Exploring the behavioral reactions to a mirror in the nocturnal grey mouse lemur: sex differences in avoidance
Pauline B. Zablocki-Thomas,
Grégoire Boulinguez-Ambroise,
Camille Pacou,
Justine Mézier,
Anthony Herrel,
Fabienne Aujard,
Emmanuelle Pouydebat
1,480 views · 213 downloads
Variation in the sacroiliac joint in Felidae
Jean-Pierre Pallandre,
Franck Lavenne,
Eric Pellé,
Grégory Breton,
Mélina Ribaud,
Vincent Bels
2,411 views · 429 downloads
Limb myology and muscle architecture of the Indian rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis and the white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum (Mammalia: Rhinocerotidae)
Cyril Etienne,
Alexandra Houssaye,
John R. Hutchinson
3,896 views · 704 downloads
Offshore marine actinopterygian assemblages from the Maastrichtian–Paleogene of the Pindos Unit in Eurytania, Greece
Thodoris Argyriou,
Donald Davesne
2,849 views · 484 downloads