Physical activity modulates mononuclear phagocytes in mammary tissue and inhibits tumor growth in mice
Donald M. Lamkin,
Karen P. Bradshaw,
Janice Chang,
Ma’ayan Epstein,
Jack Gomberg,
Krupa P. Prajapati,
Veronica H. Soliman,
Thezia Sylviana,
Yinnie Wong,
Kouki Morizono,
Erica K. Sloan,
Steve W. Cole
2,724 views · 303 downloads
Identifying MMP14 and COL12A1 as a potential combination of prognostic biomarkers in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using integrated bioinformatics analysis
Jingyi Ding,
Yanxi Liu,
Yu Lai
4,858 views · 1,173 downloads
Functional traits of broad-leaved monocot herbs in the understory and forest edges of a Costa Rican rainforest
Philip W. Rundel,
Arielle M. Cooley,
Katharine L. Gerst,
Erin C. Riordan,
M. Rasoul Sharifi,
Jennifer W. Sun,
J. Alexandra Tower
1,774 views · 375 downloads
Conservation genomics and pollination biology of an endangered, edaphic-endemic, octoploid herb: El Dorado bedstraw (Galium californicum subsp. sierrae; Rubiaceae)
Dylan Burge
1,346 views · 358 downloads