Advisory Board and Editors Infectious Diseases

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Marie Lipoldova

M. Lipoldová received her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. She did postdoctoral research in the UK at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Current position: Head of the Laboratory of Mol. Cell. Immunol. at the Institute of Molecular Genetics, AS CR in Prague. She is also Associate Professor at the Third Faculty of Medicine at the Charles University. Research program: Identification of genes that control immune response in relation to susceptibility to disease.

Mohamed Lounis

Dr Mohamed Lounis is a Lecturer at the Department of Agroveterinary Sciences, University of Ziane Achour Djelfa, Algeria. He completed his PhD in veterinary epidemiology from the University of Blida in 2018.

His research broadly concentrates on human and animal epidemiology. More precisely, he began his research on animal colibacillosis including calf and avian colibacillosis with Escherichia coli genotyping and phenotyping and antibiotic resistance. Later, he conducted multiple studies related to the epidemiology of COVID-19 in Algeria and in Arabic countries. These works were mainly based on modeling the propagation of the disease and the attitudes toward COVID-19 and its vaccines.

Dr. Loudis is also working on a One health approach through different surveys about multiple animal and public health threats including drug use and antibiotic resistance, infectious diseases including HPV infections, AIDS, monkeypox, viral hepatitis (A-E) and other zoonotic diseases including bacterial (tuberculosis, brucellosis...), parasitic (echinococcosis, leishmaniasis…) and viral (rabies, arboviroses…) diseases. He is also working on the epidemiology of non transmissible diseases including cancer, diabetes, hypertension..

Richard J Maude

Professor Maude is Head of Epidemiology at Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Bangkok, Thailand and Associate Professor in Tropical Medicine at the University of Oxford, Honorary Consultant Physician at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford and a Visiting Scientist at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, USA. He has worked at Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit since 2007.

Carla N Mavian

My research aims at understanding the eco-evolutionary pathways that lead to emergence and dispersal of zoonotic and human pathogens, with emphasis on land use and climate change, within the One Health approach. I employ genomics, metagenomics and phylodynamics as tools to elucidate the evolutionary processes and population dynamics that shape viral genetic diversity both at the inter-host (epidemics) and in intra-host level (individual infections).

Nicky McCreesh

Dr McCreesh is an Assistant Professor in Infectious Disease Modelling at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

She is interested in understanding Mtb transmission patterns, and in how contact data can be used to develop a better understanding of potential M.tb. transmission sites, and to inform intervention strategies. She also works on the calibration and analysis of complex individual-based stochastic models, and is involved with a project to develop a history matching and model emulation R package.

Previous research includes HIV and schistosomiasis modelling, and work on respondent-driven sampling.

Rachel McMullan

Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow using C. elegans genetics to understand how animals respond to infection. In particular the cross talk between nervous and immune systems that coordinates behavioural and cellular responses to infection. Member of the Genetics society and British Society for Cell Biology.

Héctor Manuel Mora-Montes

In 2010, I established the Laboratory of Fungal Glycobiology at Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico, with the main goal to understand the synthesis mechanisms of the fungal cell wall and the interaction of medically relevant fungal pathogens with the host. This laboratory is characterized by its facilities to perform chemical, immunological, genetic, molecular, and cellular analyses of human fungal pathogens. Therefore, it is among a handful of research facilities within Mexico and Latin America offering a multidisciplinary and integral approach to understand the host-fungus interaction. Our group has a solid international reputation in the molecular and immunological studies of organisms belonging to the genus Candida and Sporothrix.

Karen L. Mossman

Professor of Pathology and Molecular Medicine and member of the Institute of Infectious Disease Research and McMaster Immunology Research Centre at McMaster University. Associate Editor of PLOS Pathogens and PLOS ONE and Editorial Board Member of Journal of Virology. Recipient of the 2006 Christina Fleischmann Award from the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research.

Joël Mossong

I am a public health scientist with a primary interest in infectious disease epidemiology including Covid19.

Garry Myers

PhD (1999) at U. Sydney, followed by a postdoc at The Institute for Genome Research (TIGR). I joined the TIGR Faculty in 2005. In 2007, I was a co-founder of the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. In 2014, I joined the ithree Institute at the University of Technology Sydney as Associate Professor. My research interests are the application of bioinformatics and genomic-scale tools to bacterial pathogens and the host response, particularly Chlamydia.

Bernd Neumann

Dr. Bernd Neumann is a German scientist in the field of microbiology. He has a Bachelor´s (B.Sc.) and Master´s (M.Sc.) degree in Human Biology from the University of Greifswald, Division Physiological Proteomics and Bioinformatics at the Institute for Microbiology (supervisor Katharina Riedel). He holds a PhD (Dr.rer.nat.) in Biology from the Technical University of Braunschweig. For his PhD and as PostDoc he worked at the Robert Koch Institute, Division of nosocomial pathogens and antibiotic resistances at the Department of infectious diseases.

Currently he is working as scientist at the Nuremberg General Hospital, Institute for hospital hygiene, medical microbiology and infectious diseases, that also is a university institute of the Paracelsus Medical University. He is working on antimicrobial resistant bacteria (ESKAPE-group) and resistance-mediating mobile genetic elements in the healthcare environment, mainly using molecular approaches as next-generation sequencing.

Marisa Fabiana Nicolás

Dr. Marisa Fabiana Nicolás is a biologist with a Ph.D. in Genetics. She worked as a protein annotator in the UniProt/Swiss-Prot database from 2005 to 2007. Since May 2009 she is an Associate Researcher at the Bioinformatics Laboratory (Labinfo) at LNCC/MCTI Brazil. Dr. Nicolas has experience in Genetics, Molecular Biology, Genomics, and Bioinformatics. She works mainly in Bioinformatics applied to the analysis of genomes and transcriptomes (RNAseq and scRNAseq) and metabolic and regulatory networks in clinically relevant pathogens.