A new paradigm for science: nurturing the ecosystem

2228 days ago
RT @LancasterSci: New preprint out on changing research culture / building new culture/structures for research by reimagining science as a…
New preprint out on changing research culture / building new culture/structures for research by reimagining science as a grassroots, self-organized ecosystem of peers shout outs to @FORsymp @jessicapolka @BiophysicalFrog @open_con @force11rescomm https://t.co/2fMup1W0NQ
2229 days ago
RT @LancasterSci: Our new preprint on ecosystem for scientific careers, highlights #peer2peer #commons #platformcoop #BasicIncome approach…
RT @Orthogonal_Lab: Congrats @LancasterSci! New organizational ecosystems for science: the peer-to-peer decentralized design pattern for co…
RT @Orthogonal_Lab: Congrats @LancasterSci! New organizational ecosystems for science: the peer-to-peer decentralized design pattern for co…
Congrats @LancasterSci! New organizational ecosystems for science: the peer-to-peer decentralized design pattern for collaboration: https://t.co/dhQB55N3uD
RT @IvoValkenburg: A new paradigm for science: nurturing the ecosystem via @mbauwens https://t.co/jftJgmVEqU
RT @Vaguery: A new paradigm for science: nurturing the ecosystem [PeerJ Preprints] https://t.co/alJU1EKGET
RT @IGDOREinstitute: Today @LancasterSci will present @RoninInstitute at #OSMBali. Alex & colleagues have just published a @thePeerJ articl…
A new paradigm for science: nurturing the ecosystem [PeerJ Preprints] https://t.co/alJU1EKGET
2234 days ago
RT @RoninInstitute: Research Scholars Alex Lancaster (@LancasterSci), Anne Thessen (@diatomsRcool) & Arika Virapongse in an all-Ronin colla…
RT @IGDOREinstitute: Today @LancasterSci will present @RoninInstitute at #OSMBali. Alex & colleagues have just published a @thePeerJ articl…
RT @LancasterSci: Our new preprint on ecosystem for scientific careers, highlights #peer2peer #commons #platformcoop #BasicIncome approach…
A new paradigm for science: nurturing the ecosystem via @mbauwens https://t.co/jftJgmVEqU
RT @diatomsRcool: My latest paper is a pre-print at PeerJ https://t.co/9hQn5xidd8 Comments welcome!
RT @mbauwens: RT @LancasterSci: Our new preprint on ecosystem for scientific careers, highlights #peer2peer #commons #platformcoop #BasicI…
2235 days ago
RT @IGDOREinstitute: Today @LancasterSci will present @RoninInstitute at #OSMBali. Alex & colleagues have just published a @thePeerJ articl…
RT @IGDOREinstitute: Today @LancasterSci will present @RoninInstitute at #OSMBali. Alex & colleagues have just published a @thePeerJ articl…
RT @mbauwens: RT @LancasterSci: Our new preprint on ecosystem for scientific careers, highlights #peer2peer #commons #platformcoop #BasicI…
2235 days ago
RT @LancasterSci: Our new preprint on ecosystem for scientific careers, highlights #peer2peer #commons #platformcoop #BasicIncome approaches that could be adopted for research communities & collectives outside trad academia Cc https://t.co/S1p0TQ74p5
RT @LancasterSci: Our new preprint on ecosystem for scientific careers, highlights #peer2peer #commons #platformcoop #BasicIncome approach…
RT @dnjournals: Interesting new @PeerJPreprints by @lancastersci discussing different non-linear scientific career paths, moving away from…
RT @dnjournals: Interesting new @PeerJPreprints by @lancastersci discussing different non-linear scientific career paths, moving away from…
RT @LancasterSci: Our new preprint on ecosystem for scientific careers, highlights #peer2peer #commons #platformcoop #BasicIncome approach…
Interesting new @PeerJPreprints by @lancastersci discussing different non-linear scientific career paths, moving away from traditional academia towards “Nurturing a scientific ecosystem” https://t.co/o9NRDX4x7h