneously to measure their relative efficiencies and limit the sampling by realizations (to estimate effective sample sizes) or by time (to estimate effective sample sizes per running time), with results available in either textual or graphical formats. To benchmark proposals, the framework can plot its likelihood estimates next to exact likelihoods (either provided or computed); during execution, it can also track and report various measures (e.g., standard errors, effective sample sizes, etc.).
[1.4.2] Benchmarking Performance of Competing Proposals. The framework simulate datasets to compare measures associated with different proposals over a grid of parameters like mutation rates and alleles in the gene tree. As above, the user can choose to present key metrics as graphs or texts.
Results & Discussion
Our figures and results generally follow the presentation of Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008). Figure 8 displays the gene tree for the dataset of Griffiths & Tavare (1994), a standard benchmark for comparing proposals. To compare the EGT, SD, and HUW proposals, we used effective sample size (ESS), (10) where R is the number of realizations (samples), and w is the corresponding importance weight (Liu, 2002, p.35). Loosely, ESS quantifies the similarity of the target distribution to the trial distribution, so SIS improves as the ESS increases.
Validating MLE and the maximum likelihood
The framework computed the likelihood curve (Table 3). Table 4 for the MLEs resulting from each proposal is visually consistent with figures in Wu (2009) and verifies results for both standard error and ESS in Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008), namely, that the SIS performance order is EGT < SD < HUW. The running times for SD and EGT were nearly equal, however, and about half of the running time for HUW. Within the framework, all proposals share the same runtime infrastructure, so the accuracy in HUW comes at the price of approximately doubling the running time per realization.
Proposals | MLE | Sample size | ||
Published | Framework | Published | Framework | |
EGT | 4.8 | 4.8 | 200,000 | 100,000 |
SD | [4.5, 5.0] | 4.9 | 100,000 | 100,000 |
HUW | [4.5, 5.0] | 4.9 | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Proposals | Published | Framework | |||
Likelihood | Likelihood | Std. error | ESS | Time(s) | |
EGT | 7.76E–20 | 7.57E–20 | 8.31E–21 | 82 | 1347 |
SD | 9.33E–20 | 9.14E–20 | 5.41E–21 | 283 | 1046 |
HUW | 8.70E–20 | 9.01E–20 | 3.75E–21 | 572 | 2160 |
Confirming proposal order
Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008) investigated the performance of the three proposals by comparing ESSs as mutation rates and data sample size varied, their Fig. 6 showing that the ESSs for three proposals have a stable relationship, EGT < SD < HUW. Using the same mutation rates and data sample sizes, our simulations independently confirmed their results as follows (Fig. 9). For each cell, the tool ms (Hudson, 2002) or msms acting as a cross-platform fallback (Ewing & Hermisson, 2010) simulated three independent sets of samples (denoted by different colours in the figure) for the corresponding mutation rate and data sample size. Within each cell, there are two plots. The left-hand panels show results if we limited all simulations to 108,000 realizations (approximating the 100,000 used in Fig. 6 of Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008)); the right-hand panels, if we limited all samplers by time, terminating them when the slowest one completed 108,000 realizations. The left panels of each cell verify the results in Fig. 6 in Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008).
Effect of running time
Although the left panels of each cell verify the results in Fig. 6 in Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008), the right panels show that when the figure of merit is ESS per running time, SD improves relative to HUW, but EGT does not. Thus, although HUW requires more time than EGT to produce a realization, the improvement in the ESS more than compensates. HUW also requires more time than SD to produce a realization, but here the improvement in the ESS does not compensate so decisively. For the real dataset in Fig. 8, Table 5 tells the similar story. The message is clear: substantial improvements in the ESS for a fixed number of realizations do not always translate into a substantial practical reductions in the errors of estimates.
Proposals | Likelihood | Std. Error | ESS | Realizations |
EGT | 8.43E–20 | 1.14E–20 | 54 | 212,277 |
SD | 9.21E–20 | 5.66E–21 | 264 | 280,740 |
HUW | 9.54E–20 | 5.16E–21 | 340 | 121,855 |
New mixed proposal via exact samplers
Wu (2009) motivated expanding the size limits on exact analysis of coalescent data by pointing out that exact analysis can validate Monte Carlo estimates. In the same spirit, we developed a framework for exact recursive computation of coalescent probabilities (Tewari & Spouge, 2012). Our present framework is a seamless extension of our recursive framework, and it permitted us to implement a new proposal, as follows.
Some nodes of the full ancestral graph permit exact sampling of transitions away from them. On the corresponding subgraphs, the framework can compute the most efficient proposal possible (the target distribution itself), while using a delegate proposal elsewhere. We call this idea Exact Subgraph Sampling. Consider, e.g., “singleton nodes”, nodes of the ancestral subgraph whose sequences all have multiplicities νi = 1, leading to an Exact Subgraph Sampling scheme, we call Exact Singleton Sampling. Figure 10 highlights a sampling path using exact singleton sampling for data in Table 1. For the real data in Fig. 8, the exact distribution for the singleton nodes can be computed under 10 s with average memory, whereas the full graph takes more than a day on a high-end PC (Wu, 2009). Because they are beyond the purview of this article, detailed results for Exact Singleton Sampling will be presented elsewhere, but preliminary results for the data in Fig. 8 suggest that Exact Singleton Sampling improves the ESS per computational time for HUW by a factor of about 4.
Running time is a significant practical consideration when comparing the computational efficiency of different importance sampling proposals. With ESS per running-time replacing ESS as a figure of merit used in Hobolth, Uyenoyama & Wiuf (2008), the Hobolth-Uyenoyama-Wiuf proposal (HUW) retains only a small edge over the Stevens-Donnelly proposal (SD). In this case, therefore, the expected sample size (ESS) per running time and the ESS agree HUW as the optimal proposal, but disagree quantitively on the relative improvement. Running time is an important practical consideration, however, so when comparing proposals on a level playing field within a single computational framework, the ESS per running time should receive more weight than the ESS as a figure of merit. Thus, evaluations within computational frameworks like ours should be preferred to ad hoc evaluations of importance sampling schemes (ISSs). As an aside, our framework includes exact computations (Tewari & Spouge, 2012), so it easily implements the new proposal, Exact Singleton Sampling, described above.
Our project website ( contains open source code in the Java programming language under the GPLv3 license. Following the spirit of open science (Stodden, 2013a; Stodden, 2013b; Stodden, 2013c), our software reflects a systems approach. For instance, our claims can be verified by running our software, which comes with several test cases backed by a large test coverage. The software itself is scalable and its user interface is intuitive, requiring only a basic familiarity with the theory, and our Supplemental Information contain an illustrated stepwise instruction manual. The present framework augments our earlier framework for exact algorithms (Tewari & Spouge, 2012), also with a systems approach, adding another tool to the likelihood analysis for population genetics data under the infinite sites model of mutation.
Supplemental Information
Peer Review Manual for using the Software
Manual for using the Software for verifying the claims in the manuscript.