Counter culture: causes, extent and solutions of systematic bias in the analysis of behavioural counts
Joel L. Pick,
Nyil Khwaja,
Michael A. Spence,
Malika Ihle,
Shinichi Nakagawa
1,237 views · 51 downloads
Genomic, biochemical and expressional properties reveal strong conservation of the CLCA2 gene in birds and mammals
Florian Bartenschlager,
Nikolai Klymiuk,
Achim D. Gruber,
Lars Mundhenk
1,246 views · 152 downloads
Enhancing georeferenced biodiversity inventories: automated information extraction from literature records reveal the gaps
Bjørn Tore Kopperud,
Scott Lidgard,
Lee Hsiang Liow
1,604 views · 149 downloads
Molecular identification and first demographic insights of sharks based on artisanal fisheries bycatch in the Pacific Coast of Colombia: implications for conservation
Melany Villate-Moreno,
Juan Camilo Cubillos-M,
Herwig Stibor,
Andrew J. Crawford,
Nicolas Straube
2,674 views · 506 downloads