Elementary cellular automata as conditional Boolean formulæ

Independent Researcher, Tulare, California, United States
Subject Areas
Theory and Formal Methods
cellular automata, computational completeness, boolean logic
© 2016 Fleeman y Garcia
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Fleeman y Garcia T. 2016. Elementary cellular automata as conditional Boolean formulæ. PeerJ Preprints 4:e2553v1


I show that any elementary cellular automata -- a class of 1-dimensional, 2-state cellular automata originally formulated by Stephen Wolfram -- can be deconstructed into a set of two Boolean operators; I also present a conjecture concerning the relationship between the set of computationally complete elementary cellular automata rules (such as rule 110, shown in section 2 to be composed of a NAND gate) and the set of elementary cellular automata rules that contain universal Boolean operators (such as rule 52, shown in section 3.1 to contain a universal Boolean operator yet has not been shown as of 2016 to be computationally complete.)

Author Comment

This is a currently unfinished, unpolished preprint submission to PeerJ Preprints. There are some minor formatting and convention errors which will be fixed in later revisions.