Sophie Scott
Group Leader of the Speech Communication Lab and Deputy Director at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL. Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow. Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience. Honorary Degree from the University of Poppleton.
Scott is known for her public engagement work, including performing standup comedy, and was featured in a September 2013 edition of the BBC Radio Four programme The Life Scientific. In March 2014, she was invited to give a Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution on the science of laughter. Her work on laughter has also toured science fairs and exhibitions as part of the Laughter_lab project. She has been awarded a UCL Provost's Award for Public Engagement. Sophie Scott will be presenting the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures in 2017. Entitled 'The language of life', the Lectures will explore the topic of communication.