Strong genetic structure among coral populations within a conservation priority region, the Bird's Head Seascape (Papua and West Papua, Indonesia) Published May 31, 2013 Authors Starger, Craig J Barber, Paul H Erdmann, Mark V Toha, Abdul H. A. Baker, Andrew C
The evolution of Predictive Adaptive Responses in human life history Published May 30, 2013 Authors Nettle, Daniel Frankenhuis, Willem E Rickard, Ian J
Area-based sampling for an epidemiological study on injury patterns and risk factors in a low-income urban setting in sub-Saharan Africa Published May 30, 2013 Authors Wilson, Michael L Seifert, Stephen P.
A formal approach to the molecular fuzzy lock-and-key (updated) Published May 28, 2013 (v2), May 21, 2013 (v1) Authors Wallace, Rodrick
Making research data repositories visible: the registry Published May 28, 2013 Authors Pampel, Heinz Vierkant, Paul Scholze, Frank Bertelmann, Roland Kindling, Maxi Klump, Jens Goebelbecker, Hans-Jürgen Gundlach, Jens Schirmbacher, Peter Dierolf, Uwe
Magic Strategies: the basic biology of multilevel, multiscale, health promotion (updated) Published May 21, 2013 (v2), Apr 17, 2013 (v1) Authors Wallace, Rodrick Wallace, Deborah
Coral reef baselines: how much macroalgae is natural? Published May 20, 2013 Authors Bruno, John F Precht, William F Vroom, Peter S Aronson, Richard B.
Supertrees based on the subtree prune-and-regraft distance Published May 10, 2013 Authors Whidden, Chris Zeh, Norbert Beiko, Robert G
Microenvironmental variables need to effect intrinsic phenotypic parameters of cancer stem cells to affect tumourigenicity Published May 8, 2013 Authors Scott, Jacob G Chinnaiyan, Prakash Anderson, Alexander ARA Hjelmeland, Anita Basanta, David
The role of Twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication Published May 7, 2013 Authors Darling, Emily S Shiffman, David Côté, Isabelle M. Drew, Joshua A
GenGIS 2: Geospatial analysis of traditional and genetic biodiversity, with new gradient algorithms and an extensible plugin framework Published May 3, 2013 Authors Beiko, Robert G Parks, Donovan H Mankowski, Timothy Zangooei, Somayyeh Porter, Michael S Armanini, David G Baird, Donald J Langille, Morgan G I