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Bo Huang
Dr. Bo Huang is a Professor with the Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is also the Associate Director of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science and the Director of MSc Program in GeoInformation Science. Prior to this, he held faculty positions at University of Calgary (Geomatics Engineering), Canada and National University of Singapore (Civil Engineering). His research interests are broad, covering most aspects of Geographical Information Science (GIScience), specifically: satellite image fusion for environmental monitoring, spatial/spatio-temporal statistics for land cover/land use change modeling, spatial optimization for sustainable urban and land use planning, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and web/wireless GIS for location-based services. Dr. Huang has published extensively in the field of GIScience, including over 130 refereed international journal articles, and serves as Executive Editor of Annals of GIS (Taylor & Francis) and Asia-Pacific Regional Editor of International Journal of Geographical Information Science (Taylor & Francis). He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Comprehensive GIS, a three volume landmark GIS book to be published by Elsevier (Oxford). Currently he is exploring along the line of spatiotemporal data analytics, convinced that this new paradigm will revolutionize the way how geospatial data are integrated, analyzed and utilized in the future.
Environmental Impacts Spatial & Geographic Information Science