Global broadcast and attention can be highly punctuated in fuzzy cognitive systems

Division of Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, New York, United States
Subject Areas
Computational Biology, Evolutionary Studies, Mathematical Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
information theory, biocognition, renormalization, index theorem, groupoid
© 2013 Wallace
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Wallace R. 2013. Global broadcast and attention can be highly punctuated in fuzzy cognitive systems. PeerJ PrePrints 1:e34v2


Previous theoretical work on consciousness and other punctuated global broadcasts associated with attention states has focused on the evolutionary exaptation of the inevitable crosstalk between related sets of unconscious cognitive modules (UCM). This has invoked a groupoid treatment of the equivalence class structure arising from information sources 'dual', in a formal sense, to the UCM, via a standard spontaneous symmetry breaking/lifting methodology abducted from statistical physics, and through an index theorem approach based on an Onsager-like stochastic differential equations model. Surprisingly, similar arguments can be applied to the formally 'fuzzy' generalizations that are likely to better fit actual biological complexities.