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Abstract is unable to provide insight into story & results!
by PeerJ Staff ·
Abstract is unable to provide inside into story & results!

I comment that authors have done remarkable job.

This is exciting story, which shows rubromycin-based lead compounds for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (HIV1-RT) inhibition. Herein Authors have carried out molecular docking (particularly MM/PBSA simulations) studies and illustrated that γ -rubromycin-based ligands are able to bind to HIV1-RT at the NNRTI-binding site. Authors unraveled that these ligands are binding very strongly to RT mutants. These ligands shown high resistance towards other NNRTI compounds.

However, I think the abstract is unable to provide insight into background and their results, It is adviced to convey your results in 2-3 lines in abstract as well.

by Abhishek Kumar ·