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Susan C. Herring
Professor of Information Science and Adjunct Professor of Linguistics at Indiana University Bloomington. Director, Center for Computer-Mediated Communication, Indiana University Bloomington. Editor, Language@Internet. Past editor, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
Dr. Herring’s first intellectual passion was foreign languages. After being employed as a Graduate Student Instructor in the French Dept. and then the Linguistics Dept. at U.C. Berkeley in the 1980s, she was appointed as an Instructor in the Special Languages Program at Stanford University to teach Tamil in 1989. She was subsequently hired as an Assistant Professor in the English Department at Cal State University, San Bernardino, to teach discourse analysis, in 1989, and promoted to Associate Professor in 1992. In the same year, she moved to the University of Texas, Arlington, where she was an Associate Professor in Linguistics until 2000. During that time the Internet was expanding rapidly, and her research interests shifted from traditional linguistics towards computer-mediated communication. In 2000, she joined the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, and was promoted to Professor in 2002. She also holds an Adjunct Professor appointment in the Linguistics Dept. at Indiana University and is a Fellow in the Center for Research on Learning Technologies and a Fellow in the Center for Social Informatics.
Computer Networks & Communications Human-Computer Interaction Social Computing