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Section Highlights View all Brain, Cognition and Mental Health articles

A systematic review of informal supporters of intimate partner violence survivors: the intimate partner violence model of informal supporter readiness
"This paper provides a review of informal supporters to people experiencing intimate partner violence. The review is primarily focused on factors that increase/descrease helping behaviours. This paper will be of interest to researchers and practitioners interested in understanding, facilitating, and managing care of the informal supporters of people experiencing intimate partner violence."
Shane Rogers, Handling Editor
Self-reported interoceptive accuracy and interoceptive attention differentially correspond to measures of visual attention and self-regard
Jafri Abdullah, Handling Editor
Dr. Smartphone, can you support my trauma? An informatics analysis study of App Store apps for trauma- and stressor-related disorders
Jafri Abdullah, Handling Editor
Cardiac sensitivity to rewards in cognitively inflexible nonclinical participants
Jafri Abdullah, Handling Editor
Risk factors of self-reported physical child abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: work-related changes in men and fear of COVID-19 in women
Jafri Abdullah, Handling Editor
Semantic plausibility preferentially affects the semantic preview benefit in Chinese reading: evidence from an eye-movement study
"This well-designed experiment builds a bridge between eye movement models of reading and the unique pressures of the Chinese language."
Anthony Barnhart, Handling Editor
Spatial orientation, postural control and the vestibular system in healthy elderly and Alzheimer’s dementia
"Adds to knowledge on this important topic"
Bob Patton, Handling Editor
Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy and Sexuality Questionnaire-15 (MSISQ-15) into Spanish
Jafri Abdullah, Handling Editor
The deployment of temporary nurses and its association with permanently-employed nurses’ outcomes in psychiatric hospitals: a secondary analysis
Jafri Abdullah, Handling Editor
Discovery of grey matter lesion-related immune genes for diagnostic prediction in multiple sclerosis
Jafri Abdullah, Handling Editor

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