PeerJ Reviewer
35 Points
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Henk Wosten
PeerJ Reviewer
Project leader and researcher in the EU-funded projects STRAPEAT, RESTORPEAT and CARBOPEAT withlong time research experience on soil physical aspects of sustainable peatland management, wise use of acid sulphate soils, nutrient cycling in mangrove forest, transport of water and solutes in soils and physical aspects of peat subsidence. Published numerous scientific articles on physical aspects of peat soils, on pedotransfer functions and on physical measurement techniques.
Work details
Senior Scientist
Wageningen University and Research Centre
Senior Scientist
PeerJ Contributions
Signed reviews submitted for articles published in PeerJ Note that some articles may not have the review itself made public unless authors have made them open as well.
April 23, 2013
Suk Young Hong, Budiman Minasny, Kyung Hwa Han, Yihyun Kim, Kyungdo Lee