On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective

RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
1966 days ago
To: @UTIAg @ResearchUTK Needed: policy embracing preprints @PeerJPreprints https://t.co/Isj9qtW813 "On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective" by Sarvenaz Sarabipour​, Humberto J Debat, Edward Emmot , Steven Burgess, Benjamin Schwessinger, Zach Hensel.
1968 days ago
RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
RT @gkalinkat: An #ECR perspective on #preprints https://t.co/NKx1ihpCVi via @PeerJPreprints #phdchat #ecrchat
An #ECR perspective on #preprints https://t.co/NKx1ihpCVi via @PeerJPreprints #phdchat #ecrchat
On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/LDp3DHRcPO via @PeerJPreprints
An ECR perspective on preprints: On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/zWmJwBp3pt via @PeerJPreprints
RT @DocAngNan: #preprints : une bonne stratégie (même) pour les jeunes chercheurs https://t.co/1L5HuI1Z49 via @PeerJPreprints https://t.co/…
#preprints : une bonne stratégie (même) pour les jeunes chercheurs https://t.co/1L5HuI1Z49 via @PeerJPreprints https://t.co/rg0X0gnNws
1971 days ago
RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
RT @scholasticahq: "The current low rate of preprint submissions in life sciences and ECR concerns regarding preprinting needs to be addres…
1971 days ago
On the Value of Preprints: an Early Career Researcher Perspective https://t.co/2BrVWQFRK7 via @scigeist
1971 days ago
RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
"The current low rate of preprint submissions in life sciences and ECR concerns regarding preprinting needs to be addressed."https://t.co/hKlszp8f85 #preprint #peerreview
RT @OpenScienceR: On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/3ubglFmLCG https://t.co/Hfoeisw0Xl
RT @paleorxiv: On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/3qLPRzmPlo HT @PeerJPreprints
On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/SBsHJeFTMa
RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
RT @paleorxiv: On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/3qLPRzmPlo HT @PeerJPreprints
RT @paleorxiv: On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/3qLPRzmPlo HT @PeerJPreprints
RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
RT @sjb015: Our opinion piece on why you should consider #preprints if you are an ECR! @PeerJPreprints by @SSarabipour @humbertodebat @alch…
1972 days ago
On the Value of Preprints: an Early Career Researcher Perspective https://t.co/LMiUdP7him
1972 days ago
RT @RickyPo: On the value of preprints: an early career researcher perspective https://t.co/lkh2I6P5aN