University of Kansas
University of Kansas

Funding Details

PeerJ Institutional Member

Unlimited publishing for affiliated authors


Current Membership Ends: 9th October, 2024

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The University of Kansas is a PeerJ Institutional Member, providing unlimited publishing with no additional fees for affiliated authors. If you submit to PeerJ with a University of Kansas email (ending and are the Corresponding or Administrating author of the article, we will automatically recognize you as eligible to publish using KU’s Annual Institutional Membership.

If you are a member of the KU faculty but have an alternative email, please email when you have completed your submission and submit a request to use KU's Annual Institutional Membership.

KU was the first public institution to adopt an open access policy in the US, after examples set by Harvard, MIT, and Stanford’s School of Education. In 2011, KU Libraries co-founded the Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI). As the Provost’ Designate under the policy, the Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright supports faculty in a variety of ways to make their scholarly work as visible as possible.

You can find out more by contacting KU Libraries Electronic Resources Team for more information. You may also contact the PeerJ Communities Team to find out more about the program.

University of Kansas has an Annual Institutional Membership, providing unlimited publishing with no additional fees for eligible authors. If you submit to any PeerJ journal using a recognized affiliated email, and are the Corresponding or Admin author of the submission, we will recognize you as eligible to publish using the Annual Institutional Membership.

If you believe you are eligible to publish using the Membership but have a non-affiliated email, please email and we will handle your request.

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