Applicability and perspectives for DNA barcoding of soil invertebrates
Jéhan Le Cadre,
Finn Luca Klemp,
Miklós Bálint,
Stefan Scheu,
Ina Schaefer
1,682 views · 54 downloads
New records of immature aquatic Diptera from the Foulden Maar Fossil-Lagerstätte, New Zealand, and their biogeographic implications
Viktor O. Baranov,
Joachim T. Haug,
Uwe Kaulfuss
1,207 views · 114 downloads
A new gnathosaurine (Pterosauria, Archaeopterodactyloidea) from the Late Jurassic of Portugal
Alexandra E. Fernandes,
Victor Beccari,
Alexander W. A. Kellner,
Octávio Mateus
6,407 views · 376 downloads
Expanded sampling of New Zealand glass sponges (Porifera: Hexactinellida) provides new insights into biodiversity, chemodiversity, and phylogeny of the class
Martin Dohrmann,
Henry M. Reiswig,
Michelle Kelly,
Sadie Mills,
Simone Schätzle,
Miriam Reverter,
Natascha Niesse,
Sven Rohde,
Peter Schupp,
Gert Wörheide
2,039 views · 85 downloads