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Carsten Baldauf
I have studied Biochemistry at Universität Leipzig. In my Diploma thesis I started to use computer simulations (quantum chemistry) to study structure formation in non-natural peptides. I continued along these lines in my PhD studies, also in Leipzig. During a PostDoc stay at BIOTEC of TU Dresden, I started using empirical models (a.k.a. force fields) and dedicated myself to the development of structure search techniques with a focus on molecular docking. My next stop then was in Shanghai. With a Lynen Postdoc fellowship by Humboldt Foundation, I had the chance to investigate regulatory mechanisms and function of the blood protein von Willebrand factor, a key molecule in primary hemostasis. Since 2010, I am a scientist at Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society, since 2013 I am a a group leader. Our work here deals with biomolecules in thin air (i.e. theoretical gas-phase spectroscopy of peptides and carbohydrates), large-scale overview studies on amino acid-cation structures, and organic reactions. Recently, I got interested in data science, data infrastructures and ontologies. I am teaching at Freie Universtität Berlin and was a visiting professor at Universität Leipzig replacing the Chair for Theoretical Chemistry. Since January 2020 I am Representative of the Board at Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society.
Biomolecules Bioorganic Chemistry Data Science Physical Organic Chemistry Theoretical & Computational Chemistry